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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I have it on good authority that that whole debacle was started by A&M exchange students. That has been "normal" behavior in College Station for decades....
  2. You and I aren't far off pal. I think everyone has a right to exercise their religious beliefs. If a law were passed saying gays couldn't buy a cake anywhere, I'd have a problem with it. When the government gets involved in passing out who gets rights and who doesn't, I also have a problem with it. Good Lord, I'm starting to sound like Nash :/
  3. So there's not really a little dude named Vag??
  4. In Texas, I believe the vast majority of voters vote for judges based upon party affiliation. And in Texas, not just Jeff Co, that greatly benefits the GOP candidates. The 9-0 breakdown on the high court supports that hypothesis. I don't doubt your theory in your county, but the reverse is also true in many counties. The bottom line is it takes work to analyze races that aren't fed to you on a daily basis and most people (Dem or Pub) are too lazy to do their homework. And clown shows for courts are the result. I have voted for many, many Republicans for judicial positions over the years. I believe diversity is beneficial on the appellate level and I appreciate a good legal mind, regardless of party affiliation. As for the new law re: straight ticket voting, I also suspect that it was passed with ulterior motives. But your analysis of one of the 254 counties in Texas is not the motive. It is, in my opinion, part of the GOP belief that they should make voting as onerous as possible. Read into that what you will.
  5. I wasn't saying the majority of christians. But despite the what the guy with the tin foil hat might believe, the majority of this country (by US Census data) are white and the majority identify as Christian. And the majority of US citizens support gay marriage/rights, not breaking down that majority by religious beliefs. And I understand the religious right's stance on the issue. I also know there is a separation of church and state in this country. I'm not gay but I have friends and family who are. If the "moral police" are right, they will answer to God. As for me, I will go with the "to each his own" or "live and let live." They aren't affecting me...
  6. Which part that you highlighted is "Connie-Lib fantasy"? Or did you lose control of your faculties, Reagan/Smitty?
  7. The majority of the people in this country are both white and identify as Christians. The majority also support gay marriage/rights. I have seen a lot of comments on today's ruling about if you don't like it, move to California. But Texas is part of the United States and the SCOTUS is the high court of the land. I could also suggest to those homophobes that if they don't like some of the laws in the United States, you could move to some Muslim countries who have similar stances on those gays...
  8. I've heard of kids being named "Shithead" with varying pronunciations. I gotta say, I thought that was awful but this one is even worse. In all seriousness, if you have such little regard for your child's well being that you would name him this, you have no business raising such child...
  9. [Hidden Content] I knew we had one of the worst high courts in the country (largely due to straight ticket voting imo) but these bozos either don't know their role, or are completely incapable of reading and comprehending an opinion (Obergefell). Sadly, it might be both. Nevertheless, strike this up as another opinion that will be flipped after further appeals which should have been unnecessary.
  10. Man, there's a blast from the past. I loved JLH as well.
  11. She would be the Mary Matalin to my James Carville politically. But she is extremely bright (even though she's a lawyer) and has been endowed with other gifts as well. I don't agree with her most of the time, but I do like her...
  12. I must admit I am partial to Kimberly Guilfoyle...for a variety of reasons....
  13. I usually can't sit through 6 minutes of FoxNews either but the entertainment value of that "interview" got me through it.
  14. OMG - Trump admits to creating fake news! #hardhittingjournalism
  15. Don't forget golf bud. It all boils down to football in this state and always will (even though some of us prefer the round ball). We will see if the right hire was made this time.
  16. Deal but if you get frisky, I'm blaming the vodka and not the juice.
  17. I'm bringing one to the next game and you're drinking it. It's for science pal. You can do it.
  18. You're getting plenty of agreement from the left as well lately. The SPLC has done some good work on some issues imo, but there are plenty of instances where they would have been better suited to "stay in their lane." Nawaz has some very valid points.
  19. Nederland's Hayden Hefner has received an offer from Coach Sampson and the Houston Cougars. Congrats Hayden! First of many...
  20. [Hidden Content] but of course, the New York Times, Washington Post, etc. is "fake news." Meanwhile, Trump has appeared on Alex Jones' show and given his outfit credentials. Yes, Alex Jones...the fella who preaches Sandy Hook was a hoax by gun opponents and claims juice boxes are being filled with chemicals to make our children gay...
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