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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I am most impressed with your level of self-awareness
  2. You were dead right about the war on drugs. It was, and is, a noble idea but we've been getting our collective butts kicked for years. Like you say, we need to try something else. And agree with you on Ed Tom. Absolutely loved his character. When I heard Tommy Lee Jones was playing him, I thought what a great job of casting. Wish they could have done more with him (my biggest gripe with movie) in the movie but tough to fit any great novel into 2 hours of screen time. Thought the Coen brothers, as usual, did a fantastic job with those constraints.
  3. Well, well, another subject we agree on! Like you, I've never been a marijuana user. But I agree on everything you said in this post. And to be honest, I truly believe it's less dangerous, at least to others, than alcohol. Can't tell you how many cases I've seen of some innocent person getting killed due to someone else's drinking (and usually driving). Still waiting on the first such case due to weed (probably because they are driving 15 mph after smoking it). I am generally in favor of letting adults make their own decisions, especially when we can tax those "bad habits." Pretty much mirrors my views on gambling as well. And finally, "No Country" is a darn fine book and one where I thought the movie actually did it justice as well...
  4. Both of them. They went back to back in (I believe) Terry's sophomore and junior years. Terry's son, Terry, Jr., was one of our summer kids and graduated this past year from Hightower. Great kid.
  5. As BSW said, fried spam sandwiches were always a treat. My wife will still get some from time to time for a blast from the past. We had oatmeal too but my mom preferred the malt-O-meal. Do they still make that?
  6. You know buddy, you might just be on to something...seriously
  7. Looking at the new poll numbers today. Pretty much what I expected: Hillary's lead doubles nationally. Double digits in Michigan. And now some red states are becoming swing states.
  8. Wow! I don't know about the party AAW but the contest is certainly over.... (Starts a slow clap for WOS grad.)
  9. I knew this post was coming Everyone knows you're smart Nash And obviously there are exceedingly bright people on both sides of the aisle, as well as plenty in the middle. I was merely offering an explanation of why a certain group of people may tend to be more to the left than a certain other group of people may like. And I offered a recent study that would support that position as well as some other data that might. And I am sure when I become old(er) and more "enlightened", I will realize you held the answers all along
  10. Oh, and believe it or not, we agree here. I prefer them as well.
  11. Also, interesting to me on this subject, I combined a recent study on college admission test scores (SATs/ACTs) by state with the most recent presidential election. 26 states voted blue, 24 voted red. Of the states in the top half of testing scores, 16 voted blue, 9 voted red. Obviously that leaves 10 voting blue in the bottom half, 15 voted red. In the states ranking in the top 10 in testing scores, 9 voted blue and one red (Indiana was the lone red state). In the bottom 10, 7 voted red and 3 voted blue (New Mexico, California and Nevada).
  12. Fair enough. Just offering an explanation about a majority bias to the left in the media.
  13. Again, reading comprehension is your friend. Look north of your last comment. Talk about clueless lol
  14. And I will admit that more media members lean to the left than the right. And it shouldn't be a surprise. As I've stated before, as a general rule, the more educated an individual is, the more likely they are left of one who is less educated. And another study recently released supports that proposition. [Hidden Content]
  15. That was a joke. But there you go with the "clueless" insults. Small mindedness tends to lead there. And also leaves plenty of room for jokes to fly over... And if you brush up in those adult literacy classes in Lumberville, you would see in my reponse to Nash that I clearly believe biases exist in the media...
  16. Has George Will been unfair to Trump since Will is too conservative? Has the National Review been overly biased against Trump with their "charlatan" articles? Has the conservative press seems to have been exposing their prejudices of late in picking on the Donald?
  17. No, I thought Fox News was very unfair to the Kahn family...
  18. C'mon. Not the liberal perception. The national perception. She became a joke plenty of people on both sides of the aisle and many in the middle. Let's just say the term "dufus" is very appropriate in this discussion To answer your question, it depends. I definitely don't want an someone who is not very intelligent in one of the high offices. As far as who I support, it depends on a number of things, not the least of which is the candidate who most closely aligns with my personal views and priorities. I don't discount your point about trustworthiness either. That is a certainly a factor.
  19. Not at all. Journalists, like all of us, have their own beliefs and biases. Some try to put them aside, some don't, regardless of which side they are on. I think it is overplayed at times; they all like a good story. Hillary's husband gave them plenty of fuel which they were happy to jump on, throughout his terms. There wasn't an outcry about the conservative media being unfair to him; they were all happy to write about it because it sold papers and drew viewers. As for Trump, I have read negative press about him in the last couple of weeks, in the National Review, by George Will...but I suppose that is the conservative media picking on him...oh wait... Or, as you can appreciate, maybe at some point it's not the press and some need to take personal responsibility for their actions or words...
  20. You asked me what did it. And yes, she became a laughing stock after that interview where she looked like a dunce. You asked the question, I answered it. Whether it was justified is a different question and discussion. And maybe "destroyed" wasn't the best term but it was illustrative of her chances the more she opened her mouth. Of course you are free to "refudiate" that premise. Oops, there's another one...
  21. I know this little interview was hard-hitting journalism and unfair questions but... "I read all the periodicals." "Which ones in particular?" "I don't know, all of the ones put in front of me." "Can you name one?" "Umm, no." (And don't call me Shirley.)
  22. I think Buddy is talking about being a state contender. Soulja may have been saying they will be much improved this year. I think they will be, but it will take them a while to get to Ozen or Lincoln status. How good they can be this year will be depend a great deal on Parquet's status.
  23. Like with Palin, no "manufacturing" is necessary with Trump. As long as one can hear, Palin and Trump are quite adept at "destroying" themselves. I continue to be disappointed in the persistent blaming of the media,. I guess taking personal responsibility and owning one's mistakes is a thing of the past. And that is more of a nightmare to me than a dream.
  24. Indulge me with one more article for those of you who rationalize the Trump vote because of the high court appointments. This one happens to be written by the greatest conservative columnist of our time (in my opinion anyway): [Hidden Content]
  25. I also appreciate your point about voting rights. I have no issue with them being intertwined. It also think the proposition of having one's rights restored is a noble one (for either or both). Sometimes people do stupid things, especially at a young age, and end up becoming more productive citizens than those who have a squeaky clean record.
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