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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I agree with you as well on weddings and related activities for religious reasons. However, this has never been illegal to refuse in ANY state to my knowledge so no legislation was necessary. And I think any future legislation outlawing it would not withstand legal scrutiny based upon freedom of religion afforded by the Constitution.
  2. I have spoken with multiple folks who were attracted to the same sex for as long as they can remember. Difficult "choices" for small children to make. Not to throw the dreaded scientific element against the regressives theories... [Hidden Content],8599,1815538,00.html
  3. And actually, LRF, this is an area I struggle with. I don't disagree with some of what you say above, nor were some of those things illegal or prohibited before this law. In general, I, like you, favor states handling social issues and find merit in your argument that there are always 49 other states to choose from. This is one reason why I would likely never choose to live in MS and I'm sure you would never choose to live in CA. If I were hearing a challenge to this law in my court, I'm really not sure how I would rule. I guess I would start with actually reading the bill itself. Like my buddy RebGP, I only know what I've seen and read through various news outlets (which we all can agree is dangerous).
  4. It's a tricky area and your questions are valid. You can still refuse business for the old no shirt, no shoes, etc because it does not discriminate against a legally protected class of people. The question is whether those protections extend to cover sexual orientation/identity. My prediction is this law passed by the Mighty Mississips will eventually be flipped and do more to extend the protections of those folks than limit them as intended. Oh the irony...
  5. And as for the "poor and uneducated" State you grew up in that is not backward, we just want you guys to continue to move forward with the times, not "backwards." If we left it up to Mississippi, they wouldn't be serving "coloreds" either...
  6. Individual States were not referenced by me. Only "a majority of the citizens of this country." Of course, maybe these Gallup people are new to this thing called polling and it really is bogus. [Hidden Content]
  7. Because while although the majority of the public aren't LGB or T, the majority of the public isn't anti-LGBT. As is well-established, the majority of the citizens of this country supports same sex marriage. It's been that way for a few years now and the number climbs every year.
  8. I find it no surprise that this bill was passed by the arguably the most backward arse state in this country. Their educational record supports that assertion by the way. [Hidden Content] I know guys. Just when we were starting to agree on some things.
  9. [Hidden Content] At some point, is someone going to try and get a handle on the rape epidemic in the Baylor football program? Or maybe the NCAA should continue to ensure none of the athletes are getting a free meal somewhere...
  10. No one said she was right on here or justified it. The justification aspect tvc mentioned is from a legal (criminal) standpoint. And I think most are okay (including me) with her losing her job. But the other discussion is locking her up. THAT I think is a bit overboard. Force her into retirement. From the video, it looks like it may have been overdue anyway.
  11. Would depend on the circumstances. If my kid had acted up deserving some form of punishment...in any event, I wouldn't want the lady in jail. I am not in favor of kids being "abused" but if you ask me, we have gone overboard in "empowering" kids. Case in point, I know of more than one case where father's in this area were convicted of a felony on a "bad spanking." Saw the pictures in a couple of instances and the kid's behind was definitely bruised. Again, since that's the standard, I would have had more than one coach who would have had a rap sheet several pages long. Are we better off by doing a "better job" of "protecting our children"? I would argue that's one of the biggest problems with our society today. But again, that's the law and we have a duty to abide by it.
  12. I'm sure he will have plenty of people who want him to. To me, it's arguably a class c misdemeanor. In any case, I doubt very seriously there was any form of bodily injury.
  13. Sounds like she was well liked, especially by her former students. Sad way to end a career devoted to kids. Hopefully she will get some kind of probation and will enjoy retirement. The kid never should have been hit but come on. Unlike what some of those comments suggest, we have better uses for our jail cells than some 63 year old lady who popped a student on the back of the head. Some of those folks should have had a couple of my coaches. And I don't hold any ill will toward them either.
  14. She will still get her retirement if vested and sounds like she was. Probably better as her patience seems to be worn. I can empathize. Easy to want to smack a kid in the back of the head. Just can't do it.
  15. Apparently, in the comics, Glenn dies in the shootout at the railroad tracks instead of the nurse. My wife has figured out who it was, at least I think. Her argument was too strong for me to argue with. But I hope she's wrong.
  16. Prayers for her family. Can't even begin to imagine what they are going through.
  17. They say there's one in every crowd. Only on this site, there's usually more than one. Anyway, back to the intent of the thread...congrats to Jase! This is a rare accomplishment that's well deserved by a great kid who has worked very hard. Awesome you get to continue your basketball journey AND get an education out of it.
  18. Not to mention the kid himself has been posting his transfer all over social media.
  19. No, apparently Dekaney was the early rumor. HJ is the current rumor.
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