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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. 1 hour ago, myrecordwashorrible said:

    Are you like me and dislike the first few weeks when the MAC is still in non-conference games and the Tuesday games have to wait a few weeks?

    I wish some FCS conference would take the Wednesday night slot or some network produce an FCS game of the week on Wednesdays.

    Give me sports!!!

    That's one reason I am a baseball nut.  Months of games every night!  Sure you hoops fans like that as well. 

    Absolutely.  And you would be correct on the hoops.  Especially college.  I have loved it since I was a kid watching the Big East on ESPN when it was a fledgling network (Ewing, Mullin, etc.).  Now it is heaven for us junkies. 

  2. 4 hours ago, myrecordwashorrible said:

    I agree, BUT and a strong BUT I would much rather watch a meaningless game around Christmas on a Monday-Friday during the day than anything else on the "idiot box."

    Give me Tulsa vs. Western Michigan in front of 12,000 (reported) from a soccer stadium at noon on a Tuesday over normal day time television. 


    I’m with you.  I would rather watch a MAC game on Tuesday night.  Sports are the best form of reality tv.  

  3. 2 hours ago, KF89 said:

    Freshmen- Langston Adams Jr.- Kelly has had some nice games this year.

    27 pts. vs. E.C.

    28 pts. vs. Nederland

    23 pts vs. PNG

    30 pts. vs. Kirbyville

    28 pts. vs. Jasper

    20 pts. 5 assists vs. O.F. 

    30 pts. 6 steals, 4 assists vs. Goodrich

    32 pts. vs. Ft. Bend Christian

    25 pts., 9 steals vs. Emery\Weiner 

    26 pts. vs. St. John

    20 pts. 7 steals vs. Lutheran South



    38 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    Wish he was a Titan. Was hearing about him for 2 years now. 

    Kid can play.  

  4. I would agree with Charles that Pete is the best guard in the district and likely the best player.  Although I do like the Connell kid from Buna a lot as well.  And certainly that is an opinion and everybody is entitled to theirs and I’m sure a case could be made for another kid or two (I.e., from EC or Kountze).  I also agree they Ghost is an exceptional freshman.  My guess is he’s trolling a bit calling him the greatest freshman of all time. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    UNM basketball team is legit though. Looked like The Pit was soldout few nights ago. 

    They are capable of putting some quality basketball teams together.  They also added one my all time favorite players, Morris Udeze, from the transfer portal from Wichita State.  Needless to say, he couldn’t be happier with his decision to go to Albuquerque.  

  6. Lamar just got screwed out of a win.  At the 3:25ish mark, a SELA shoots about a 17 footer with both feet inside the line.  The officials signal 3, both the Harold Mann and the ESPN broadcasts both marvel at the fact it was called a 2 but BOTH said something along the lines of, I guess we didn’t have a good view or what do I know.  The clock counts it as a 2 so I’m guessing the LU staff would have thought it was scored correctly.  Fast forward to the 2:39 mark in the game and they add a point to SELA’s score as Lamar is getting ready to shoot free throws.  And no one said boo.  Really tough one for the cards. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:



    Also Cal has had way more excuses in his pressers and podcasts this season than any other previous season that I can remember regardless if it's after a win or a loss. 

    Like I told a few folks weeks ago: I like the guy, great recruiter, but a change is needed sooner than people think. 

    The way UK plays I can guarantee another first round exit in March. 

    I know a place he can go.  No choking allowed but as far as I know, he should be okay. 

  8. 27 minutes ago, Mr. Buddy Garrity said:

    I'm at the point Coach Cal doesn't really care anymore, just collecting a hefty check. Coach Chin coaches harder than Cal these days. I watched the first 12mins of that game and turned it off. I've done that alot this season. 

    They are unwatchable.  When Sahvir Wheeler leads you in shot attempts, you are in trouble at that level. 

  9. On 1/1/2023 at 9:55 PM, TexazBall said:

    I hope TCU wins but UGA imo will dominate in the trenches. They were able to mov Ohio St, but who knows TCU seems like a team of destiny, so we shall see. 

