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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Very true...those in glass houses... However, we don't particularly want Baylor anymore. How about the SEC take them off our hands? We promise now that Briles is gone, they will regress back to their history of noncompetitiveness but will still give you more presence in this state...
  2. One of my favorite philosophers...
  3. Oh I see. So Reagan's successes are also due to his Democratic congress. Got it.
  4. I wholeheartedly agree with you here.
  5. But very different from "I alone can fix it!" as we heard over and over last week. My question is if he alone can fix it, why did he offer to make Kasich the most powerful VP in history? And if the VP is handling domestic and foreign policy, while the President is concentrating on "making America great again," what does the latter entail? By the way, I do like Kasich and wish he'd have accepted...
  6. I agree with you guys. Nothing is free. Not college, not welfare, not wars, not walls, etc. Who was the last president who made sure there was more than enough income to cover the country's budget?
  7. Back on topic...Bad move in general and not even a smart political move IMO. Not sure what is hoped to be accomplished. To be sure, discussions need to take place with all parties present and with a voice. But to politicize the issue at the DNC is not the time, place or forum.
  8. Edit:. My bad, if you don't get it, you aren't going to get it...
  9. Start a bunch of companies, get some investors, borrow a crapload of money, and then file for bankruptcy. Seems to be a good blueprint. You might even gain enough notariety to win a nomination for President...
  10. Not everyone can have such distinguished statesmen speak on Day 1 of their convention like the Duck Dynasty dude and Chachi Arcola...
  11. What is amazing to me is how the very few things Trump has concretely stated (as opposed to him "making America great again" and how he'll be "terrific") he would do are very expensive, government expanding propositions (I.e., building the wall, deporting millions, etc.). All the while, he plans on cutting taxes for the wealthy. Sounds economical to me. :/ Your best bet would have been for Kasich to have take little Donnie's offer to be his running mate and be in charge of domestic and foreign policy. Not sure what that would have left the Donald to do other than "making America great again."
  12. One would assume! Although there is a lot more attention on their votes than yours and mine. I've never been a big fan of the system, although I do understand it gives the smaller states a little more voice. I just don't particularly agree that they should have their voice amplified just because of their population.
  13. As I've said before, the critical votes in this election, at least according to pollsters (including GOP'ers like Luntz), will be single women. Good luck with all that
  14. The reason Hillary is considered such a favorite is the way you get elected. Electoral votes. Trump will have to win almost all of the swing states to win (which comprise about 96 electoral votes). Hillary will need about 18 of those votes.
  15. He also recently picked up his 3rd D1 offer to Central Connecticut (coached by Donyell Marshall). By the way, good advice Dove, and advice that will most assuredly be heeded. The kid is constantly working his tail off with his game. And as far as humility, in this day and age where almost every kid tweets about being "blessed" with receiving an offer as soon as they receive one, I don't think Kobe mentioned a word about his most recent one. Humble to his core.
  16. By the way, Silsbee has had some great Senior classes of late in terms of athletics in general (notably Classes of '14 and '16 IMO). But this year's graduating class has the POTENTIAL to be the best of them all. Could be a really, really special year for the Tigers.
  17. This. Silsbee insiders will tell you from the time they were young, Class of 2017 and Class of 2019 are the two best. If you are looking at the best of the best on that team, only Barnes is in that group. (By the way AAW, L Tyler is 2019 I think.) I do agree with AAW about the Senior class. In terms of depth, that's the class. I would put the 2019 class with them because of McCain and Adams (and I really like the way Tyler plays as well).
  18. Close. Upcoming sophomore and senior classes are the best two, by far. But the freshman class is the best. So I have always said this year should be their best shot, or maybe year after next when the sophomores are seniors if they keep progressing.
  19. And be careful what you put on Twitter. Don't think college coaches don't monitor the social media stuff. Closely...
  20. Our coach is not a hall of famer. We realize that. He has one more season to right the ship. You guys worry about Special Les Miles. Personally, I think he is perfect for that fan base.
  21. I will give you a hint though. Vegas lines are not a prediction of the outcome of any particular game.
  22. Poor Tigger has no idea how Vegas sets its lines. What a shocker.
  23. He really has. Everyone knows aggy would rather be anyone's b*tch other than Texas'. I mean a century of that would be enough for anyone! Mr. BG actually nailed it though. Mizzou and Colorado having buyer's remorse...
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