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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I think that’s Terron Brown. Might be the best non-Silsbee player in the district.
  2. [Hidden Content] Holton Hill suspended for season. Next man up. Not sure how costly this will be for Hill - latest projections have shown him to be a Top 10 pick. Could drop for disciplinary issues. That makes two top 10 draft picks on our roster unavailable (Hill along with Connor Williams). Jefferson the only first rounder suiting up at this point.
  3. Soooo, you were NOT around when aggy won its only natty. But then again, who was??
  4. I had the same thought yesterday. This attrocity happened in our State, a few hours away, in a house of worship. And when I heard about it, I thought dear Lord, not another one. I was saddened for the families and communities. But not shocked in the least. And that’s pretty sad as well...
  5. Another “domestic terrorist.” Doesn’t matter the race, religion, etc., a terrorist is a terrorist. No need for a trial with this one. He’s already faced the ultimate trial I’m sure. Hellfire cant be too hot for these evil SOBs...
  6. Nah, he’s being facetious. I hope. Otherwise I’m gonna have to add Nash to the list of people I need to avoid...
  7. And the problem is most all of those in DC, whether they have a D OR an R by their name want to do just that. They just want to spend the money on “their stuff.”
  8. This might be a bit off topic but at least tangentially related. And this thread reminded me of when I read this recently. Was anyone else under the false impression that serial killers are almost always white males? I’m certain I’ve heard this recited often, probably in movies/television programs. Anyway, the actual statistics I read from a recent study do show the white/non-Hispanic male is the culprit in a slight majority of serial cases (around 52% iirc), blacks are responsible for around 40% of said cases. If you cross-apply societal demographics, other conclusions can be drawn. However, males are ALMOST always the perps. Now pedophiles, the white male dominates this segment of society’s scumbags. To tune of about 80%.
  9. I got your point, hence the first sentence of my quoted post I think, like the many examples stated, this board is a microcosm of the Capitol. I don’t see much, if any, calling out of instances of wrongdoing from the party they support (note this is calling out both sides, at least a half dozen times I’ve done so this weekend). I do see, however, plenty of excuse making for their “guy,” and again, from both sides. And I’ve heard the constant shatter of glass from stones being thrown from each side, among their respective glass houses. Yes, just another weekend in the life of the political board.
  10. I am calling out people on both sides. That I don’t see too much from this board at all. If ever. And again, the other side is hypocritical so we’ll be hypocritical is discourse/debate at its most juvenile. So in an effort at a bipartisan display of our Washington’s finest who have demonstrated an inability to control impulses created by their nasty bits (involved in scandal involving sex), I will say shame on you to the following who have been outed in the recent administrations. My apologies is it shatters any notion that one side or the other has a greater proclivity for engaging in such shamefulness: Buz Lukens (R-OH) Robert Bauman (R-MD) Jon Hinson (R-MS) Thomas Evans (R-DE) John Schmitz (R-CA) Dan Crane (R-IL) Gerry Studds (D-MA) Gary Hart (D-CO) Ernie Konnyu (R-CA) Jim Bates (D-CA) Teddy Kennedy (D-MA) Barney Frank (D-MA) Gus Savage (D-IL) Arian Stangeland (R-MN) Buz Lukens (R-OH) - Again Austin Murphy (D-PA) Charles S Robb (D-VA) Brock Adams (D-WA) Robert Packwood (R-OR) Ken Calvert (R-CA) Helen Chenoweth-Hage (R-ID) Bob Barr (R-GA) Dan Burton (R-IN) Robert Livingston (R-LA) Newt Gingrich (R-GA) (+one of the most impressive showings of direct hypocrisy in History) Henry Hyde (R-IL) Pete Domenici (R-NM) Bill Clinton (D) Mel Reynolds (D-IL) Gary Condit (D-CA) Ed Schrock (R-VA) Strrom Thurmond (R-SC) Steven LaTourette (R-OH) David Dreier (R-CA) Don Sherwood (R-CA) Mark Foley (R-FL) David Vitter (R-LA) Randall L Tobias (R) Larry Craig (R-ID) Tim Mahoney (D-FL) Viro Fossella (R-NY) John Edwards (D-NC) John Ensign (R-NV) Chip Pickering (R-MS) Eric Massa (D-NY) Mark Souder (R-IN) Chris Lee (R-NY) Anthony Weiner (D-NY) Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) David Wu (D-OR) Herman Cain (R) Vance McAllister (R-LA) Denny Hastert (R-IL) Donald J Trump (R) (some allegedly occurred when he was a democrat though, to be fair) Tim Murphy (R-PA) I don’t care if there is a D, R, or whatever by their name, I say shame on them if they were guilty. I will say that we in Texas must lead the country in coverups. I know of a couple high profile instances (including involving one who is still very much in power) that have never seen the light of day. One of which would make you fellas start vomiting like the dude from the crying game after the big reveal. Anyway, back on topic, contrary to the very thoughtful title of this thread, it looks like both parties have engaged in a massive struggle to see which can be the biggest perverts. What a shocker!!
