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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. No no. I'm not trying to pay to see you enjoy it! I envision something like this but with Hillary instead of Jesse. While you are regurgitating your ribeye, I can't stop laughing at the thought!
  2. Doesn't take long for you to derail and totally get lost in a meaningful discussion. Two words to study: "consensus" and "self-contradictory." Appreciate the viewpoint. While I disagree with your first premise, you are correct on the basis of the premise of the second and it is debatable. And we actually agree on much of third. Regardless, it is obvious you are well read on the subject and have given it a lot of thought. Thanks again for the discussion and your well-written analysis.
  3. I posted on another board that I respect and understand Kaepernick's decision to kneel during the anthem. Wouldn't be my choice but it doesn't have to be. Plenty of veterans have said the same thing and don't take it as a sleight on their service or the country. On the contrary, he is exercising a fundamental right for which they sacrificed and fought. I also have said I admire when people do hard or unpopular things for something in which they believe. And no doubt, by the same token, this young man did precisely that. At his age especially, it is exceedingly hard to go against your entire team based on your beliefs. Peer pressure is at its height, and he walked alone and took a stand (no pun intended) for something he apparently deeply believes in. For that alone he deserves respect and admiration.
  4. I would pay a large amount of money to see you kiss her derrière...
  5. Probably too boring a subject to elicit much interest but I will participate. First of all, the feeling is mutual buddy. We disagree more often than not on this board and agree more often than not on others (except in the pick ems where I apparently should agree with you more often!). Second, as a disclaimer, I am not a scientist. I only know what I read. The sciences were among my better subjects in school, despite an extreme lack of interest in them. I did enjoy meteorology in college and have become fascinated with this subject in particular as I've gotten older. I guess due to the impact it potentially has on our planet, depending on what you believe. Now to the subject at hand, I really like the way you laid out the arguments in your initial post. To me, that is the crux of the debate and the most meaningful part of it. Climate change deniers lose a lot of credibility with me on the subject because it is essentially just ignoring data. This year alone we are setting records each month for the hottest in recorded history (which only goes back roughly 135 years). Compared with the existence of the planet, this isn't a very large sample size but the trends are undeniable. There are blips every now and again but it is undeniably getting hotter. So the real debate, to me, is whether global warming is man-made. And admittedly, there is far less research on that point than global warming itself. Here is where I defer to what research we do have and the opinions of the "experts" (I.e., scientists) in the field. At the end I will post a couple of links (one I'm sure I've shared before and the second from skeptical science). They lay out the arguments pretty well in my opinion. Another great talking point is your final one which is whether it is catastrophic. To me, this is the most speculative. There are many factors which would determine this, and I don't think we can know these with any certainty, especially with regard to time frame. I think it fairly safe to assume that the most severe, long term effects won't be in our lifetime. Which is dangerous to me because of the sentiment "it won't effect me anyway." I understand that mindset and know many (including my parents) who would argue that it doesn't matter because of things they are certain about religiously (I am a religious person as well but talk about presumptious). After reading my ramblings here, I am starting to see why this subject wasn't discussed in the debates (which I've vehemently complained about). Sorry if I put anyone to sleep and here are far better, less scattered examinations of these issues! [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  6. The crip shot was one thing. But those shorts he wore were a little too revealing for my taste...
  7. This is actually the difference in the game IMO. Earlier in the year, I might have favored BC. You guys will see what a bull the Draper kid is and I think Tyler will continue to get his. If Silsbee can find their passing game, this is a team they can exploit with it. But they haven't shown the ability to do that consistently. Should be fairly close with the edge to Silsbee. Wouldn't be shocked either way though.
  8. I would say they are definitely favored to get back. Heavily favored. If they get there, you know some team from Dallas will be there that will be loaded for bare as well. I do understand your concerns but those kids play really hard almost all the time. And to be honest, the region is pretty weak. Yates will be well coached as always but they don't have enough pieces IMO. They have one kid Silsbee will struggle with but the Lions will have to really limit turnovers to get him the ball. And no one kid is going to beat the Tigers.
  9. How would that Silsbee team have fared against your team in Iowa that year? And were the pear baskets you guys played with breakaway?
  10. You might be right. Like the previous ones, I don't think either gained many "converts." I do like your sports analogy though. The Donald needed a beatdown tonight and he definitely didn't achieve that. I predict the debate polls will be close either way. Except the ones on Twitter where Trump will be able to declare a decisive win. Then again, he would be Twitter President if such a thing existed.
  11. I don't know but I have a hard time believing in such thing. But baddog's argument makes a lot of sense and is hard to argue with. So mine, unlike my scientifically based, irrefutable ( ) stance on global warming (I'm pot stirring here), I guess I just don't want to believe. My wife, on the other hand, who is without a doubt my better half, will tell you it definitely happened. She has read much more than me on the subject so I don't argue. But then again, I learned many years ago not to argue with her
  12. More of the same. Trump started off better but eventually can't help himself. Hard to change after 70+ years. I will shocked if he gets much of a bump, if any, from his performance. Would be much less surprised if his numbers continue to dwindle. I would have asked him how on earth he is actually losing in Utah now...
  13. I think the debates have resembled the election in general.
  14. Far and away the best they have had. Completely agree.
  15. Remember Smith well. I thought he was the best HS player I had seen at the time.
  16. Why did you change your prediction? (Score wise)
  17. Wow. Hadn't seen that. That was in an upset special too (at least to many it was).
  18. if it stays with 2 polls instead of 3, does it change from Dirty Dozen to Fabulous 15?? I like the two polls but see merit breaking it down further. Don't want the 6A and 5A schools being upset when a 4A school is ranked at the top...
  19. I am assuming they didn't see it either. Which is a pretty safe assumption I would think. Ball was fumbled, players are being unstacked. He tried to be sneaky about it. But we live in a video age. I would bet he would have been ejected had one of them seen it.
  20. Yeah, not sure who's back. Antoine Davis I assume but not sure who else. I think the youngest Kopp is also playing with them (Anderson).
  21. Can't argue with you. Trends would say K St. is the smart play and trends are trends for a reason. Usually what happens. Charlie managed to break an 0-14 trend when trailing at the half last Saturday against a very strong Iowa St. team (I am being facetious about "very strong" in case the sarcasm is lost on "others."). Maybe he can break another this week. For some reason my hopes aren't real high, but I hope you and I are wrong.
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