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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Ditto. I would have set the line at Silsbee as a 5-7 point fav, and only because of the nature of games and free throws seldom keeping a final score super close. Saladin and Parquet are as good as anyone in the game and Roberts is the best "big" in the district. The question to me in this game is how much Silsbee's depth affects HJ. We shall see. I like the Tigers in a close one.
  2. I thought we were talking about this year. But thanks for the history lesson of games from when Chris was in diapers. As for the games that he COULD have been a part of, that scoreboard shines a little bright...
  3. Welp. Easy there Winwin. Give the man a chance to breathe...
  4. No worries Dickie V. Ozen's been taking those Ls with or without the big man. Justice has been served. Or in the Panthers' case, exposed
  5. HJ has a rich history and tradition of which they are justifiably proud. Until Silsbee gets it done, they can only look on in envy. The good news is the Tigers have the kind of talent to grab one of those elusive titles. But they still have to get the job done. As it sits, HJ gets to look at their 3 trophies while Silsbee dreams of getting their first. As for the game tomorrow, I expect it to do the rivalry proud.
  6. completely understand your point and the opposing view. Just a personal view of mine with polls. Obviously, they isn't any science to them. Just opinions
  7. I always find head to head to be the most telling. Silsbee beat Central. Central beat Ozen (now twice). I've had these 3 in this order for weeks now...
  8. Agreed. And there isn't a huge disparity in the first 7 or 8 from HJ and Silsbee. I would safely bet Silsbee has more quality depth than any team they've played this year. And 5 have beaten them. Add the rivalry aspect of this game and this is why way more often than not, the game is decided by single digits. Having said that, the Hawks really need Eli healthy. That is one huge advantage Silsbee has. HJ doesn't have the luxury of being able to easily replace a key starter.
  9. Nijal hit the three to start the game and then shot several more after that with no makes. I would sag on him too. Phillips was off and only hit one out of several attempts, although it came at a crucial time towards the end. But he can normally shoot it. But he is by no means the only shooter on the team. From what I understand, the Arceneaux kid has been knocking down the three ball pretty consistently all year.
  10. The weaknesses are largely individual. Thus, I really can't go into specifics. However, I can say I'm not the only one who has noticed.
  11. To an acute basketball observer, they were glaring. I'm not going to tear down any particular players on this forum. If you can't see it, we all understand
  12. I was not making that implication at all. Couldn't agree more about perspective and a lot of times it's what you see on a particular night and what you are looking for. The guy I mention has had some HUGE head coaching jobs in his career but I wouldn't say whether or not he is more knowledgeable than other coaches. Just was making a point about opinions. Wasn't discounting yours, whether or not I agree with you.
  13. Exactly. I've seen more than one instance with each duo where one has had to pick up the other on a subpar night.
  14. As I've said, both are very good and offer their own pluses and minuses. But you are correct. Everyone has an opinion and some would disagree with DV's and some would agree. I know one high D1 head coach who has been the head man at 2 of the top programs in the county who would tell you precisely the opposite of DV's point.
  15. Of course you are right. And there were plenty of "ifs" for Central. They played as poorly as I've seen them. The best I can say is that I've seen both teams plenty, Ozen a little more. And if I'm picking who I would want to coach, it's Central. Both have talent but Central has more to exploit on both ends. Bottom line is, more often than not in this game, the best team wins. And there is no exception here. They've played twice, the Jags won twice. Ozen could steal the last one and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. But I wouldn't bet on it. All things considered, any time these two lace them up, Central "should" win. It's close enough they will have a fight but they are simply better. And before I hear the litany of excuses bound to be forthcoming, I would refer those excuse makers to the respective scoreboards of the only two meetings this year...
  16. Someone has had them number 1 all along. With Central 2 and Ozen in their rightful place just behind the Jags
  17. Both Boyd and Pearson struggled mightily until the fourth. Both tried to force too much inside and missed a lot of opportunities finding open teammates. That's a big reason why the game was AWFULLY stagnant until the end. Atwood never looked himself after taking an eye gouge early in the 4th quarter. Very sloppy game but worth the price of admission solely on the last stanza. I stand behind what I've said all year that Central SHOULD beat Ozen any time they play them. The Panthers have some big vulnerabilities if pressured in the right spots as the Jags found in the 4th. But I have to commend Comeaux on a VERY gutsy performance, especially with the late injury and Boyd came up huge in money time. Reminded me a bit of another Dove-like guard who wore blue and gold a year ago when he sank the contested 3 from about 25 feet with a minute to go.
  18. HJ needs to get healthy. But with the starters and first few off the bench, it will close and that most of the time is as deep as you "need" to be. I predicted last year would be a split and this year the same. It's the next three where I said HJ wouldn't find more than one win where Nash hasn't let me hear the end of it. I think both games could be "instant classics" this year.
  19. I saw another game where he put the dunk-o-meter out of commission. I would be very surprised if he doesn't lead SETX in the all important "most dunks" category.
  20. Wow, would have thought it would have been closer without those 2. Pretty impressive showing by HJ IMO.
  21. I knew it wouldn't be long before my man bullets was up there at the top of the page...
  22. I believe I was told they've played twice so far with one to go. Remind me how many of those 2 the Jags won... Ok, I will stop now. But sometimes it's just so hard not to hit those softballs you keep lobbing in here...
  23. Definitely had the best game. Looked like his knee (the one that already has a brace) that he tweaked. Really hope he's okay and certainly played gutty. Struggled handling the ball when forced to go left but has a lightning quick first step and elevates so well to finish. One other takeaway was all the other underclassmen looked very much like underclassmen for both teams with the exception of Arceneaux for Central. Had so really nice plays at both ends and was one of the few bright spots tonight.
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