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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. One isn't a move in. Jamyus Jones went to Sabine Pass previously but has resided in PA throughout. He is will certainly help this team. Not sure who the other one is.
  2. See above. I'm not afraid of anything of the sort. I am positive on the other hand that you don't understand. Again, I sincerely hope the above clears it up for you. I'm afraid I have spent too much time on your edification.
  3. BUT to spell it out for you, someone asked if I thought more racists were republican. I said certainly most republicans weren't (in direct contradiction of one of your premises of MY point). Then I said that I would bet that most of the idiots who marched on Charlottesville WERE Trump supporters. After which I posted a video of Duke (their keynote speaker to be at the event) saying THEY believed they were carrying out Trump's campaign promises or something to that effect. So your diatribe of how I was branding an entire party, along with some examples to the contrary that were a little less recent than last week (to say the least) was off point, off issue and otherwise irrelevant to the discussion. Maybe that will save you some time...
  4. You wouldn't fare any better with him. If you can't read and comprehend the posts, can't help you.
  5. I was telling the wife that once. Can't pigeon hole you. We each have some views that would be labeled as the opposing party view.
  6. Nor is a claim of responsiveness just because you didn't bother to read several posts above the video. Not to mention a lot of incorrect suppositions, some of which are directly contraverted by the same posts you apparently didn't bother to read....
  7. We were talking about who those idiots identify with. So sorry - you missed it. Apparently. And nobody said it was different. Except for maybe this one way argument you are having in your head - off topic.
  8. Since I guess you missed the point of this whole discussion (although there is a several posts to make it clear), I will attempt to make this response relevant: I will concede that Mr. King supported President Obama
  9. I appreciate that pal and can tell you his response will be the same. As would BSW's - both refuse to categorize me as a liberal
  10. No. But in the present day, I would say the vast majority are. I would wager you would be hard pressed to find a democrat supporter in the white supremacists in Charlottesville last week. Comversely, they were quite vocal in their support for Trump. I think he did a fine job of proving why in his post-tragedy comments, especially yesterday.
  11. I take umbrage with the bold portion, REB. I'm fairly certain I've done this before on this site. Or if I haven't, I will admit that's I am wrong in admitting that I was previously wrong. Either way, you can now remove "any" from that assertion
  12. Obviously all Republicans are not racist. I would hope that a majority are not. But as I've heard said, if you ARE a racist and looking for a party, take a right.
  13. Big 10 pretty solid too: Meyer, Harbaugh, Fitzgerald, Ferentz, etc.
  14. that is one of the best quips I've ever read on this board! Kudos sir!!
  15. By the way, you should be ashamed of yourself Nash:
  16. Do you really believe that I believe that all conservatives are intellectually inferior? Conversely, I routinely see a lot of broad strokes painted about liberals by your conservative brethren. And also to whom, many of the assertions you set forth could be applied. Except for tolerance and inclusion, of course. Now let me know if you need me to send someone to Sour Lake to remove that hook from your mouth
  17. No doubt. I feel like such a troll now...
  18. No, I'm not sure I could have foreseen someone taking so much time to present an issue which is completely removed from any point I was making. You will never see me arguing against free speech, except when it evolves (or more appropriately devolves) beyond the protections of the First Amendment. But thanks for the "lesson." I had the great privilege (although it very much seemed a burden at the time) to study this subject under the late, great Charles Alan Wright. Many considered him the most brilliant constitutional law mind in the country. And he was a "conservative," who struggled with the fact that all of his closest friends were liberals
  19. Well obviously there are more dumb people than smart in this world Steve. Duh!
  20. He will get plenty of offers. When you start for Boo at PG on a 13-3 EYBL team, you are going to get offers. Coupled with the game he has, he is now on a stage where you are going to be "seen." The likelihood of him ending up at a mid major not the likes of a Wichita State is very, very slim.
  21. Yes your party is in such great shape. Control of the White House and congress and still can't manage to even get that big bad Obamacare repealed. Talk about a trainwreck lol
  22. I was speaking more to the public education system. And jokes aside, I have always respected A&M academically.
  23. Although certainly an inferior education plays a part, especially in eradication, the primary blame probably lies at home. Ignorance begets ignorance...
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