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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I was just making a point. I honestly didn't know where he was ranked until you thought it was so ridiculous I said he was one of the better big men in the Houston area. So I was making a point. But you are so bad at making a coherent argument and so good at owning yourself, I wouldn't expect you to understand. As far as you knowing more basketball than me or anyone else, that may be the funniest thing you've ever said. I will say I will defer to you on the intramural 6 foot and under leagues though...
  2. Bush's guards are younger too. It's funny because I know some folks who would much rather play Bush than Elkins, even several weeks ago. I definitely like that matchup better for Ozen, not that they couldn't beat Elkins too. As you say, a lot of times it's about matchups and I think Bush's strengths play into Ozen's.
  3. A lot of people share that opinion. I've seen him play maybe 4 or 5 times. But I've always been impressed.
  4. By the way, clutch FTs by the kid on the other team
  5. I know, crazy me. Didn't see Oxen winning one out of three. But congrats!! The fact you would think anyone on this planet would think you know more about basketball than Jimmy tells me everything I already knew about you. Excepting of course you and maybe your immediate family. But I know, I know, those dumb college coaches will have just "bought into the hype too" lmao
  6. I completely disagree. He does a William "Refrigerator" Perry spike across the court right in front of the ref. As he was asking for the ball. A ref is almost forced to make that call. It's unfortunate but stupidity is costly sometimes.
  7. Indeed. They owned the offensive glass in that one.
  8. How did he not get the ball once before that in OT??? 9 offensive boards for the big man
  9. Davis finally gets an OT touch but off the boards to win it! Ags win!!
  10. Not the prettiest game but an instant classic nonetheless.
  11. I've never seen this - someone foul out after being fouled and going to the line. Maybe a bad call but you can't spike the ball there. It was just dumb.
  12. What a game. House knocks both down. Then Ulis with a tough floater.
  13. Missed FTs in crunch time have been a killer. Have to knock those down!!
  14. That foul call was awful but at least it put a horrendous shooter on the line. A&M needs a facilitator so badly.
  15. Great basketball game. Collins has to get off the ball there though
  16. I forgot, you're the expert on all things basketball. LMAO! I am going to call Jimmy Hicks and let him know ranking Fabian #2 in the 2017s behind only Vanderbilt is a big mistake according to one of our local yokels. That statement alone proved you were as clueless as we all already knew. Beat Atacocita? Get outta here
  17. Not an inappropriate topic. It's just more a topic for the Locker Room forum than a political issue.
  18. The funny thing is when I saw the piece on Scalia, I thought immediately of a few guys on this board that I rarely agree with politically, but of whom personally I couldn't be fonder (yourself included). I didn't always agree with Scalia, although on many issues I did. But he was a brilliant legal scholar who gave everything he had to the law.
  19. So it's them not playing with the big boys in the summers is why they didn't get the same offers? Maybe you're right but if you think Ozen wouldn't be a big dog against Atascocita, I can't help you. 32-0 and ranked in the top 5 in the country. And because you apparently are talking out of your behind as usual, they also happen to have one of the best bigs in Houston.
  20. From #5 to the bubble. I can relate. Remember a few years ago when we ranked #1 at one point and barely limped in the tournament. I think today will cure a lot of woes for aTm. Predict they will beat UK in CS.
  21. I don't know. I'd like to think their music is timeless. My son and some of his friends discovered Hotel California and started hearing them play it some. Restored my faith in our youth a little
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