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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I agree. I would hope that as adults, the fans would be able to behave themselves. Although some of what I've seen on social media today sickened me as much as anything that transpired last night. But bring a couple of more uniforms in there Friday and that usually people be on their best behavior.
  2. Dove can't go to Memorial home games Nash. The band wreaks havoc with his hearing aids...
  3. Here's to a good, clean, competitive game for those who will be playing. I expect both sides to be on their best behaviors and hopefully the fans and spectators will follow suit.
  4. I apologize if this has already been posted but just saw where JP White, the longtime "voice of the Tigers" or "Tiger Voice" passed away and was laid to rest in the past week. I didn't know him personally but I have heard nothing but good things about the man and I know he was a mentor and dear friend of AAW's. Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. Also, did he post here under the handle "Usedtobetigervoice" or something similar a few years back?
  5. Coy is a fine young man who is one of heck of an athlete. Love to see great kids rewarded. I don't know Casey but I'm sure the same could be said. Congrats to both!
  6. And believe me there was plenty of garbage thrown their way over the past two years. But that was an EXTREMELY disciplined team. I've drawn parallels as well to Mustang football with Tiger basketball. To me, Silsbee can be just as dominant and has the opportunity to bring home the ultimate prize this year as well as the next two at least. But they are going to have to learn to use restraint. If you watched the Mustangs play at all this year, you saw them play with a ton of emotion too. But it was mostly restrained, especially in the face of some inflammatory situations. Again, I hope we are all rooting for those involved to learn from this so they become better young men from the lesson.
  7. Haven't seen it and don't know how it was handled. You commented that HJ issues a one game suspension for technical fouls and used it as an example of appropriate discipline. I just pointed out Sigler suspended a kid for 2 games for that behavior.
  8. A player from Silsbee got a 2 game suspension for a technical foul (issued for mouthing to a ref) earlier this season.
  9. Folks, these are kids who did very dumb things and should be appropriately punished. But let's be careful with all this jail and criminal charges talk. Let the respective districts have a chance to mete out punishments. Personally, I'm sick about this whole ordeal. Good kids on both sides made some serious mistakes that I'm sure they wish they could take back. As for the one drawing most of the ire (and not undeservingly), I've known the kid for several years, love the kid, and know he's better than that. But you can't do what he did any time, any place or for any reason. My prayers are for the coaches and administrators tasked with making very tough decisions and for the kids who will hopefully take stock and learn some very serious life lessons from this ordeal.
  10. Couldn't agree more. Have heard complaints about WOS's band as well. But they aren't nearly as loud as Memorial's. Honestly makes me not want to go to games at PAM because they are so loud it makes it hard to enjoy the game at times.
  11. Here is part of the issue I've noticed. Silsbee has several players who play with a lot of emotion. The majority of the team plays very physical defense. I personally love to see the game played that way and it IS the way the game is played at the highest level. In the same way, some of LCM's better players play the same way (Brown and Simmons to name two). Again, I enjoy watching the game played that way. (Some on both teams are a little to "chirpy" for my taste and don't think you have to talk when playing physical and with emotion but I'm an old timer and this is not uncommon). The problem is with a lot of opposing fans, they are used to watching little Petey playing little dribblers or junior high basketball where the refs blow the whistle for every touch. They start yelling at the refs for not calling fouls and claim the other team is playing "dirty" because they are playing physically. And they take the emotion the kids play with as cockiness and so labels start getting thrown. This is a personal observation but I see it a lot, especially at the local level. I equate it to comments I've seen on here or heard in the stands at football games. Just because WOS or Memorial or any other team is "laying the lumber" out there does not mean they are playing dirty. And despite a common myth, basketball is not a non-contact sport...
  12. Yes, for some time. Similar to Davis taking over for Sutherland at HJ. Was a no-brainer and he's doing a great job. First 20 win season for the Bears in over a decade and that schedule was no cupcake.
  13. That's why it's imperative they work on that now. Can't afford to lose players when you play in that type of game. Hoping this will be a valuable lesson learned before the playoff run.
  14. On Tuesday night, one of the LCM players involved tonight fell down when trying to make a move to the basketball and lost the ball. Then he reached out from the floor and grabbed the foot of the defender who was guarding him and intentionally tripped him to the ground. No call. Later in the same game, another kid who has been primarily a JV player for LCM until recently, lowered his shoulder as an opponent was cutting threw the lane and drove into him knocking him down. Again no call. So let's not act like it's preposterous for LCM to have played its part in this fiasco...
  15. And a lot of "shade" has been thrown at coaches here. I will say unequivocally that both Coach Sigler and Coach Jeffcoat both seem to do a good job controlling their players and don't put up with a lot of nonsense. Coach Sigler has issued suspensions already this season for on court behavior he didn't like and I've seen Jeffcoat immediately pull players a couple of times who were getting out of hand. Sometimes a situation arises that gets completely out of control in an instant and all a coach can do is help diffuse it and deal with it appropriately afterwards. Sounds like that has already begun to occur.
  16. I am not surprised by some of the instigat-ing (ors). My main problem with Silsbee is when you are top dog, you are going to have some teams/kids who are going to try and get you off your game and do things they shouldn't because they feel overmatched and have nothing to lose. You have to rise above it and ignore the nonsense. And officials have to nip that crap in the bud. My 2 cents. And I would have a tight leash on twitter as a coach...
  17. Why shouldn't they? They held the Tigers to 99 last game while mustering 39 themselves. I would be flexing too!
  18. Maybe so. But most expect 50-60 pt victory. I predict the game won't be as close as some Bear fans expect
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