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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. And one more parting gift from Brooklyn next year! And cap space for a max deal. Go Celts!
  2. He's so good at distributing the ball he really doesn't have to shoot it much. Kid is a tremendous talent, his brothers much less so. But his dad is becoming such a distraction, I feel sorry for him. Hard enough for a 19 yo kid to handle the pressures of being a pro, then he has to deal with the side circus. Will be interesting to see how he handles it. As for the Lakers, that's a match made in hell. Can't stand them so I can't decide if I want them to take him or not...
  3. I agree 100% Rake. When we stoop so far as to start minimizing other sports (one of which was by a fan of a school who has made a tremendous leap forward in that sport due to a great hire and dedication of its kids), we really need to evaluate why we post. Kids do read this board and I'm sure they love to hear their accomplishments are unimportant. Is that what is meant? Of course not. Is that the message that is sent? Absolutely. I'm by no means a baseball guy anymore than I'm a soccer guy. Both are too slow paced for my liking. But I'm proud of all the kids from this area who have worked hard at their craft and are enjoying the fruits of their work. Silsbee and BC included, both of whom had playoff seasons in all 3 of the major sports among others. I agree with WOSgrad about the feasibility of a "smack talk" board. And who would want to moderate that. As far as AAW, this board is not possible without all the time he devotes to it and who among us has not thoroughly enjoyed at least one of his many broadcasts, not only for the Tigers but also other schools. And I don't know that I've ever seen him start one of these "detours"; I have seen him respond to some...he probably struggles like I do to jump in when someone posts something he believes is a bit ridiculous. And as humans, we are never always correct in our beliefs and assumptions. Soooo, my suggestion for those who do enjoy some ribbing and smack talk - venture over to the college or pro sports board and fire away. PhatMack, UTfanatic, BandwagonRanger, baddog, BSWildcats, teamfirst, king, myself, and others enjoy plenty of that over there. And unlike with our HS kids, these subjects involve guys who are either paid a lot of money to play or coach, or are getting a high priced education to do so. They aren't reading this board and if they do, they are adults who can take it. My 2 cents. Thanks again for the thread Rake. We don't always agree but I do ALWAYS enjoy your contributions to this board
  4. Hopefully we will be much improved. Think I'm going to venture out to Portland for the PK80 during Thanksgiving (sorry aggy, adidas teams need not apply). Should be fun regardless - going to see a couple of our kids that will be playing for OU and Georgetown. And my son loves Duke BB almost as much as UT hoops. But a strong Longhorn showing would be icing on the cake.
  5. C'mon - nut job is really the part of the statement that's concerning?? #forestforthetrees
  6. As opposed to his own quote about shooting someone on 5th Ave? #poorblindsheeple lol
  7. Not exactly true. Any Mustang players in the field who ran in (and therefore out of their positions) would have been likewise ejected under the "spirit of the rule." But again, it was handled appropriately in my opinion, and was also much ado about nothing. No kids got out of line in their actions and a hard fought game was completed. Good for the umpires for keeping their heads in the ordeal.
  8. WAY to rep the OC Cards! Sorry I doubted you. Keep it rolling and keep making believers!
  9. C'mon tobie. Ailes may have been a sexual predator but he didn't do anything that our President hasn't bragged about! Oh I forgot, that's just "locker room talk."
  10. I haven't been as hard on him as most, because I thought there might be a method to his madness. Now I think he's just "mad." Proud of Leahy for providing him with a verbal b^tch slap. She's even hotter now to me. This dude needs a real slapping though...
  11. "Why did Trump call you 'Nut Job Comey' to the Russians and what did he mean when he said he was taking the pressure off by firing you?" Yeah, maybe I'd start with that....
  12. I agree. If WOS wins the flip, I would roll with JD in a one gamer and take my chances.
  13. There was no reason to turn that into an ejection fest. No one touched an opponent and all the players were out of the dugout. To eject both teams (which is all you could do) would have been a cluster>|%~. Umpires and coaches did a great job getting the situation under control quickly IMO.
  14. I think there was plenty going both ways. I saw what you are talking about and big brother told him to play ball. The team that battled hard but came up short will be rooting for the Stangs from here on out. The better team tonight is moving on. So should the "adults."
  15. Runners at 1st and 2nd for OF in top of 7th with one out. very chippy game thus far.
  16. True. But he is projected to be first pick in draft. KD was a one and done and great for the program. And like Bamba, he always maintained his education was important. He proved it by buying a condo in Austin and going back each off season to earn his degree. And Bamba is one of those kids who will immediately be a force. Joining one of the top incoming PGs (which we desperately needed), I'm excited about this year. And if we do find success, no telling what kind of recruiting Shaka is capable of.
  17. We have #3 or #4 class now, only behind UK and Duke on most lists. After an 11 win season. Jones should be back as well. I still am a huge Shaka fan and believe he can make this an elite program. And he's definitely building. As for Mo Bamba, he's a special kid. This is probably my favorite commitment statement I've ever read. He will be a great ambassador for the 40 acres: [Hidden Content]
  18. Unlike the "free thinking" encouraged by the likes of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh
  19. I like the theory in general. Don't burn your 1 against the other team's ace, especially if you think your 1 is significantly better than their 2. I don't think that's the case with these two teams but when you get a dub against arguably the best arm in the district (I said arguably WOS peeps), that's a monster win.
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