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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Me too. PAM > Crosby. But that's not likely to happen obviously.
  2. 1. PAM 2. Liberty 3. Evadale 4. NC 5. Dayton 6. Vidor 7. Lumberton 8. Ned 9. WB 10. LCM 11. Newton 12. HF 13. Tarkington 14. HJ 15. Kountze 16. NW 17. Groveton 18. Kirbyville 19. HD 20. WS 21. AS 22. BH 23. Woodlands 24. Montgomery 25. Jasper
  3. I am glad I clicked this thread. I needed to see that some folks do get it, even if we don't have the answers. That is kind of the point to begin with. Which brings us back to the intial subject of this thread. Crosby's superintendent who issued a thoughtful, meaningful statement. He acknowledged he didn't hold the answers, didn't agree with the kneeling, but expressed a genuine willingness to have an open-minded dialogue. He gets it.
  4. Hmmm...who is conspicuously missing from this list?
  5. Well now you're just bragging For the record, I once peeled and ate 5 lbs of crawfish in 5 minutes twice in the span of 30 minutes at Jazz on 6th Street. Netted me $95. So take that! (Footnote is the 2nd place finisher was a 95 lb girl from New Orleans. So I basically beat a chick that I more than doubled up in weight...)
  6. 67 out of 75 is absolutely sick. Aren't you a baseball guy?????
  7. Didn't a lot of us absolutely sh^t hammer a kid last week that was melanly* challenged? The mods gave us plenty of leeway there... *made-up word
  8. Awesome statement by Dr. Moore. Don't know the man from Adam, but that was a heartfelt, thoughtful response. Good for him and good for Crosby.
  9. I will take the Ags as well. If history has taught us anything, it's that the wheels don't come off until October...
  10. Here is my issue, and I've been clearly Q uiet about this. The complaining about Kaepernick is that he is disrespecting the country and the troops. But you have plenty of vets who support him and his right. One that comes to mind is Nate Boyer, one of the finest men to ever don the Burnt Orangs. [Hidden Content] Colin has the absolute right to sit or kneel during the anthem. He says he is doing so as a "stand." Now we have people questioning his motives. Does anyone question that this song was written by a slave owner and its third verse, which thankfully we do not sing, was overtly racist? I guess I don't get why people are so upset about this. If you don't agree, fine. You don't have to. And you are free to criticize him. That is your right. Just as he has every right to try and exact change and open a discussion based on his. My problem is he was trying to start a real dialogue about issues we have in this country and it gets lost because we can't get past the minutiae of his act to begin with. Ultimately, here is my stance. I admire anyone that does something "hard" for something they believe in. It is not easy to do something thst was undoubtedly going to be HUGELY unpopular because you are trying to help the greater good. Bear in mind, you don't have to agree with what he believes is going on. The point is he does. I myself have been critical of athletes not doing enough with their "platform." The one that comes to mind is Tiger Woods. I have NEVER been a Tiger Woods fan because I have always believed Tiger is only about Tiger. Yes, Tiger would pay lip service to the Charlie Siffords, Calvin Peetes and Jim Thorpes. But when Tiger was called upon to honor Jackie Robinson? No thank you. Was it his right to decline? Yes. Do I think he "owes" something to those who came before him that have allowed him to amass nearly a billion dollars at one point? Absolutely. So it would be hugely hypocritical of me to then blast Kap for trying to, in his mind, bring about positive change. In the end, we all have a right to our opinions. I'm not naive enough to believe I'm going to change yours. But I do find it sad that so many think this issue is just so cut and dry. Because like most things in this world, it clearly isn't.
  11. Know them both. Savion well. This was not a well kept secret. He's sealed the deal. Going to have to be an Aggie hoops fan for the foreseeable future. Marvin will complete the family divided scenario once he commits to Texas. LSU is the main competition there but I would be pretty surprised if he's not a Longhorn next year. Best HS DT I've seen since Tommie Harris and I think Wilson will be even better.
  12. He did not play due to injury. I think it was more of a nagging thing and he was kept out in the same manner D'onta Foreman was. No reason to use him. I know he probably would have liked to have played because his father played for UTEP. But the reality was UTEP was not a throwing team before their QB got hurt in the opener. He wasn't going to be needed.
  13. Cam Mack has left VPrep and is back in CenTex. Probably will be back at Aggieland HS.
  14. Silsbee would be the 2nd place team in the district IMO. Looks like Liberty will be and I would think the Tigers would be favored in that matchup (although I would defer to AAW there). HJ and OF battling for the 3rd and 4th spots and HF likely being odd man out. So yes, very similar to Silsbee's situation in basketball (the only difference being the Mustangs' rings...)
  15. They were talking all summer. This game will not be close. Those teams Silsbee has lost to? All would be taken to the shed by the Stangs. Just close your eyes Tigers and remember it's only one game.
  16. Rivals lists him as a 6'8" shooting guard. Here's some summer video
  17. He's a good 6'7". Haven't seen him for WC but plays guard in the summers. Oftentimes, even the point.
  18. I would have chosen not to as well. Seemed like more often than not when they did, one of the kids in Silver ended up with the ball. As Stanley from The Office would say, it became a "run out the clock situation." Pretty much by late in the 1st quarter.
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