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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Read my mind. Sterling doesn't have the horses this year to run with Silsbee. Tigers come ready to play, they blow their doors off.
  2. Elkins led 17-11 after 1, and 29-28 at half. Each outscored the other in 2 periods.
  3. i am betting there is a lot of congestion at the top of the standings in this district next year. Nederland will be in the mix for sure.
  4. Elkins actually led 17-11 after one. So each team outscored the other in 2 quarters But the third was the killer Jags went from down 1 to down 21 Elkins heated up, no doubt, but you can't score 5 points in a period against one of the top teams and win the game. The hardest part to swallow is it was avoidable. Same trap I see the Jags fall into before. Watching Central and Silsbee showed a huge disparity between the two, especially when McCain was in. The Jags would have success penetrating against the man defense, and then force up a shot against at least two, often 3 defenders (if the other team is playing 5 people too, math should tell you one or two guys are open). McCain was penetrating at will for Silsjee and then finding the guy open underneath or kicking to a shooter. If he didn't draw help, he scored. All night.
  5. I'm not saying you're wrong. And I hope you're right. I was just saying both teams are losing key seniors this year. Both have other kids capable of stepping up. And that I thought the rivalry would still be very competitive. But I get what you're saying - the reload thing.
  6. Man, officiating is so hit and miss. I thought the crew for the Central game was pretty bad and then the crew for Silsbee-Furr was really, really good.
  7. Dang, Mickey was on that team too. Didn't know you guys played them!
  8. Next year may be their best chance though. Not picking them, just saying...
  9. Ah, my comment wasn't clear. Will be competitive with each other. They may very well struggle. To get back on topic, could Nederland finally get a district title?
  10. Ozen and Central will be highly competitive even after this year. Both are losing a lot.
  11. 3rd quarter one on one show sunk Central. Plenty to be learned from watching the film of the second half of that game.
  12. No they don't. That's why I think Ozen is capable of beating then. Would be a very close game.
  13. They do shoot it lights out. Would be tough to zone em.
  14. Elkins is very beatable by Ozen as well. Solid team but guard heavy. Hope that is the regional final. Would be a great game.
  15. I even said Bush was foolish for avoiding Central to play Ozen. Senior guards vs Sophomores...
  16. I said Ozen would beat Bush, Punchy. No one is taking your title of dumbest poster in SETX...
  17. Every time I see Silsbee play, I come away impressed with 3 and 23.
  18. Silsbee up 43-26 with 11 secs left in 1h. Tigers look sloppy sloppy though
  19. 47-43? GREAT win Panthers! Be careful what you wish for Bush!!
  20. He can't remember the question. He's as punch drunk as Sugar Shane Mosely after the beating you've been giving him....
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