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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. 2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    IMO it's premature to fire someone over allegations that were almost immediately retracted.  But I don't have access to the evidence, and I'm sure the powers that be at UT are able to get it.  I expect the charges to be dropped fairly soon.  How can you take someone to trial when the alleged victim is saying "I lied about him choking me, and told the police as much that night before they even arrested him.  All of my other minor injuries were a result of him defending himself against me."  That said, I never expected him to survive this in today's ultrawoke climate.  I'll never support a wife beater, but I'll also never support an atmosphere where the mere allegation that somebody did something leads to the immediate cancellation of their entire life.  

    The erosion of the presumption of innocence in this country should terrify us all.  It doesn’t even make most people’s radar but I can assure you it’s a real thing.  Social media is the great window into society (unfortunately) and this case is no different than most cases (unless we really like someone or they are in a position most of us revere - e.g., a cop is arrested while doing his job).   Any news source or thread is mostly replete with “I hope he goes to jail and they throw away the key” or “she deserved to lose her job for what she did.”  All over a simple arrest with no finding of guilt anywhere.  If it doesn’t scare you, I can assure you that bullets is right.  Your life could be potentially ruined, all over a potentially wrongful arrest (and by wrongful I mean an arrest that ends in a dismissal or acquittal). 

  2. 1 hour ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

    I disagree and say there are alot of talented kids at WOS. Talent alone can only go so far. I don't keep up with basketball nearly as much as you guys. Are there players on other teams that have transfered from WOS?

    Not that I’m aware of.  And I think you are correct with athletes.  But some good kids have gone through LCM in recent years who would have been mustangs.  

  3. 1 hour ago, bullets13 said:

    Admittedly, I selfishly wanted this to work out as a UT basketball fan.  They were set to become a powerhouse for a long time under him.  That said, if he's guilty, he deserves this.  But from what I've heard, she's crazy, and on top of that she almost immediately retracted most of her claims, some of them even before he was arrested to begin with.  Without being privy to the evidence, who knows.  I've "heard" the pictures are damning, but if it's self-defense, it's self-defense.  If someone tries to rob me when i have the kids in the car, the pictures of them when I'm done are going to look pretty damning without context as well.  

    She’s got a history of violence and lost a HC volleyball job at the most prominent Hs in Lubbock because of it. This was when her fiancé was probably the most popular guy in west Texas (before becoming the most hated).  I said from the beginning I would bet a large sum of money she bit herself.  Seen it before, it’s in the crazy chick 101 playbook.  I don’t know what he did or didn’t do, but I can’t imagine there’s a chance in hell he gets convicted for anything.  And I would love for him to call me to sue my alma mater (if they are planning to use a for cause firing to not pay him).  I would gladly take it on a contingency and call it a career when we collect.  Hopefully he hires better representation than Coach Leach did when went after Tech. 

  4. 13 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

    Aggie jokes write themselves 




    Some manager almost certainly got fired.  Hopefully it wasn’t the kid from Orangefield who forgot the uniforms.  And as the father of a former CBB manager, I couldn’t even get a chuckle out of this. Everybody has forgotten something important at some point of our lives.  Fortunately for most of us, it doesn’t make national news. 

  5. 2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    Kind of a loaded question, as the game has changed so much.  Are we going by versus who they played at the time, or overall ability?  An average PGA tour player could go back in time and win just about every tournament. the numbers of Hall of Fame QB's line up with the bottom quarter of the league now.  I don't think Pele's skill level would be good enough to crack the starting 11 of Brazil's team these days, but what he did back then was unprecedented.  But that said, factoring in International and Club play, my top 5 would be: 

    1. Lionel Messi (2nd all time goal scoring leader, all time assist leader, WC champ).  Spent the vast majority of his career at high ranking European clubs.
    2. Christiano Ronaldo (all time goal scoring leader, 3rd all time assists, European champ) Spent the vast majority of his career at high ranking European clubs.
    3. Pele (3rd all time leading goal scorer, 4x WC champ).  Played weaker competition in Brazil before coming to the US and playing terrible competition.

    4 and beyond: many debates can be had.


    Kylian Mbappe for France is 24 and is way ahead of Messi's pace of goals and assists at the club and national level.  He also has as many world cup goals through 2 world cups as Pele did in 4.  I think in 10-12 years He'll without a doubt be an easy inclusion to the all-time top-5 list, but the question is how high will he be.  If he avoids injury and chooses to play into his late 30s he'll likely be the all-time leaders in goals, assists, and possibly world cup goals as well.  There's a very good shot he's at the top of it when it's all said and done.  An argument can almost be made to put him in the top-5 now.  He's the Luka of soccer at this point.  Can we say Luka is a top-5 all-time player?  Not yet, but there's not much doubt he will be when he's done.

    No Maradona?  I watched a doc on him once.  My boys are both huge soccer fans (you can probably guess one is an Mbappe fan).  They both have Maradona pretty high on their lists.  The oldest also has Messi #1 (he’s also a huge Messi fan) and the Mbappe fan goes Pele 1, Maradona 2.  

  6. On 12/29/2022 at 8:39 PM, bullets13 said:

    The original GOAT

    I’m not a soccer guy by any stretch.  I enjoy watching the bigger games but know next to nothing.  Growing up, it seemed like Pele was almost the undisputed GOAT.  However, it seems like that has changed.  Just curious as to who your top 5 would be (of all time)?

  7. On 12/30/2022 at 10:21 AM, BMTSoulja1 said:

    I was thoroughly impressed how BU adjusted to having the shot clock.  It was obvious that they worked on this as it seems they didn’t seemed rushed too many times and I didn’t see one shot clock violation.  Credit that to the coaching staff.

    Most of their starters have probably played more games with a shot clock than without one. 

  8. 11 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

    Roschon should have played with Bijan out.  Could have put up big numbers tonight 

    I thought about that too.  I certainly don’t judge these kids for sitting out lower type bowl games like the Alamo Bowl to not risk injury.  But I wondered if Roschon could have helped his draft stock by playing.  I have no idea but I definitely think he’s got an nfl future. 

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