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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. On 3/1/2023 at 10:35 AM, whsalum said:

    The Hawks had the perfect game plan in this one. I had said in an earlier post to keep the game in the 50-60 point range and control the tempo to give themselves a shot, which they did. I think they won the battle of the boards. At the end of the day the 24 turnovers were the difference in this one and that’s a credit to Silsbee’s 3/4 court defense. Gotta tip your cap to both coaches last night. Clay did everything he could to give his group a chance and Sigler spreading the floor at the 5:00 minute mark of the 4th cemented the win. Good ballgame, great season Hawks and Good luck Tigers!!

    I’m going to go ahead and ask it but does anyone else think Davis is the most underrated coach in SETX?  I understand we are blessed to have 4 absolute legends who are locks to be Hall of Famers.  And then you have guys like Foster and English who are as good as it gets too. But Clay’s teams win 25-30 games a year consistently.  And I seem to see more criticism than praise for him on here.  In a region incredibly blessed in terms of HS basketball coaches, he deserves to be in the conversation of the great coaches here. 

  2. Look we all want Kountze to be back.  I’ve said before SETX basketball is better when the Lions are good.  But for point of reference, since Orangefield has dropped down, I think they are like 5-1 against Kountze and the 5 wins have all been beat downs, including two 20+ pieces this year.  So to have 2 of the 4 superlatives go to a team that couldn’t even make the top half of the district is a little laughable.  Surely someone in that room felt that way.  And maybe no one wanted to speak up and tell Joub his team just wasn’t very good.  

  3. 13 hours ago, mfd814 said:

    I hope you’re being sarcastic.   Or you just don’t know Joub.  He ain’t that guy.   Courts does a lot for Kountze just like Scales.  Courts was the other player for Kountze that averaged double digits.  No one else made 2nd team for them.  
      Difference I saw,  Scales is on a team with multiple talented teammates and senior heavy.  Perhaps he was over looked ,  good thing is he has 3 more years for awards.   
        I figured Sells would get a top award just wasn’t sure which one.  

    No I really believe nekkid pictures were circulating at the all district meeting 🙄

  4. 40 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Bottom line, Silsbee kids are just tougher minded and have that will to win that showed in their games vs. Furr and Washington last year. Both those teams showed frustration even when they were ahead of Silsbee. Silsbee kids just don't get rattled.

    I also think Silsbee is way better in the coaching department than Furr and Washington. Big reason why I have Silsbee winning the region.

    This is why Silsbee and other SETX teams such as United and Memorial have had such great success against Houston teams that are arguably more talented.  It is also why Houston teams struggle, in general, against teams from the metroplex.  I’ve watched arguments on here for years about facilities, etc.  But as has always been the case in sports, very often it comes down to the toughest kids win.  Mentally, physically, whatever.  And Silsbee will be the toughest team at that regional.  

  5. 22 minutes ago, buccaneers4lyfe said:

    Wow... a couple things stand out on this list, and I saw every team in the district when they came to winnie.

    No superlatives for East Chambers is ridiculous 

    Green not being on first team is ridiculous.

    Keep in mind We were ranked in the top 15 a good portion of the year.

    Orangefield only having only 1 guy on 1st team is a joke, Either their coach is the new phil jackson or coaches openly chose to not to vote for EC or Orangefield guys. How is Orangefield even ranked by the looks of this list.

    Buna having 3 first teamers is absurd, they squeaked into the playoffs in and barely were 500.


    Soapbox over,

    Very good points all around.  As stated earlier, Perrault has to get a superlative. Disrespectful to the kid imo. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Knox34 said:

    To me it can’t be done. You take sells off kountze and they are in no different place when the playoffs come. At home watching like us.  You take pete or parrualt off ec or orangefield and things are completely different. To give it to a non playoff team is a disservice to the award. This is not an award to say who the best player in the district in one on one is to me. Maybe I’m wrong 

    All of that ^

  7. 2 hours ago, footballproud said:

    I normally don’t post but WOW!! Congratulations Pete Ragusa!! This is a great honor.. felt you were robbed a little for District MVP. Definitely a shock for Sells to get it over Ragusa/Perrault on top of New comer of the year which should have been Scales hands down!  Team couldn’t make it to playoffs.. Sells is good don’t get me wrong but he did not lead his team to a playoff - It happens.. you can’t win a game solo. You have a Ranked Player #77 in the state and #12 in the state as combo guard averaging 25pts per game, put 40 on Kountze (against District MVP and New Comer) lead a team to round 3 in playoffs with almost or at 2k points in 3 years of High School.. you are the MVP over the district in my opinion. I really can’t wait until the districts post!! Going to make these coaches look ridiculous! Should be ashamed.. all politics involved. Vote on Stats not you yourself looking good! You know who you are! 
    You have some of the best kids in the district as 2nd team and honorable mention. Pitiful! 

    You could make a case for Perrault, Ragusa or Sells for MVP.  I agree with you and would have voted Pete but I’m very biased.  Sells had an incredible year but I would not have made a kid on a non-playoff team MVP (as you state) but that’s me.  I almost prefer this to making the 3 of them “Co’s” which is what I expected.  Scales not being newcomer seems ludicrous but I don’t know who got it for sure.  And I haven’t seen enough games to get too vocal about it.  But from you and many who did see every team, Scales seemed like a no brainer for that honor.  

  8. 26 minutes ago, AggiesAreWe said:

    Key is staying 3A.

    Talked to Smalley and he said it will be very close.

    Huge key.   Being one of the biggest 3A school vs the very smallest 4A school (which they have been more than once) is an ocean’s worth of difference.  If they move up, they are fighting for playoffs spots vs fighting for district championships. 

  9. Was just a fantastic season for the Bobcats.  They tied the deepest playoff run and were one win off tying the record for wins in a season (playing one less game than the team who has said record).  I think if OF stays 3A, they will surpass both of those records in the next few years. I don’t think they will be quite as good next year with what they lost but the next two after that could be special.  And they have some really good athletes in Jr High right now winning district championships.  I would say the future is bright for Coach McDonald and company.  

  10. 58 minutes ago, whsalum said:

    The Hawks had the perfect game plan in this one. I had said in an earlier post to keep the game in the 50-60 point range and control the tempo to give themselves a shot, which they did. I think they won the battle of the boards. At the end of the day the 24 turnovers were the difference in this one and that’s a credit to Silsbee’s 3/4 court defense. Gotta tip your cap to both coaches last night. Clay did everything he could to give his group a chance and Sigler spreading the floor at the 5:00 minute mark of the 4th cemented the win. Good ballgame, great season Hawks and Good luck Tigers!!

    Yes indeed.  When I saw they had 13 turnovers and were only down 6 at half, my thought was “only being down 6 giving it up that many times is almost shocking.”  And if they could clean that up in the 2nd half they had a real shot.  But as you say, a lot of that has to do with that Tiger defense.  Still, a great job by Clay and staff preparing them, and a great season by the Hawks.  Now we can all root for Tigers, Titans and Timberwolves. 

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