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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I'm guessing Dill was lighting it up. When he gets hot, look out...
  2. Don't ever worry about stating an honest opinion. I enjoy listening to AAW's broadcasts as much as anyone. But I too was flipping around at 10 hoping to see some highlights. I understand in the early rounds you can't cover everyone when so many teams are in. I was just hoping with Silsbee playing on a different night than the Beaumont and Mid-County schools, they would have gotten some tv coverage. Not mad and I understand those guys work hard. But was hoping I was going to see some. So don't apologize about an opinion several share. But we will look forward to your future highlights!!
  3. I believe they have. I know they were missing 2 of their best 3 players when they lost by 2 to #2 ranked Santa Rosa earlier this year. I would still put La Marque as a heavy favorite to win their region now at full strength. They may be a favorite against anyone but Dallas Madison. And that could be an interesting game if it happens.
  4. Conversely, I don't think the Tigers need any extra motivation or distractions. All eyes on the prize, not Twitter!
  5. If you call "lies" "mistaken facts" or as Kellyanne phrased it "alternative facts," they aren't lies after all. Silly liberals!
  6. But, he was given that information!
  7. That's another good one. While I understand the sentiment to an extent (the shooter should be the first one to know if a shot is clearly off or not and where it is off), you make a good point about the accuracy of a shooter who is sprinting to the rim on release. This one has also peeved me in the past. I was watching on of these summer league games where schools play each other. Due to UIL rules, typically a dad or someone close to the coach is coaching the team. I observed one of these dad-types yelling at a kid to follow his shot when a 3 was taken from the top of the key. Meanwhile, and predictably, this team was getting torched on fast breaks due to having no one back on defense. When I explained (politely) after the game that a shooter at that spot can't follow his shot because he has "floor balance" responsibility, I could tell I might as well have been speaking Mandarin Chinese...
  8. Mack's butt is puckered tighter than a sheep's at a drunken Corps party...
  9. To paraphrase Gloria from White Men Can't Jump, sometimes when you win, you actually lose. Porter is the last team from that district I'd want to play right now. They are red hot, riding an 11 game win streak, I believe.
  10. They didn't play last year with the same coaches. But my understanding is they both agreed which side of the bracket they wanted to be on based on the FB teams. Then it seems like the FB teams pulled a switcheroo. Could be wrong but I remember hearing something along those lines.
  11. That's a live ball. If it hits something (like a cord or bar) that is not part of the backboard, it is a dead ball. But the top of the backboard is not out of play.
  12. I thought Pasadena was eliminated? Winner of Rayburn and LaPorte will end up 7-7 and Pasadena sits at 5-8.
  13. My issue is the suspension pending investigation. While I understand and support why this is done when the safety or welfare of the kids are involved (i.e., assaultive allegations, sexual or otherwise), I don't in situations like this. I'm sure there must be some policy requiring it. But if there is, I don't agree with the policy. In this country, you're innocent until proven guilty. And to cost a coach most of the season and deprive the kids of their coach based on the "allegations" of a couple of parents is a travesty. Especially when it sounds like he's going to end up being cleared anyway.
  14. True and I think Reb could. Just might take a few days...
  15. I have seen snowbirding like that since 2013-14 Silsbee....
  16. Refs are going to go overboard to try and control games Silsbee is involved in, especially around here. It seemed like even in some other games they had marching orders about calling it tight to keep things from getting out of hand. Although it loosened up a bit in the second half of the game I was at so maybe it will pass sooner rather than later.
  17. I was talking about this one: "I agree with just about everything in this post. I really believe both sides will be on their best behavior. As far as the last sentence, that will be an interesting matchup for sure. But don't be surprised if Bush is the best player on the floor on Friday . That little joker can go. "
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