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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I believe J'Covan Brown (Kelly/Memorial) is still playing overseas. Turkey last I heard.
  2. Awesome and well deserved experience for those boys. As grad said, soak it in and enjoy!
  3. A mid major that will continue to bust your arse in everything not moral victory. Poor aggy ... more specifically recruiting. Don't worry, the blip is over. Continue to bask in your mediocrity lol
  4. They are never going to win that division as long as King Nick is in T Town. In all fairness, they are competing with the best there ever was. And we are talking about aggy... I argued the other day that the GOAT coaches in the NFL, CFB, NBA and CBB are all active coaches (Belichik, Saban, Pop & Coach K). Certainly that isn't inarguable, but I really believe that. And Nick is probably the strongest argument of the 4...
  5. If he is, he has been busy coordinating summer leagues/tournaments for the next guy. Seems like business as usual over at the Pound...
  6. Unfortunately, like with many things in life, perception can become reality. Personally, I have seen other schools (even within the district) whose players play way more dirty than Silsbee. In fact, in the games I've seen, Silsbee has played good, aggressive defense (which I love to see) but has otherwise conducted themselves appropriately. I can't say the same with every school in the district. However, deservedly or not, Silsbee has gotten the reputation that doesn't jive with my personal observations. And obviously I haven't seen a tenth of the games AAW has. But when you have that rep, and then you have an incident like what happened, you sometimes faced heightened consequences. My hope is that Tigers take heed to the warning and show exemplary behavior in the coming season(s). Because they have a chance to do more special things and will be fun to watch on their quest.
  7. I love when you talk math. Makes me feel less geeky...
  8. Very little good can come from high school kids at on a beach vacation with other kids where alcohol is readily available. I know many much older than aren't mature enough to handle that responsibility. Even if they abstain, they are still potentially in harm's way. Just a personal belief that my wife and I share that my kids don't necessarily like. I realize that some of the kids allegedly involved were young college students, but still not legal drinking age. As REBgp correctly pointed out, kids and alcohol can be a recipe for disaster.
  9. In the meantime, I would say we should pray for ALL of those involved in this case, the kids and their families. Regardless of the outcome, there is going to be a significant amount of healing that will need to occur (and not just physically) and that is one of the biggest shames of this whole situation.
  10. Just an outstanding post. Some may tire of my constant preaching of the presumption of innocence on this board. But it is one of the cornerstones of this country and one that so many seem to forget or disregard. You are 100% correct. None of us are in a position to judge anyone in this case. Those that are able to see all of the evidence will have that responsibility.
  11. As a parent, I can't imagine a single thing worse than this.
  12. The evil that exists in this world is both sickening and terrifying. Prayers for the family of the victim.
  13. It won't be an issue anymore when it stops being an issue. I believe it will get better with time, with the majority of racists being from the older generation. Unfortunately, some of them are spawning young racists, and I don't know if it will ever be eradicated. I deal and socialize with people of color every day. I frequently have them in my home. I've found that no matter the race, religion, orientation of a person, if you treat them with kindness, respect, and dignity, 99.9% of the time you get that in return. But when you spew ignorant crap out of your mouth (or fingers on Twitter), you will find the opposite to be true. As for Dez, I am guessing part of what Tobie is saying is actions speak louder than words. I am a lifelong Cowboy fan but have never been a huge Dez fan. His conduct and attitude have not been exemplary in representing his team or his race.
  14. Thanks pal. I browse some...I just rarely post anymore. Some folks are just too far gone for saving (Of course I'm kidding my buddies over here )
  15. I agree. I have no idea who the person is who sent him this. He just said it was someone he trusts. I also find it odd all the surrounding passengers seemed so supportive of him. If he had been behaving this way, you would think some of them would have spoken up.
  16. Okay, this is from a close college friend of mine who retired from the USAF and now flies commercially. He has a connection from the flight and in question and received the following via text. He says he trusts the source completely. I tried to post the actual text but I couldn't figure out how to resize the photo so it would post: Here's the rest of the story… And it's a good one. Being a Republic employee I'd rather not post it publicly. United solicited volunteers. The "Dr" and his wife willingly got off the plane and was booked a hotel and flight the next day. They then decided they could not wait until the next day and ran back on the plane. They asked them to deplane several times. When he refused they called the airport police Who again asked them to deplane several times. The Dr then spit on the officer and also swung to hit the officer. Then the Videos start rolling. His 2 Front teeth were knocked out by the armrest during the struggle. He then played as if he was dying having his wife filming him the whole time while off the AC. He then jumps up and runs back on the plane and hangs onto the FA galley curtain claiming he is ready to die and also runs to the back of the plane. Blood gets on the plane so they have to deplane the AC to clean the blood.
  17. Very well deserved. He has done a masterful job managing what he has. His job is a lot harder than the casual observer realizes. The way he has handled his kids the last two years has been remarkable to me. Congrats to Coach Sig!
  18. Heck of an outing for Noah regardless by the way... and I agree with you...silsbee is going to be a VERY dangerous playoff team with that pitching depth. If they can keep those bats going...well not going to jinx anything but hopefully will be a deep and interesting run...
  19. Is Partain's arm okay or is it just rest?
  20. Holy crap! This dude obsesses over daddy even when cruising??!??
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