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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. The wife read and loved the book. She said it's a little different (I think starting at the second episode) but key parts are the same. She says for time constraints. But she has really enjoyed the series too.
  2. Well, I guess the wife and I will have to knock that season out by the end of Spring Break. By the way, since you are a Netflix'er, highly recommend 11/22/63 based on the Stephen King book. They only release one episode a week but it's really good.
  3. Stop trying to depress me, ladybug!!
  4. I was also struck by how horrified she would be by the lack of decorum in this election. What is the worst part of it to me is it is as much an "us" problem as it is with the guys engaging in these ridiculous debates, etc. If people were as outraged as Nancy Reagan would be, they would clean it up and talk about the real issues. I can only assume they don't because this is what "the people" want to hear. It speaks volumes about our society and it's not good. There have to be plenty of former Presidents rolling over in their graves when pee pee size is discussed on a Presidential debate stage...
  5. On that note, I'm disappointed again at another skipped funeral by the President. I realize it's not the most important thing in the world but it is a sign of respect and has been one of those times when people from both sides of the aisle unite together. Just bad form IMO. And this coming from someone who loves Austin and SXSW as much as anyone.
  6. I agree but that kind of money for, as Mack correctly points out, an unproven qb? just reeks of desperation to me. I mean it's only $4m less per year than Rodgers and about double what Brady will make. He might be great but he might be a bust. That's elite qb money. But it's proof once again what a sweet gig the NFL backup qb position is. Either get paid to hold a clipboard or, if you are with a good team and do get in, win a few games and you can set you and yours up for life.
  7. Kind of my thoughts. Based on his resume', doesn't look like 4A SETX football is a destination job for him. Wish the Tigers nothing but success though.
  8. 4 years/$72M? I hope it works out but if not, could be the nail in Rick Smith's coffin. Smells a lot like the Matts (Cassel and Flynn) to me. Hope I'm wrong.
  9. My wife was the same way. Cringing the whole hour. I am starting the think "Jesus" is going to be a valuable member for the group. I hope so because I really want to like the kid.
  10. It's already out???? How did I miss this??
  11. I would expect Texas to be higher. Surprised A&M is on the list. Outside of Texas, not much vitriol against the Aggies. Although they were the biggest villain to Red Raiders and Bears when they were in our conference.
  12. I made a bet before the season that A&M would win the SEC in the next 5 seasons (including this one). Never thought I would win in year one. Happy for my aggie friends and Coach Kennedy. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
  13. This week we lost a woman who, along with Jackie Kennedy, brought class and glamour to the title of First Lady. Here is an article wherein one of my all time favorite journalists, George Will, remembers one of our country's favorite couples: [Hidden Content]
  14. Navasota for sure would be a favorite over the Lobos. Like has been said, you still have to play the game. Silsbee has looked "hungry" to me all year long. I expect they will continue to play that way. All the teams at state will be very good and at some point, whether it's the pace of the game, officials, a cold spell, etc., Silsbee will face some adversity. It happened in the first half against Hudson. They just have to play through it and keep the intensity up for these final 64 minutes. They do that, they will bring the hardware home.
  15. Oh, no. That was the next year (when the sophomores this year were in 8th grade). The year before Levelland finished 2nd to Navasota. The year Buna finished 2nd, it was in Levelland. Orangefield finished 3rd and I believe Fairfield won it. Not sure where Levelland finished.
  16. This should be a great one. And either of these teams is capable of winning it all. Just based on trends, I will take Lincoln by 2.
  17. They actually lost to Navasota in the finals (in Canton). That was the same year they kicked Silsbee up to the big school division because they had a Kountze player or two. Silsbee did win Nationals, beating College Station in the Finals that year. Levelland should not be able to dictate the pace of this game. Provided the refs don't call it like a 4th grade girls game, Silsbee's guard play should be way too much for the Lobos to handle. Silsbee should dictate the pace of this game and Levelland is not nearly athletic enough to keep up.
  18. I hear you. No question Boyd is a special player and I very much agree underrated. We all have our opinions and you know what they say And the Davis kid can really go.
  19. I'm not saying you're a novice. But if you've seen the two play in the past year and hold that opinion, you gotta change those blue and gold colored glasses. You're right they are far apart but not how you believe. As you said, ask Hicks. He'll tell you the same. As will Reggie Rankin. As will most any college coach whose seen them both. But I do agree with you on the sneaker team thing, as I already said in my previous post.
  20. No doubt! If they were 7 or 8 deep, they would likely be done.
  21. I do agree though, Mamba, that Boyd would have gotten much more summer exposure had he played elsewhere and would have had some more offers. But he isn't on the same planet as McGusty. If you haven't seen him play in the last 18 months, you haven't seen him play.
  22. I know, I know. Kam McGusty is going to OU, got offered by Texas, Louisville, NC St., Indiana, Florida, Auburn, Indiana, USC, and many, many more D1 offers because he played for the Houston Defenders instead of Team Sneed. I think Josh is very good but when you guys make statements like that...I don't know how he played against the Panthers JV 2 years ago but he is ranked in the top 50 in the country overall and has been for since last summer (when it counts vs. on JV vs Ozen). I hope he isn't losing sleep about that game though man. I really, really do.
  23. But Andrew Jones plays for Irving MacArthur. McD's AA, going to Texas. 6'4" PG. But understand if you haven't seen him/unfamiliar with him.
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