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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Last time we visited the Grove, I believe we hung 66 on the Reblettes. SEC strong!
  2. I will be there is a couple of weeks...ready for some good-natured banter with the leprechauns!
  3. Everything Austin >>>>>>>>> Everything Fayetteville! You can make some strong arguments about on the field ITT but 6th St overrated?? Get the heck outta here or get a proper guide next time you go!
  4. Hope they get to play Cibolo Steele in that one. Steele gave Desoto their closest playoff game last year in the OT loss in the State Semis in SA. They also have the top junior in the State (IMO) and one of the best in the country in 6'7" swingman Gerald Liddell. Would be a good test for the Tigers.
  5. Better question: Is it time to do a Phelps remake of this commercial? And I think maybe the most important thing to learn from this discussion is that in order to be the GOAT, you must be named Michael...
  6. I am guessing Mack would have never gotten through the DC. If Yates had him and Seriale hadn't left, they would be the favorites in the region IMO. Would give them a decided advantage in the paint and the best guard in the gym. How good do you think they can be with what they have?
  7. Looks like 12:15. I say looks like because the picture I saw with the schedule was pretty blurry.
  8. Dang, I meant to address that too. He was apparently very angry in the spring over lack of reps. There was a lot of talk about him transferring. But he's still there last I heard and still at QB. But I can't imagine he's getting many reps because I believe he would be 4th on the depth chart (behind those mentioned and Merrick).
  9. I know. Heard should be thrilled. Had no shot at playing QB at the next level but if he can run routes and catch the ball, could make a heckuva slot receiver. And definitely agree on Swoopes. If I was him or his dad, I would be begging for reps at TE. He can't play qb at the college level, much less any higher. Well, unless you snap him the ball and he runs right up the middle for a yard or two. Don't see many teams past pee wee that run that offense...
  10. Looks like they play Alevel Eagles. That one could get ugly if they have their full team. One of the better teams in Houston, maybe the best non-sneaker team.
  11. Maybe it's just me, and you all know my disdain for Trump, but I couldn't possibly care less about his tax returns. I would also bring up my lack of interest in emails at this point but I don't want to derail the thread. The point is, if the current audit is the only one he's endured in the last 10 years, it doesn't really matter. He has a lot closer scrutiny going on with his taxes than would even be remotely possible by the average press member or American voter. And my use of "a lot" couldn't be more understated...
  12. I wouldn't say impossible but I tend to agree. You have 3 schools 5A or better and the other two have ruled the roost for a while now. I would say he will eventually get them to where they are a contender in the region. But will be exceedingly difficult to get them to the level of a state champion in 6A. It will be a few years until they are even the best team in SETX IMO.
  13. A very noble experience. As Andy Dufresne said, "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." I would like to join you in your optimism... ...while canceling out your vote of course
  14. You got me to literally laugh out loud with this one Reb!
  15. The team that beat Yates last night, Superstar Clippers. Not sure who they are...
  16. I know you didn't just try to attribute "substance" to Trump. Was it the "it's going to be terrific" or "I'm hearing things" that you found to be the most substantive?
  17. Gotcha. Mitch announced that 2 or 3 weeks ago so wouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Saw Yates lost to some other team by 9 last night - they won't be near the same team as expected without him. Would have loved to see Silsbee and Yates go at it with him on the court. Yates will struggle with Silsbee's guard play. But the Tigers really don't have anyone who can match up with Seriale so that would have made it a much more interesting contest.
  18. Did anyone attend? My understanding is Mitchell Seriale (who sat out last year at Yates due to the UIL rule) will not be at Yates this year. The Class of '18 6'7" swing man was to be Yates' best player and one of the better players in the Houston area. If true, this would be big for Silsbee come playoff time. One of the major speed bumps in a request for a return trip to State.
  19. I don't know how many of you have seen Netflix's Making of a Murderer but a huge ruling came out yesterday involving the case. Brendan Dassey, the nephew of Steve Avery, was convicted of participating in the sexual assault and murder of Teresa Halbach and sentenced to life in prison. Yesterday, a federal court judge overturned the conviction based on finding his confession to be involuntary under the 5th and 14th Amendments. I found the series to be greatly slanted in Mr. Avery's favor and found the shows producers left some key evidence out. But I was appalled at the Dassey kids confession from the beginning and more particularly the role his initial court-appointed attorney played (or didn't play) in it. Below is an excellent look at the federal judge's ruling: [Hidden Content]
  20. My parents have what is apparently termed an "emotional support" dog. Like Mack's cousin, their dog is able to fly with them and stay in most hotels. However, as I understand it, she is in a small cage on the planes that fits under the chair. This dog happens to be one that basically never barks so I wouldn't have an issue with it...I would have big problems with a dog yapping during a flight I was on. As for the explosion in general, I too am a dog lover so it doesn't bother me. But I can certainly see the issue with allergies and how that can pose a problem. Are there a lot of people allergic to dogs? I know a ton of people who have that issue with those vile creatures we call cats...
  21. Just saw Ricky interviewed about NFL drug policy. Amazing that MJ is banned but they have no issue with the opioids. Anyone with any kind of baseline dealings with the drug problem in this country would tell you the latter are much more dangerous/harmful. In fact, along with opioids/amphetamines seem to me to be the biggest drug threats we have now...for sure in our region of the country anyway. Ricky also apparently holds the record for most drug tests all time in the NFL (over 500). He stated without the marijuana ban, he believes he would be a hall of famer. I tend to agree with him based on his numbers.
  22. Someone show me where I said there is no media bias. This topic has been discussed ad nauseum and I, in fact, stated the opposite. I did say I think it is overstated at times but we all have biases. And political leanings at that level are more attributable to the quantity and quality of education. There's a footnotes version for any who missed out. Carry on...
  23. I wouldn't say all Republicans (or all Democrats for that matter). But you, in particular, are getting soft in your old age. It's quite refreshing Nash.
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