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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. And actually, you can win $2600 on a $1000 bet online now. Have to lay $3250 to win $1000 on Hillary.
  2. No, you already established Vegas is often wrong (and I won't deny that). Based upon your link posted, I would be willing to bet straight up but not require you to give me odds (even though trump leads in all the swing states).
  3. But don't feel bad...22 goes into my age more than once as well...
  4. TxHoops


    Hasn't seemed to be a hindrance to Google, Apple, etc...amazingly the more money they make, the more they stay put in a state with higher tax rates.
  5. TxHoops


    Correct. He's a democrat because he's one of the most intelligent men in the world
  6. I understand he's more of a burnt orange and white kind of kid. Don't be surprised to see 2 Silsbee kids playing for Shaka out of that class.
  7. TxHoops


    Honestly it would depend on much more than tax rates. And he would not pay a high tax rate under my theory but would pay a higher one the more successful he was. But how would being a republican make you more successful than me? Of course that alone does not determine someone's success. At least not monetarily. How the government operates does have a bearing as we both would acknowledge
  8. He hasn't had a lot of looks yet because those mostly come from summer games. But most know of him already. All that will come. I also hear he will be cleared soon. Before it's said and done, he will have a ton of offers. And the way he has apparently grown, good grief.
  9. TxHoops


    No, I am saying it sure is ironic if you all are as correct as you think you are. But are you actually saying you believe there is no government influence on the stock market? Surely that was a typo or misstatement. I KNOW you aren't that naive.
  10. TxHoops


    Close. How could Gates, Buffett, and Jobs all be Democrats since we are all "libtards" and "morons"? (I am NOT quoting you there by the way.)
  11. TxHoops


    I actually thought you probably did. Thank you for the Steve Nash-like assist
  12. TxHoops


    I will wait on 2 things: 1.) an answer to my original question 2.) you to produce the name of a wealthier individual than Gates or Buffett on the right.
  13. TxHoops


    By the way, I didn't know that about your move down south. Very commendable indeed.
  14. TxHoops


    I also have confidence in Bill Gates (as well as the late Steve Jobs). Very smart men who, along with Warren Buffett, are among the wealthiest men in the history of this country. And I would hope you would concede that they are all more business savvy than you or me. Know what else they have in common? All Democrats However could that be???
  15. TxHoops


    It's not light reading but here is a report from the IMF after an economic study. Interesting findings for you "trickle-down economics" guys. Swear it's like watching Bart Simpson burn his finger on the stove, over and over... [Hidden Content]
  16. TxHoops


    Sooo, basically nothing I stated or posted was incorrect. Thank you all for playing
  17. TxHoops


    Sorry, I missed your question. Economically, you and I probably agree on more than you think. I am for responsible governmental spending and financial accountability. I am also very much in favor of a sliding scale taxation where the the wealthiest pay a far greater percentage than the poor. And I am for that despite the fact a flat tax would very much benefit me and my family personally.
  18. TxHoops


    The current administration (all Dems) and legislators (both Dem majorities) have governed to reduce the debt and deficit. Their once disastrous economy has also significantly rebounded. I assume your argument is that is in spite of their leaders, not because of it? I doubt very seriously your argument would be the same if the state was under other leadership...
  19. I know that's tongue in cheek but I don't see how it could have hurt Trump. After all, Bernie's favorability ratings are consistently 15 points or more higher than the Donald's
  20. TxHoops


    More recent results from the lab from a solid financial source. Ball don't lie... [Hidden Content]
  21. It happens from time to time but I also believe it to be very improper. Anyone would know who RBG is voting for so I don't know why she wouldn't simply decline to answer questions about any candidate. As I've said, it's happened before and it isn't expressly forbidden. But as the article notes, the problem it could create is the one of conflict of interest. And as litigious as the Donald is, I would say it is very possible that he might eventually have a case before the Court. And now, if that happens, she would most certainly have to recuse herself. In that court, it could make a difference in the outcome of such a case. Just a bad idea in general. But what can I say, you old folks have a problem holding your tongue at times
  22. I guess for several reasons. He is a brilliant guy and a great "thinker." He has never been hemmed in according to party lines but I've always believed him to be a man of great conviction. He also happens to be, in my opinion, maybe the greatest political columnists of his time based upon his literary talent. Maybe it's a personal thing but I don't know that I've ever read one of his columns that didn't interest me. His writing seems to fit my eye. I discovered him as a boy when I read one of his baseball books. I've read him almost religiously since. And besides Nash, I don't have to often agree with someone to like them. After all, I've always liked you
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