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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Agreed. It made for some pretty funny video but is really small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. The fact that she came out and said she wrote the speech herself (when almost NO ONE does) was a bigger faux pas to me.* But again, it's a potential First Lady. Who really cares? *Credit to Rebgp so I am not accused of plagiarism.
  2. Why is nobody actually saying what happened? Are the Drumpf's too embarrassed? Obviously they got trolled by a speech writer. Not the first time a campaign has been infiltrated...
  3. Shouldn't that be aggy or arky? I mean, neither have won any hardware since the advent of color television (or any television in aggy's case) so...oh wait, never mind, still photos don't make for good tv...my bad...
  4. No you're not. I do not know near enough of the evidence in that case to make any inference. My comment was a general one; and one shared by a large majority of the legal community if they are honest about it.
  5. Fair question. I am not sure I am the person with the answers. All men were not created equal (sorry Founding Fathers). All lawyers are not created equal. I predicated my answer with socioeconomic considerations. To me, these are probably more indicative of the level of justice you receive than race. Do you think OJ would have walked if he was poor and a nobody? What if he was a poor white dude? The answer to both of those is almost assuredly a resounding no. There were a lot of factors in that case, not the least of which is he had absolutely the best defense money could buy.
  6. Anyone who doesn't know this hasn't been around it much or is the epitome of naïveté. But it's not just race; socioeconomic factors are just as relevant if not more so.
  7. Wouldn't surprise me. My guess is they will be ready if Shaka comes calling...
  8. I think the point is that no major US Company has filed Ch. 11 more times in the last 30 years than Trump's. The fact that he didn't file them individually is a silly, silly argument (akin to "But President Obama has accumulated $0 of the US debt personally). If anything, it's more troubling to me for what should be obvious reasons. But make no mistake, I fully understand your position. Which is why I pointed out the hypocrisy works both ways. As for your last question, I have no good answer. I've wondered the exact same thing.
  9. One letter for you: W. [Hidden Content] Obviously the debt has continued to escalate under Obama. I place plenty of blame on him for failing to correct a lot of the damage done by the previous administration as he promised. But let's be clear. The downward spiral was already in full effect when he was sworn in.
  10. Me thinks some of you are unaware a hypocrisy is a two way street. Which makes most of these "retorts" pretty funny. That's the whole point fellas. Glass houses...glass houses.
  11. Funny, the overwhelming majority of the pejorative terms on this board pertaining to one's intelligence come from righties and are directed toward the left... i think you comment may reveal your own belief or knowledge that the majority of the scholarly are to the left...and congrats, you would be correct.
  12. I would think that was a weight joke except you included Nash!
  13. Valid point. I always respected the man for his intelligence. Now I respect him for his...well, you know...as well.
  14. Goodwin was actually a first rounder and thus had a guaranteed contract. Cal has given a lot worse advice (often intentionally) to more players than Archie.
  15. So you agree Hillary is a big favorite to win the election?
  16. You are not in your 90s Nash. But no, not fair. But neither would a golf match between us, I can assure you!
  17. He told me he met you earlier. Really good guy. I don't really follow the bookies closely. I had to look up the presidential odds but had read she was heavily favored a month ago. I was actually surprised to see it has risen despite recent events. As for the NBA odds, I seem to spend my summers around gyms and was told that last week by someone I would not doubt. As for the golf bet, no thank you. I am too proud to accept the amount of strokes required to make that bet fair!
  18. I thought your link indicated Trump was actually a favorite now? Unless the implication is that "swing states" aren't actually swing states by the definition because Hillary doesn't need them to win. And no, you would have to lay a lot more than -325 on GS making the playoffs. They are less than even money to WIN the NBA championship next year... (-130 l think was the last number I saw)
  19. interesting. I also missed he announced Palin would be in his cabinet. I can only hope he is talking about an actual cabinet in the White House. Or maybe Minister of Presidential Wardrobe and Hair Products. I could roll with that.
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