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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. SECond to Coastal Carolina. Man I miss Buddy G...
  2. Hmmm, “brunch game” vs Primetime. Same network, same channel. Guess the little sisters game wasn’t as attractive to the worldwide leader. Especially when Texas pulls better numbers, even when playing in a “brunch game.”
  3. And I’ll say it again, Requist and Ginsburg should be an example to us all. You couldn’t pick out two diametrically opposed individuals politically, but they were best of friends. They admired each other’s intellect and respected each other in their work. If only the yo yos across the street could take heed.
  4. I agree with you here as well. But my biggest problem with Thomas is that he’s a terrible justice. I’ve been on record here saying I didn’t agree with much of Rehnquist wrote, but he’s in the SCOTUS HoF in my book. What I don’t get is why the Pubbies (I see you Nash*) are so supportive of the snoozing justice. If ever there was a case of affirmative action gone wrong, it’s that clown. (My Nash reference isn’t about Thomas - I have no idea of his thoughts on him. I know Pubbies is his new favorite term. I’m having a blue and red T-shirt printed as we speak...)
  5. That is a an interesting and thoughtful argument. Although you know it is flawed in the instance discussed. But to your point, sometimes precedents are ignored, or even overturned. Ultimately, judges are to follow the law to which they are bound, even if they determine a previous ruling interpreted a law incorrectly in their estimation. Why else would Roe v Wade still be an issue decades later?
  6. Agree with you pal. And again, Trump’s administration doesn’t have anything to do with that as far as I’m concerned. From what you read, there would be a lot of Presidents who would suffer from that standpoint.
  7. By environmental whacko, I assume you mean a climate denier.
  8. I’ll assume the use of the word “actually” doesn’t mean what it’s supposed to mean. A guy admits on tape and camera to sexually assaulting women, women accuse of him of same, but somehow he didn’t actually do what he was accused of and admitted to doing? Again, Bill did plenty of things that were “deplorable” with women. I’m not going to try and justify what he did, or Harvey Weinstein, or Bill Cosby, or anyone else who has preyed on women. I also haven’t harped on Trump’s obvious “indiscretions” because, like Clinton, I won’t judge his presidency on his sexual exploits. But my head isn’t firmly implanted in the sand either. Or other undisclosed places.
  9. That kid had more drama that Kenny Hill, kyler, and the other kid combined.
  10. Ok, was very careful not to jinx. A&M loses but AAW wins! Circle meets the square! AAW, you might be as good as I was bad at this sports betting.
  11. Dang I knew I knew that name. That’s the Stephenville kid who was taking money from everyone.
  12. They’re still there. Mack says there are ALWAYS at least 100k at Pyle. It’s just “invisible out day.”
  13. This “you did so I did it” excuse I expect from 3rd graders. Once you old enough to drive, that doesn’t fly with me anymore.
  14. That was one of worst abuses by Congress I’ve ever seen. Garland was a good nominee and the Clown show in DC refused to even hold a vote.
  15. Not too quick. Need to score here and let Auburn get a first down or two without scoring.
  16. Need the old BDC for AAW. Those are the best.
  17. Vance Bedford must be the tackling coach at A&M now.
  18. Did that look uncatchable to anyone else?
  19. That dude Ratley can fly by the way.
  20. Need that first half defense back.
  21. Crowd got into it after that piece of homecoming.
  22. Win tonight and that will go a long way. Most, if not all of those teams will lose/lose again.
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