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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. The benefit when you have more money than anyone, you can afford to miss. He's the flavor of the month and might be the next Meyer. The benefit of going forward now is to give him more time to cement a recruiting class and to work with the current team. And to avoid another prolonged, uncertainty-ridden search. If he's your guy, git her done.
  2. He might also be the next HC at aggy. I'm sure they wouldn't mind him showing what he is capable of at Baylor while they wait for Sumblin's buyout to reduce.
  3. No way Kiffin gets it. He can't get another elite job until he proves himself as a HC. The SC stint ruined his chances for that.
  4. As I have said, there is a local guy who started on one of Yeoman's cotton bowl championship teams. He remains very active with the program and is very fond of Hermann. He told me a while ago that Texas is his dream job. He has turned down opportunities he might have otherwise taken because he was hoping the UT job would open after this year. As it turns out, he was correct.
  5. Wow. Mack obsessing over Longhorn basketball too. He has really moved on fellas!
  6. What is the kid's name? Didn't see him listed on their roster online.
  7. Had to be in Houston tonight but got some impressive reports on the Nederland freshman. Apparently put someone on a poster with a two hand dunk. Also heard he put the clamps on LCM's best player when they were matched up. Only seen him a couple of times but this kid continues to impress.
  8. That was in Lawrence, Kansas. Hth. Probably don't know this but that's a basketball school. Like aggy is for all intents and purposes now. Except their attendance and Sisters of the Poor will dwarf the attendance of any aggy game in that dump of an arena you guys play in...
  9. You might be surprised the number of people who still aren't convinced it exists. There are some on this board. Maybe the point of the video wasn't to argue if it was man made or not. Maybe it was to show the effects of warming. That's the part I found most interesting. Particularly the portion on Antarctica. Don't get to see footage like that every day.
  10. That is a great question Nash. And to be honest, I'm really not sure. Many would tell you it is impossible to reverse at this point.
  11. Other than the researcher proposing to prove the impossible, I'm not really sure. I did read the article. You really need to watch the whole episode. I think you would find it interesting. The thing is, I truly believe one day soon everyone (well, almost everyone) will be forced to acknowledge global warming. Most on the right have done so already. (Even you will Englebert.). I suppose the man-made argument will still be up for debate. I would consider it one of my great life's work if you were convinced ahead of the curve Eng. But I know that's as unlikely as you convincing me of the opposite
  12. I wonder if they've also told Perrin he's out too? I'm joking. He not only knows Charlie is done, he knows his time is over too. Might as well go out with implausible deniability I guess...
  13. Could be worse though. We could have given him an extension after beating OU last year...
  14. Ah, thanks for the clarification. The perils of getting info off of social media!
  15. Here is another piece that also examines the deniers and their talking points. I realize it's long and takes more time than to hear Rush sound bites on the topic, but worth the watch if you want an in depth look at the potential disaster we face. (I.E., this is for the Engleberts out there. Although he and I couldn't disagree more on the heart of the issue, I gotta say he does have a genuine, intellectual interest in the subject.):
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