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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Word is they may end up with Jarrett Stidham. Immensely talented but somewhat of a head case. Sounds like a fit.
  2. The "if" is not the problem if we want him and act before he bolts somewhere else. He's made no secret among his confidant's that UT is the job he most covets.
  3. That 12th man is really something. Sounds almost as loud as a Thursday night MAC game. Also looks like you guys could use one of Baylor's tarps. The "greatest fan base on earth" has mailed it in at 7-3?
  4. I know both kids have probably been working their tails off. It is not uncommon for teams to struggle with PATs when they don't have an experienced kicker. Not many small schools have a coach that is a kicking coach. It is frustrating. However, a lot of the metrics guys think, especially at the high school level, that going for 2 has a higher "ROI" than kicking it anyway, especially with a shaky kicking game. Having said that, I know Coach T probably isn't a metrics guy and I would take him over just about anyone
  5. It might be an upset but certainly possible. I mean, it's not like predicting Bellville to beat WOS. With the way BC controls the football, they have a chance with most teams they play.
  6. Great, great job Cards! And super happy Draper was able to go tonight (and apparently he really went!). Keep it going!
  7. Great season Hawks! Program seems to be on the come up again.
  8. Maybe. Bellville beat them so I would say Bridge City should beat them.
  9. At this point, I think the Stangs have to consider going for 2 every time. I would think the scoring per try would be way higher than the PATs.
  10. Well, if nothing else, I will have two trustworthy, fiscally conservative guys for the books. That alone gives us a fighting chance!
  11. Laugh?? Heck you're hired too! After all, someone's gotta pick up Reb's slack with his multiple daily naps and extended lunches!
  12. Are we sure about that??? Oh, and you're hired!
  13. It's all bulls..., from both sides. The problem is some of us recognize the hypocrisy, others even on this board complain about what the other side is doing, but have no problem when the party they support is doing it. And we wonder how we ended up with Mr Terrific in the White House. Again, I hope many of us are pleasantly surprised. But he runs the country based upon his experiences and philosophies, spending will continue at a very high rate (not sure anyone loves to spend money more than the Donald - and as I have been told several times here by a conservative or two, most of the time his own money is not involved). And two, if he has played fast and loose with the truth as much as Cruz, Romney, Ryan claim he has, we will see how conservative his appointments are. If anyone believes he is morally aligned with the religious right, I got some swamp land over here off the Sabine Lake I'd like to sell you...
  14. And likewise I am sure you guys will have no problem with the Dems trying to block Trump appointments, etc
  15. Or Obama just puts Garland on the Court on January 3 which would be good until the end of next year. I mean that would relieve the Senate of having to do a job they've obviously been too busy to do. Then, of course, a year of filibustering and delays and then see what happens with the midterms. With Trump at the helm, what could possibly go wrong right?
  16. But how many does it take to bust a filibuster short of the "nuclear option"? The answer is likely 8 more votes than the seats they hold. The nuclear option has never been used for high court nominations (and would go against Senate precedent) but is certainly a possibility and could also result in litigation.
  17. So did Esther's. Wasn't my favorite seafood joint but I did really like it. And my kids loved the whole experience there. I miss that place.
  18. Haha! You have to learn from who beat you. Although I wholeheartedly disagree with what the pubs did, I guess in a way they drew the line. I say 4-8 years worth of filibusters sounds about right. The sitting 8 will do just fine. Just hope the old bird can hang on that long...
  19. Charlie has been coaching for his job for most of the year. The next two games were going to be more of the same. But I believe Herman was auditioning for the job he covets tonight. And I predict he will be doing some New Year home shopping in Westlake or Lake Travis. And bringing back some familiar faces to our Capital city.
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