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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. On 12/21/2022 at 6:07 AM, baddog said:

    dead at 72.

    NFL legend Franco Harris, known for Immaculate Reception, dead at 72


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    Hated the Steelers but always respected Franco.  Really miss the League and how it was back in that time.  Not many, if any, Roger Staubachs and Tom Landrys around these days…

  2. 20 minutes ago, Who That said:

    I" was just about to say the same thing. Furr is the Houston school to look out for this year in 4A.

    Furr upset BTW by 1 point on a really off night for the Eagles (not that off nights are super rare for Booker T).  Tap the breaks on Furr being the “school to look out for.”  They may be much improved but they still lose 8 or 9 times out of 10 to BTW imo. 

  3. As long as you don’t catch BTW when everyone is “on” for them, they shouldn’t beat Silsbee or a team of that caliber.  Most HS teams are inconsistent but they are WILDLY so.  And the problem is when someone is off, they are going to continue to show you how off they are.  If all pistons are firing though, they can play with anyone.  I would think Silsbee beats them 8 or 9 out of 10 times. 

  4. 10 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    My great-great grandfather was forced off of his native land in North Carolina, the Trail of Tears, and marched by force to Oklahoma.  This was done by OUR government.  Should I be entitled to reparations?

    Had no idea. Probably good for you or you would have been peppered with questions during one of those ball games.  And be prepared for the next one lol

  5. Another classic Leach story via Lincoln Riley in his second year as a Tech assistant (by the way, if USC had won last week, half of the CFB playoffs’ head coaches would have been Leach disciples):

    The story is about a phone conversation Riley overheard between Leach and somebody:

    “He picked it up and said, ‘Hey, how’s it going?’ And then he listened for a second and asked, ‘Where ya calling from?’

    He kept talking on the phone and I eventually sort of tuned out. Now, a short phone conversation for Coach Leach is an hour. 

    So he was talking about this and that, and I was kind of hunkered down working on my own stuff. At some point, the call got dropped. They must have lost reception. Coach said, “Can you hear me? Are you there?”

    Then he closed his old-school flip phone, swung it back open and redialed. He said, ‘Hey, sorry I lost you.’ And then they resumed their conversation for another 30 minutes or so before Coach finally hung up.

    After he was done, we started talking and I said, ‘Hey Coach, who was that on the phone?’

    And he said, ‘Oh, they had the wrong number.'”



  6. 2 hours ago, spidersal said:

    Last year everyone said Brooks would turn Lamar’s basketball program around. I don’t think they have beaten a D1 school yet. Other than soccer or tennis Lamar’s sports programs have fallen on hard times. For some reason they just can’t compete at the D1 level. It’s sad because they used to be able to compete in men’s basketball and baseball

    Lindenwood is a D1.  First year as a D1, but a D1. 

  7. From a Facebook post of a Mississippi sports reporter.  Sorry but this was too good not to share.  Is there any wonder why this man was so beloved?


    How welcoming, how kind was Mike Leach?
    Jeff Tyler of Wetumpka, AL contacted me to tell me a great story.
    It’s a story that reminds us of Coach Leach’s patience, his keen memory and his interest in others.
    I think you will enjoy this tale!
    “Three years ago, I took my 11-year-old son to a Mississippi State game.
    Jackson wanted to see pre-game warm-ups, so we were practically the first fans in the stadium.
    We took our upper level seats, and my son asked if he could walk down to the field level seats to watch warm-ups, and I let him.
    Well, this kid somehow managed to convince a security guard that he was supposed to be on the field.
    The next thing I saw was my son walking up to Coach Leach and fist bumping him.
    “The two started talking, and a few minutes later Coach Leach was calling over a couple of his players.
    Now, my son was a center on his YMCA team- Coach Leach had his centers showing my son how to snap the ball!
    I was in the upper deck, totally dumbfounded that an SEC coach just spent time in pre-game showing some kid he’d never met how to snap a football.
    My kid comes back to our upper deck seats beaming with pride- I saw it as a memory of a lifetime.
    “Two years later we went to another game- my son was again in the front row watching warm-ups.
    A graduate assistant ran over and yelled, Are you Jackson?’ and my son said, ‘Yes!’
    The graduate assistant said, ‘Coach Leach wants to see you,’ and he took my son out on the field.
    “Coach Leach asked my son if he’d been practicing, and then made him do several snaps.
    Coach told him to keep working on it, gave him a football and sent him on his way.
    I was in the stands dumbfounded that a coach remembered my son’s name, remembered that day, and knew what spending five minutes of his time with a kid could mean.”
    Thanks, Jeff, for this wonderful story.
    I’m asking myself as I write this, “What other college football coach would do such a thing?”, and the answer is, “Pretty much none.”
    If anyone wonders why Mike Leach was and is so loved, they need only listen to the story of the coach and 11-year-old Jackson Tyler.
    Then we will all understand… 

    In a snap.


  8. 3 hours ago, png742 said:

    Do you see them asking any other team that has “The Indians” as their mascot to change their names?  Haven’t heard them complaining about Santa Fe are Cleveland. 

    My alma mater and the team that routinely bounced us from the playoffs when I was in HS in the 80s (Groveton) were and are the Indians.  At the 2A level (now the 3A level), you get much less of the PC stuff.  That and nobody gives a crap (in general) in small town Texas. 

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