  11. Yep. Central better come ready to play. Ike has a nice squad this year. I think I’m going to try to get over there in time for that game. Anyone know how big the Campbell Center is? Will seating be an issue?
  12. Are we still buying the locker room talk defense? At least 20 women who have accused over a period of 4 decades. He admits to what several of them described, on tape/video, for a national tv show. BUT it was just locker room talk! I remember in high school/college, sitting around in a locker room bragging about essentially the manual rape of women! Didn’t all you guys?? Again, you guys seem to want to talk about these issues by starting these threads. Personally I will just let each predator (and certainly most if not all of those named) answer for his transgressions if and when they get charged. If not, then one day when they stand before the ultimate judge/jury. But calling out some and then dismissing one, at least put a jacket over the hypocrite shirt. And I’m not going to get in anymore did Trump ever abuse women, did he not argument on here. If you truly believe that you are either in a frightening high level of denial, or more gullible than capable of having a conversation on the issue. I’m not going to defend any of the ones Smitty listed in his OP, anymore than I will defend any from a list of Pubbies I could post, including the Tweeter in Chief.
  13. So since “rules” get set by speeches, should I pull out some of President Trump’s finer speeches (since speeches based on Pubic logic create rules and “precedents.”). I mean, if a single Senator can create a rule and precedent, I guess an actual President can create a super-rule or even a lifestyle, way of thinking, or general principle that should be applied to him, his party, and most certainly anyone who has supported him. Would that upset any of you??? Don’t answer. The answer must be on this board a thousand times
  14. No question. In fact one instance was found to be such by the SCOTUS. The Line Item Veto act sponsored by the Pubbies and passed by Congress allowed Clinton to begin taking a red pen to legislations. SCt said that’s a no no.
  15. Biden gave a speech Tobie, in 1992 that the Pubic Pubbies found, giggling like school girls, and used as justification to urinate, deficate, and other -ates, all over the constitution. You know, the document they “love” even though most have a better grasp of Green Eggs and Ham?
  16. And of course, those Constitution-lovin, right winging, lockstepping Pubes used a speech, A SPEECH, by the VP almost 25 years earlier about what people should do as “precedent.” “Precedent” to completely ignore the document that they wuv so very much!!! So again, impressive display of childishness at best, utter hypocrisy at worst and haven’t a doubt in mind it was a healthy combination of both.
  17. So the Republicans in turn “invoked the precedent” and acted like 2 year olds because “they did it first!!” Yes, yes, no flaws at all in comparing this behavior to a foundational tenet of the appellate justice system.
  18. I love Mark Richt. He might not be the best coach in the game, but few are better human beings. Like his mentor Bobby Bowden, he is a first class individual. I like seeing good things happen to good people. I always rooted for Georgia while he was there; now I guess I have to root for the Canes :/
  19. No doubt. Beck has to go. They’ve hated him everywhere he’s gone. Not sure why Herman thought he was the best available hire with his budget.
  20. No. You don’t sign a confession in a civil suit. You just pay money. The “signed confession” of which I was speaking was the now infamous Billy Bush tape. That was admittedly poorly stated.
  21. My Christmas wish this year is that Miami beats Georgia in the NC game. I know it’s superficial but it would make me happy.
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