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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Does that freshman ever throw BP? What an outing for that young man. BC has caught fire at the perfect time.
  2. Yeah, saw he resigned from his law firm to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Honestly, Trump may be the most litigious man in America. It may be hard to find someone in a top fiirm whose firm wasn't involved at some point with a Trump case. Mueller has a sterling reputation. Sometimes, you are better off not having someone who has been involved too closely with you. They end up bending over backwards the other way to avoid looking biased.
  3. I think that's why we get along so well pal. Both of us enjoy laughin' a whole lot more than arguin'!
  4. That's actually a solid appointment by Rod Rosenstein IMO.
  5. No charge for the lesson. And I've been many things in my life, stringer for a couple of different weeklies was one one of them.
  6. Whoever came up with has way too much time on their hands but God bless em! It was on Fallon's show but I think they pulled it from somewhere else. We all need more laughter in our lives...
  7. Oooooh, powerlineblog and newsbusters.org! Stop, just stop. And just because you don't understand how reporting has worked (since the beginning of journalism), despite it being explained, doesn't make it fake. Although I will say your views of the press does very much resemble those of Trump. Interestingly, his vocal criticism very much mirrors the rantings of another ego-maniacal world leader, Putin.
  8. I go back and forth on Richt. I always root for him though. One of the best men in the coaching profession. Who learned from maybe the finest gentleman to ever grace a sideline - Bobby B.
  9. Wow. The Post is a commie fake-newspaper. You literally start threads with links to "theconservativetreehouse.com". Literally. But I would never refer to such a site as a fascist, pro-nazi website. Even if I had ever heard of it before...
  10. That description has never been used in conjunction with a Vidor basketball player. Ever.
  11. Ok, this is pretty funny:
  12. Says the guy who lives in a district with probably the nicest facilities in the state, per capita. And I've always greatly admired Evadale for that. In terms of Vidor, their situation is a bit different from BC's. BC did not NEED new facilities. Many wanted them, and that is fine. If you have been inside the Vidor HS lately (and I was last semester), they badly need a new school. Not stadium or gym. A school. For learning. But whether it's "wants" or "needs," ultimately it's up to the voters. If they don't see fit to place importance on education, maybe people who do will leave and find a community that does...
  13. Was that the Felts/Statum team? If so that was longer than 4 years, huh? That team went deeper than 3 maybe though. Think they lost to Jasper pretty close to state.
  14. Trump's biggest problem is, and will continue to be he can't keep his big mouth shut. I don't know how ANYONE would find this hard to believe. He is undoubtedly a world class narcissist (not that he's the first to hold that office). But he simply seems to be someone who is almost impossible to temper.
  15. Cougar is almost certainly correct. Based on the careful wording of McMaster's statement, rest assured it was edited, if not prepared by Trump's legal team. Which is not unusual. Given the scope of these allegations, almost anyone in that position would invoke legal advice. As to the Washington Post's report, where some of you are suspicious of "anonymous" or "unnamed" sources, what you need to know is what that means in practice. The Post is an "old school" newspaper with strict reporting guidelines. If a source refuses to go on record, their information must be confirmed by another independent source for the story to go to press. So what this means is at least 2 people confirmed the same information circulated. Does that mean these sources are correct or incapable of lying for whatever reason? Of course not. But to think he Post would fabricate this story is just unrealistic at best.
  16. All these denials would play better if they could keep their buffoon, errr boss off of Twitter...
  17. Syntax I guess. Or maybe poorly worded. Meant it is where BC is weakest (vs other parts of their game), versus other years where it has been their stength.
  18. BC's bats have heated up. But they will face better pitching than they have seen since district. I have to pick against the OC team here. The difference is pitching. Silsbee has the deepest staff in the district imo. And that is the one area where, unlike recent years, BC is weakest.
  19. Jimmy Carter was a terrible president in my opinion, but, also in my opinion, is the best of all former presidents and I greatly respect him because of it. H.W. and Clinton have also worked a lot of worthy causes, often together. I would hope Obama would do the same. His popularity around the world is such he could do a lot of good. He's only a few months removed from office so it's premature to say the least. I will be greatly disappointed if he doesn't.
  20. Color me shocked that Trump's NSA issued a denial. I thought they would come out and confess immediately But, Englebert my friend, I genuinely hope the report is false and it was a lot premature. Because, if true, it's not good for our country which means it's bad for all of us.
  21. I didn't think many of you would. Granted, The Washington Post is no "theconservativetreehouse.com", but it is a publication that is probably more adept than most at covering D.C. I think they may have broken a presidential scandal or two over its 140 year-old history. It's funny, I read over and over that liberals don't want dialogue, or they are sheeple, etc., on this site. But I have read plenty over the past 8 years who were critical of various things President Obama did (and even wrote some of them myself). I havent read the same criticism from hardcore conservatives on this site yet. I read a lot of, he wasn't my first choice. But mostly when it comes to specifics, it's "I don't believe that." I guess we shall see. But in terms of the criticism of the left, it's at best hypocritical, and at worst the panther calling the sheep black... Which is why I don't post often on this board and consider the dialogues here fruitless most of the time.
  22. Seems like someone else is more dangerously affiliated with communists. Smh [Hidden Content]
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