    Still what TCU has done thus far is amazing. after going 5-7 last year and parting ways with the best coach in school history, hats off to the horn frogs.

    Who ever thought they'd make it to a college football playoff and championship before Texas and A&M. 

    I agree.  And happy they once and for all proved me right when I said the Big 12 upgraded when they lost aggy but added Froggie.  In the big 3 men’s sports anyway.  I don’t think it’s even debatable anymore.  

  10. 13 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    Oh look, another random account has sprung up to criticize Davis and defend Mitchell.  That’s about ten of them now.  Glad you could join us (again).  Not sure Davis has ever had a D1 player in his time at HJ.  Fogo has had 3 at once, including a top-10 player in the nation.  Fogo is  an excellent coach, but Davis hasn’t had near the comparative talent that Fogo has, and Fogo hasn’t had to play teams full of D1 talent in the 2nd or 3rd round every year.  Running into Houston teams or Silsbee in the playoffs every year with a good small school type team isn’t really underperforming.  These last two years without their best player going into the playoffs have been the exception, rather than the rule.  One thing I’ll confidently say: Mitchell wouldn’t have done any more at HJ than Davis has, regardless of what he (you) thinks.  Of course, if you can’t consistently make the playoffs, and then can’t consistently win a couple of games when you do get there, you usually don’t have to worry about playing the AAU all-star teams that have basically ended 4A small school basketball for everyone not named Silsbee over the last ten years or so 

    I’m not taking anything away from the HJ girls.  They’ve made some great runs and probably should have a ring or two based on talent.  But the games they lost were to other really good teams with really good coaching as well.  But let’s also admit that Fogo before this year may have had the best HS girls assistant coach in the country.  If he’s wasn’t THE best, Omar Sneed had to be on the short list. 

  11. 13 hours ago, StephenAGURU said:

    I mean im not really here to defend Mitchell but I will say he did more with ALOT less. Lumberton has very little talent and I do think they should lean into what Clay Davis does in getting those kids out of BISD. He really does a good job bringing in talent.

    Now back to fixing HJ. So say Fogo doesnt want the boys job. You bring in a proven winner and make Davis the assistant. Davis brings in the talent and a guy like Ira Brooks starts winning and teaching Clay how to coach basketball. Davis has had some D1 guys but ran them off. That cat who went to the brook and is now at Colorado. Brooks or Fogo can show him how to use good players and keep them. Also no one who makes alot of excuses like you're doing. We are striving for excellence here!

    You misspelled UNLV. 

  12. Beard just needs to wait and see if Buzz works out at A&M.  Now that the Ags have ripped the bandaid off with Petrino, the stage is set for Chris to be the best basketball coach, and Briles to be the next football coach when the other half of their vaunted class leaves after another turd of a season. 

  13. On 1/4/2023 at 9:25 AM, whsalum said:

    Kountze will probably be fighting for the 4th spot. They are young and small. The nights the long ball is falling they’ll be competitive when it’s not they’ll struggle to compete. Their biggest shortcoming is lack of depth. They are thin in that department. I don’t know what’s happened to Warren, It doesn’t look like they play much in the off season. OF/EC are the class of the district this year followed closely by Buna/Anahuac/Kountze 

    I agree and I like Buna for 3rd and not sure about Kountze or Anahuac for 4th.  That could be a play in game as well. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Eagle11 said:

    I wanted Beard to be the coach. That being said, no doubt in my mind Del Conte and in house legal team have left no stone unturned in making this decision. I don't expect the salary will be paid, ever.

    This is really a no win for UT in public perception. Keep him for any reason and all you care about is winning games. He can do whatever he wants as long as he wins. May not be true but that would be the perception.

    Get rid of him and you did the right thing but lost the best coach/recruiter you've had since the Barnes years.

    I disagree here.  I would bet he gets north of 50 percent of the approx $30M left owing on his contract.  

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