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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. the delusion never stops... seen most everyone post who always does. The obsession is real with you though so I guess you see what you want to see. All I know is we are about where we thought we would be (2-1) and should be more competitive than the last 2 years. We shall see. What we know is you Gomers do never learn and that dip on the roller coaster will get you like it always does. As well as when we get errbody again in February.
  2. Not this guy. I root for them against OU but I feel real dirty afterwards.
  3. Exactly how we feel about Sumblin! When we can outrecruit him at 5-7, we love that drunk dude!!
  4. I don't know why they don't let me do all the hires. Could have told him Jerry Gray was the play. Smh
  5. Click on this thread and last 3 posts are by PM19. So much for "moving on"!
  6. FIFY
  7. Question: ordinarily, most of the Horn fans would root for piggy soouie here. Has Mr BG's relentless trolling got anyone rooting for aggy? At this point, I think I am rooting for an enormous sinkhole...
  8. Wow. You have gone full blown gomer. Daddy resides in your head too?
  9. You couldn't hide anyway Mamba! Everyone in the triangle knows who you are lol
  10. 17 trips through the buffet line. On the upside, he has just as many actual championships as the poor piggies have overall. At least he can claim relevance though through his girth...
  11. Mason Gonzales - sophomore
  12. Saw him play plenty against teams with way more size and talent than he saw in that game or will see any game in high school. Kid can flat out play.
  13. My phone was messing up. Didn't see this one before I posted mine way late!
  14. Anybody else catch a glimpse of AAW in the jazzercize photo?
  15. Was hoping you could confirm one way or another. Have heard the same thing and also found it surprising considering the change at the helm at WB.
  16. It's on the football schedule. and I know, you switch teams come basketball season
  17. Like the last home and home we did? Lol oh, and by the way, we have a future game scheduled already genius
  19. Agreed. You guys were impressive against La Tech too. Almost beat them as bad as the mighty Red Raiders. Lmao
  20. And yet no one talks about arky but you? Why? No one cares. Been irrelevant since the 60s from a hillbilly state. Congrats on your big win against Texas St today. :/
  21. Literally no one with a full set of teeth cares about Arkansas. Except maybe you...
  22. Our secondary is garbage. And Dylan Haines should never see the field. He's been lost since he got to Austin.
  23. Watch the bubble screen please.
  24. If that line judge would move his ass he might get a spot right. 2 in a row he missed.
  25. No idea what Giblet is doing this half.
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