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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. My bad. Read this page only. Didn't see your comment to another poster where you excluded non-UIL schools. Cam McGusty played for Seven Lakes last year, from Katy, but goes to prep school in Kansas now. He would be excluded too.
  2. He plays in the State. He is from Texas. Andrew Jones plays is from Texas and is from the State. If you tune in to the McDonald's all american game, you can see him play. Did you say "in the State" or "in UIL"? Exactly.
  3. When he says third best in the State of Texas, he is not aware the State extends past Houston. He "thinks" this player is better than Carson Edwards, Jacob Young, and Greg Shead among others. Most disagree but okay. But if he thinks he is better than Andrew Jones, Terrance Ferguson, Cam McGusty, etc., he is truly "remedial" in the judging of basketball talent. Not to mention any non-seniors.
  4. Hate it for the kid. Tough way to go. Hopefully his teammates and coaches pick him up. Games aren't won or lost on one shot or possession.
  5. Had their chances at the end. But you're right. Great season.
  6. That's how Central came back in the 4th. Didn't press them until then.
  7. Good season Ozen! Who was on the line at the end of the game?
  8. Same crap happened in Central game. We can't ever get calls over there against Houston teams.
  9. I can live with that quarter. Close em out Panthers!
  10. Completely agree. Ozen just needs to play its game and not let them get a big momentum push. Ozen holds serve in the third, they're going to state.
  11. What a game. Both teams made SETX proud. Congrats and good luck Bucs!
  12. As AAW said going into this game, if Silsbee plays like they are capable, they will win. One possession at a time, one game at a time.
  13. All about tempo and defense. Ozen dictates the pace and doesn't give up a lot of open looks from outside, they will be fine. This game is going to be won by the team with the best guard play.
  14. [Hidden Content] A HS game for the ages. To those who hate Bleacher Report as much as I do, this one is NOT a slideshow.
  15. I've said several times in the last couple of weeks that Ozen has improved steadily and dramatically from the first of the year. And unlike you, I don't keep chasing my tail. We are all wrong at times. Some just aren't "big" enough to admit it. And here's one last thing for your "lols" and "lmaoooooos": "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet." Proverbs 29:9 Lot of wisdom in that Book....
  16. Looking forward to it. And for the record, I hope Ozen wins. Really do. And I think they will. Unlike when you were going to "talk to me" after the Ozen-Central game at the Montagne...
  17. Never said that. Said height and athleticism are a big part of basketball. But see, you just make stuff up and don't actually have quotes cause you are constantly being abused with your childlike arguments and logic. Or maybe you just have trouble reading. You might need to get hooked on phonics...
  18. Trying to help you out. The first quote is where this argument about same skill set but taller began. Don't feel bad, no one else can keep up with your ill conceived, circular logic either...
  19. Sorry one last thing. You said "exact same skill set." Do Curry and Westbrook have the exact same skill set? (Insert OF's "lmaooooo"). Insert OF's "I'll wait" and "dummy". Ok. I'm really done now.
  20. They aren't in the same league. One will be in the league, and one will, well not. Hope that helps. Again, for the record, the "Lmaooooo" doesn't make you look smart...but it does make you look like a prepubescent chick. Okay, I'm seriously done. I feel like a bully beating up on the feeble minded. Not very Christian at all. Have a good night my man. I'm sure it will be "blissful."
  21. No one uses the term "light years" on here except you (and those quoting you), albeit you inject it into your posts repeatedly. You remind me of a dude studying an old dictionary and throws a new word he learns into any conversation repeatedly... As for your completely illogical argument, yes, if two players are basically equal (you say "exact same skill set") and one has more height, the one with more height is going to get offered first, drafted, etc. Add the taller player having more athleticism topples the scale over. Welcome to Basketball 101. I don't know that I've ever had to explain such rudimentary concepts to an adult who claims to watch so much basketball.
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