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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. How is Vandy favored?? Makes me concerned the Ags might lose. Vegas apparently thinks it knows something we don't...
  2. I do enjoy pushing buttons but I really have no ill will towards A&M. As I've said before, I may very well have a child there one day and will have no problem writing those checks. In the end, A&M is a very good school. My only stipulation with my kids is that I will not pay should they choose to go to OU. Because, as I've told them, the only reason they would go there is to piss me off. And I'm not playing that game.
  3. I just assumed you were comparing him to Tevye...
  4. They don't have a game scheduled but it is very possible they could meet in the playoffs. I would also love to see the two play and would probably make the drive to do so if they do meet.
  5. I wasn't at the tournament but heard a lot of second hand accounts. From both sides. I am sure everyone wishes several people had handled things differently but it is water under the bridge. The kid who was criticized is a very good player and a very good kid (according to more than one person I know well and trust). Likewise, Clay Davis is a fine coach and an even better person IMO. And that comes from personal knowledge. I know your personal choice for best coach would share that sentiment. Speaking of which, hard to argue with your choice of Sutherland and your observations of Coach Foster. Both great coaches and teachers of the kids, and both of whom are molders of men by leading by example...
  6. This situation had absolutely nothing to do with race. It was an issue of whether coaches used good judgment in administering punishment to the kids. But I'm sure that wasn't your point. It's not like HF is lily white. As for BISD, I am sure there are some at least whose motivations and distaste are at least partially racially motivated. But there are many, myself and some of my close friends of color, who have been disgusted by the corruption and lack of ethics by many within the district who were entrusted with taxpayer money, and more importantly, our children. Just as there are some whose critiques were racially motivated, I believe there are others whose blind support is racially motivated. As far as the TB situation, it was another unfortunate mistake on his part. If he gets it together or Deionte Thompson enjoys success there, I am sure you will just as clearly see overwhelming support for either of them. OF, unfortunately you are correct that there are still a LOT of racist people in this world, and this site has its share I am sure. But invoking the race card when it's not really an issue does nothing to eradicate the problem; rather, it is much more likely to have the reverse effect. Fewer people are likely to hear when the situation actually involves the ignorance that is racism. Just my 2 cents. For whatever it's worth.
  7. For once, we couldn't agree more. I have never seen you post a single thing half as bad as this..
  8. Look, everyone is back to their rightful places in the recruiting hierarchy so we can all be comfortable again. No more of that goofy WRTS. Well, except Baylor apparently slipped up ahead of aggy. But my name is Paul, and that's between y'all. Someone apparently forgot to tell the kids Baylor isn't in the SEC...
  9. Already 2-0. Something tells me this district is due for an upset though...
  10. He was already in consideration for Texas State job. Like Briles when he made the jump, he won't be an assistant for long.
  11. And a helluva one at that! Only going to get better IMO, based on what you have and what you have coming in. We'll have to see how Shaka recruits. He's as good as they come on the sidelines IMO but he needs the horses.
  12. Locksley is the star of the show from what I hear in early reports. Which kind of surprises me. Never thought he would be a QB. Charlie still needs on the field improvement to keep his job IMO. Another 5-7 year or worse and this class will be forgotten. The biggest surprise to me is Baylor. Highest ranked class in Briles' tenure. Look out.
  13. Idk. I'd take another NC. But I know what you mean. And it definitely remains to be seen if it will result in wins.
  14. [Hidden Content] about a week ago we were 40ish and the Ags were around 10. Did Chuck wave to ole Sumblin as they flew past each other headed in opposite directions??
  15. And I have a feeling Central had more than a little something to do with the final here.
  16. No doubt. Just saying it's easy to have a "hangover" after another near miss against Ozen. But again, that's the nature of the beast and you have to play them as you get them.
  17. They played last year. Not sure if that was the first year but I think so.
  18. Nederland drew a tough schedule having to play Ozen and Central back to back twice. No excuse, still gotta get up and play the game with intensity. But it is tougher than having them spread out by a few games.
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