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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. By the way, BC fans were correct about the improved passing game. One attempt, one TD. For the Mustangs....
  2. WOS 15 BC 00 5:35 1st my prediction? More pain...
  3. 1. Crosby 2. Silsbee 3. Evadale 4. Humble 5. Dayton 6. Ozen 7. Nederland 8. PNG 9. NC 10. HH 11. LCM 12. WOS 13. C-O 14. Newton 15. Shepherd 16. Tarkington 17. Woodville 18. Central 19. Buna 20. Garrison 21. HD 22. WS 23. Groveton 24. OCC 25. BLC
  4. I think you get something like 10 likes per 24 hour period. Not sure why.
  5. What time should one arrive to get a few seats on the visitor side?
  6. And by the way, he didn't break any laws by doing what he did. He has the right to say or do stupid things. He won't be arrested. But he will suffer consequences for his actions, just like if you or I walked into our jobs and started spewing hateful speech around. And I'm tired of this topic already. I can only hope lessons are learned. I feel for the innocent folks at WOS and BC that are having to deal with this nonsense. Including Dwayne Dubois who had a monstrous task going into this week which was turned into an impossible one by the actions of a kid or two. If for no other reason than not spoiling an entire season for his other kids instead of one game, I hope he is alllowed to mete out the punishment as he wants. Now I'm done too.
  7. Yes. The first I saw who posted it was him. And then a young man from LCM who happens to be one of their best players who was defending him. It's quite simple. We live in a social media age. If you don't want to be exposed as a racist a-hole, don't be one.
  8. The Twitter post I saw was from the kid at whom this atrocity was directed. He also posted for everyone to calm down and just handle business on Friday. The only hand slapping he deserves is a high five IMO. And a medal for not overreacting to the jerk off who created it.
  9. my man is always full of fabulous ideas.
  10. and aggy Rick Perry claims he prefers chicks to dudes and/or farm animals..
  11. Maybe it would. Obviously his life experiences to this point have been "lacking." As my late, great grandfather would say, "sometimes there is no substitute for a good arse kicking."
  12. No, the only thing that is plain evil is the little dip sh!5 that created the meme to begin with. As said, he won't play Friday and will not receive his share of the butt kicking that is forthcoming. I say his punishment should be that he should play guest scout team running back at PAM Titans' practices next week. I know a few hard-hitting kiddos over there that won't be as "disciplined" as the Mustangs...
  13. I usually pick who I think will win. If it's close, I will sometimes pick my home team, often to my detriment. Last week being a prime example,,,
  14. Meh, I think we know at least one poster who might have told us that Which game you going to tomorrow?
  15. I remember his dad on the hot corner for the Rangers. Apparently he "had a hose" in more ways than one...
  16. I see another expansion on the horizon. Or another narrowing of the seats to fit in more gomers and their livestock dates.. I know, I know...it's hard work keeping up with the joneses. But at least more people saw you game on the tube. No wait, that was us too...
  17. Almost biblically? I am long out of likes the quoted post was golden on multiple levels!
  18. I don't think Cam was trying to say that exactly. In fact, he's been around long enough I'm sure he knows folks from BC as well. I can verify what you say. I thought of one family from BC today that has a son and daughter that are both standout athletes at BCHS. Two wonderful, Christian kids who any parent would be proud to have. They also have a toddler I think they adopted and she happens to be black. One of the finest families I know in all of SETX. I feel sorry for them and all the good folks of BC who are, I'm sure, quite mortified by the idiotic actions of others. We must remember that to brand an entire group of people as racists or bigots is to travel down the same road as the racists or bigots themselves. Stereotypes and generalizations are lazy, ignorant ways of thinking and are the root of racism itself. In the end, we should also remember that some kid apparently had the "stones" to out the despicable post and he should be as commended as the one who is condemned. I can only mimic what's been said before that this type of ignorance isn't innate or natural. It is learned. And once I found out who it was, I can't say I was at all surprised. And to that end I was proud that not only have I been blessed with kids who don't adhere to this type of shallow thinking, but at least one who constantly reminds me he is an exceptional judge of character...
  19. In a way, BC is fortunate. If there were a team disciplined enough to handle this with a coach who has a firm grasp on his players, it is the WOS Mustangs and Cornel Thompson. I have every confidence they will merely go about their business as they always do. It's just they will kick the ever-loving crap out of the Cardinals in the process.
  20. Bingo. And while this is certainly not the place to do so, I hope EVERYONE finds out exactly who the culprit(s) is/are. After all, everyone knows who the young man is who this was directed toward, and he didn't do a darn thing to deserve any of it...
  21. I am out of likes but this is 1000%!
  22. Love where your head's at but I predict this year, there will be no Silsbee Lite when they play Central. You'll have a full squad before the end of November.
  23. I agree. I can tell you that the young man at whom it was directed has absolutely taken the high road. Nothing but the utmost respect for that kid. We should all follow his lead. Friday can't get here fast enough. Looking forward to seeing the Mustangs in person for the first time this year.
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