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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. That’s as rare as a pretty aggy cheerleader. I found out why they go with the milkmen during the Harvey basketball game. That was a pretty fugly college dance team. Reminded me of the Revenge of the Nerds: UT’s girls were the Pi Delta Pi’s, aggy’s were the Omega Mu’s...
  2. Lots of empty seats. Tudor Fieldhouse was louder last week.
  3. OF 13 HJ 12 4:35 4th Kicking counts. HJ 0-2 on PATs. Rainey for OF with a PAT and 2 FGs.
  4. I will be the first to admit (and you KNOW I love me some WJC) that Clinton left that proverbial turd in the White House punch bowl. And poor W got blamed (by SOME) for the stench. I need help - I’m starting to sound like Reb. (Edit - obviously I’m not the first to admit it - figure of speech. I’ve seen other people most on this board would deem lefty freely admit the same thing.)
  5. That’s more like it! Tiger fans need a blowout week to calm the nerves. 92 is right - Jekyll and Hyde (or roller coaster).
  6. This Silsbee team needs a killer instinct. Gotta keep your foot on their throat when you have them down!
  7. Nash, did I strike a nerve with “Pubbies?” After all the cute names this board likes to call the Dems, I thought it appropriate. I debated “Pubes” but thought the former to be more tasteful. You know I defer to you on economic issues, but I will say a couple of things that I believe (and have also seen you write - I think - in the past). One, Clinton was, by most accounts, one of the most deep and forward-thinking, astute Presidents we’ve had in terms of economic policy. BUT (and here’s my reference to you) he played a large part in the housing policies that ended a colossal failure. And two, I have actually read a lot on this issue (and if I recall, have heard you state this as well), and most of the so-called experts will say that Presidents (and certainly Congress) get way too much credit for robust economies and way too much blame for the opposite. I apologize if I’ve misremembered anything but I’m convinced REBgp has infected me with his contagious senility.
  8. The real genius of both men is they were able to reach across the aisle and work with the other party btw. Something at which their successors have failed miserably. The current has enough problems working with his own party.
  9. No offense, but I will take republican appointee Greenspan’s assessment over the rhetoric of this board. And besides, I have given Reagan credit on here often, even though he had a Democratic Congress during his administration. Somehow, Pubbies have a hard time doing the same.
  10. [Hidden Content] Greenspan said Clinton and former President Nixon were "by far the smartest presidents I've worked with." Greenspan writes, "I played no role in finding the answer, but I had to admire the one Clinton and his policymakers came up with." Greenspan reserves his highest praise for Bill Clinton, whom he described in his book as a sponge for economic data who maintained "a consistent, disciplined focus on long-term economic growth."
  11. Assuming they don’t extend Sumblin again.
  12. Wow. Sounds like somebody knows something. And Vegas didn’t get built by being wrong very often. I didn’t think Chucky would come back for a college job but shoes you how attractive the Vols job is. Coincidentally that would also be great news for aggy. That would help, especially given they are at best the third best job open in their own conference.
  13. I think Tobie misread who you were calling well versed. Not because I think he should think I am well versed by any stretch, but I doubt he’s complaining about me not calling out anything in my party since I’m a Democrat (and I have called out people in my party at times). It’s a shame people on this board can’t get along with any better than the folks in DC. I will say that I have had conversations in person with Nash, BSWildcats, and way too many with REBGp. And at least from my end, I’ve enjoyed them without exception. They all know we differ politically but it hasn’t affected any friendships in the slightest.
  14. One thing I see too much on this board, on both sides, is people presuming to know what others have endured or what it is like to walk in the shoes of someone else when you really can’t if you haven’t actually been in their shoes. In a perfect world, race would be a non-issue, period. I can tell you, with our kids’ generation, we are much closer to that perfect world thankfully. I know there are as many exceptions but I watched mine and their diverse groups of friends on countless days/nights and have yet to see color enter the equation. They are all cognizant of their racial differences obviously, but I have yet to see any of the kids, black or white, care about any of that. Their friends are their friends and that’s the end of it. On the other hand, and unfortunately, we as the adults often times become fixated on this subject. And as surely as I post this, someone will respond and justify why they are in the right. And as in most things in this life, there is probably plenty of blame to go around. If you are a believer, you believe that God made us all and I don’t believe He makes mistakes. I don’t know what it’s like to experience racism. I have never been so victimized. But people I love have experienced it and the only thing I can do is try to empathize with them and show them that I love them regardless of what color God painted them. Again, I truly believe that today’s youth will cure a lot of these ills (if we don’t screw them up). And to be honest, despite the conventional wisdom that adults should teach the children, I also wholeheartedly believe we should be the students on this particular subject.
  15. I don’t know Cam, we have met at some point but I don’t think so. However, I have some vey good friends who know him well and speak very highly of him, which is generally good enough for me. I also am well aware of some of his work. Anyone who dedicates his time working with and trying to advance the youth of our communities ranks highly with me.
  16. TxHoops


    Congrats to your boy! Really enjoyed the song.
  17. I thought it was all about the conference with you SEC goobs. If so, Big 10 > Sun Belt. Although based on this year with Troy and ULaLa, it appears the Sunny Belt matches up pretty favorably with the SECond to many conference. But the bright side is you all have two jocks to ride this year instead of one, thanks to Kirby and Georgia. So it shouldn’t be nearly as smelly as usual. HTH.
  18. I’m not sure either. I was told (and I’m sure Abe or one of the other Bulldog faithful can verify), that Hefner was the first freshman to start as a freshman out of the gate. He impressed me during the season, and even more so during the summer. Good kid, good family, and obviously exceedingly bright. I don’t know how much he will continue to grow but every inch at this point is huge. He already has good heighth for a guard. He continues to work and improve, he will stock pile offers with the visibility he will have. Good news for him is the Aggies and Kennedy have already offered. I don’t know what his ultimate goal is in terms of college but I know he already has a sibling in Aggieland. Pretty nice to have that in your pocket before you take a single shot as a sophomore. But knowing the kid, I think we are only scratching the surface at how good he can be.
  19. Now let’s not discount Troy St. Just because they lost the following week to South Alabama (in their first season playing football again after an extended absence), doesn’t mean those Trojans can’t play ball. In fact, their defense is very prophylactic...
  20. UAA circuit coaches: Jeff McInnis, Tim Legler, Mike Rice, George Zedan to name a few. A couple of former NBA’ers, a D1 College Coach, and one of the most respected high school coaches in California. You might call them “real coaches;” Not exactly shoe salesmen-type resumés. Personally I would put any of those guys might be on the short list of Best coaches in SETX high school ball, if they were coaching here...
  21. I agree but it’s one of the Elite CFB brands with a Heisman douc....err, contender. They win out they will get in.
  22. What does aggy know about football? Big 12 was done. I mean sitting at 5 and 8, certainly there is no scenario where they get in. Lol
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