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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Not trying to rain on anyone's parade but is this confirmed anywhere? Not showing up on any of the usual websites, nor does it show an offer from UNLV on their offer lists. There is a point guard out of Memphis named Jaylen Fisher (played for Team Thad) who was committed to UNLV but has subsequently decommitted. Hope it is true but strange he hasn't posted it on his Twitter (most kids instantly tweet any offers, and certainly if they commit). Just trying to see if this is accurate.
  2. This is a fabulous notion. And I agree with westend. At least with voters, I think it would receive tremendous bipartisan support.
  3. You didn't just go Thomas Hobbes on us!
  4. Especially when the best player on the board is another OLB - Jack. Jerry Jones is putting together quite a draft - for Jacksonville...
  5. Exactly, it's not the same but this season has been way better than the first. And it does help a little to distract between seasons of TWD. And at least for me, it seems to pick up a little bit of steam each episode.
  6. They used to! Apparently closing at 7 now. Next time I'm headed your way, I will call ahead and get your order
  7. Well I can report good news. At the first two big sneaker stops in NYC and Indy, virtually every big time coach was in attendance (with the exception of Coach K). The two biggest rock stars among the kids were Jay Wright and Shaka. There was a huge buzz wherever they were. The future is bright on the recruiting front.
  8. They can start at my house. Picked up a couple pounds of sliced brisket from JB's on the way home tonight for sandwiches. Still the best in area in my book.
  9. These days very little doesn't confuse me politically on all fronts. I am either steadily getting dumber or logic is ceasing to exist among our elected officials and the voters...
  10. These two are way less popular (via polling) than the last several losers in the general election. What happened to having to be likable to win the White House a la Reagan and (gasp) the Clinton who possesses actual balls? I'm really starting to realize I have no idea what is important in getting elected anymore.
  11. Contrary to what has been stated, there are MANY, MANY people in this area who do believe drinking in any form is a sin, based upon their particular religious beliefs. And you will often see them in restaurants that serve alcohol.
  12. Amen and hallelujah. I am very uncomfortable sitting in judgment of anyone. Not my place or concern. If it doesn't effect me, that's between them and their Maker. And it is quite ironic and ultimately sad that many evangelicals have the exact opposite effect from their mission. And as often as not, it's precisely because of the judgmental stance they take, even though the book we hold dear warns of this as well.
  13. I don't get it either. They want the government out of every aspect of their lives except the bedroom. Well, except the bedrooms of gays. Again, I get the cake argument and I'm not real opposed to religious objections. But the same folks adamantly oppose gay marriage (for the most part) on a religious basis. But I know plenty of clergy who don't have a problem having gay parishioners or marrying them. So the freedom of religion only applies if you agree with your interpretation of your religion? As I've stated before, in the end, I agree with the wise old sage Kinky Friedman. When asked during his gubernatorial bid whether he supported gay marriage he replied - absolutely! I think gays have just as much right to be miserable as the rest of us!
  14. Yep. CraigS and I agree on almost everything relating to sports and very little politically. Yet in both areas, I have to say he is an excellent poster.
  15. Cruz control in reverse. Last night pretty much sealed the deal absent any convention shenanigans. Trump vs. Hillary in November. What a sh** show...
  16. Amen and Amen. Tough to beat NO for food and entertainment. But those place in Centex are a good destination as well.
  17. I have known more than a few people in my lifetime who believe interracial relationships are forbidden by the Bible. A poor interpretation of the "unequally yoked" scripture to be sure, but nonetheless those persons' "Christian" beliefs. I only mention it to point out the comparison actually isn't far fetched at all. LRF - your bakery examples are interesting points. I would draw a significant distinction on the KKK analogy for obvious reasons but the "I heart bacon" cake example is on point IMO. I do get the point that a gay wedding cake does invoke religious principles. I realize most of you guys do not agree with gays' right to marriage, but are probably more offended with the idea of having to "condone" these marriages by having to directly participate in the marriages (I.e., cake). I get that and the religious freedom argument. And for what it's worth, I would have a much bigger problem with someone refusing to sell a dozen cookies to a gay person than the wedding cake issue.
  18. I doubt anything would be considered irrefutable by you. But I will use the standards held by the scientific community and required in a court of law. The following provides several resources to help explain the subject, albeit none of them come from the great scientific minds of Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh... [Hidden Content]
  19. Everyone knew she would ultimately be fired and deservedly so. The debate and tvc's argument was whether she committed a criminal offense. That fate will be left up to the DA, and maybe a jury. Not the keystone cops known as the BISD police. After all, I wonder how many felonies they let go unapprehended over the past few years...Just sayin
  20. On that note, it has been confirmed that an addendum has been made to the core values to specifically exclude from the "do not steal" value, "any aggie football recruit." Just to clarify to avoid confusion by some on this board...
  21. Chuckie steals another one from ole Sumblin. Yawn... [Hidden Content]#
  22. Interesting piece on the Donald. If elected, I hope he is able to come through on even a portion of his rhetoric. To say I am dubious is an understatement though...
  23. Does this make number 5 in the world? Yes the vocal minority seems to be gaining on the other 999,999,995....
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