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Posts posted by TxHoops

  1. 1 hour ago, Kountzer said:

    The UT football program has not exactly set the world on fire since coach Charley Strong left either.  

    Oklahoma is down in the dumps.  Deion Sanders is pulling in five star talent to HBCU Jackson State U.  Things are in a flux.   Then there is NIL and transfer protocol.  Guys I saw playing high school ball five years ago are still playing D-1 basketball and football.  I guess will NIL you can make a nice living playing D-1 college sports.

    It’s certainly possible.  UNC’s 13 scholarship players will all make $1M per year before any individual endorsements.  They basically put together a $13M per year annuity.  Oscar at UK is making $2.7M.  Before NIL, you would think there is no way Bijan Robinson would come back to Texas for another year.  Not so sure now. 

  2. On 11/22/2022 at 11:49 AM, Kountzer said:

    Five years or so ago, before I retired, I was given a dps regular truck an told to go work in Bryan Texas for a week. That office was no where near as busy as my office in Houston, so I was working but also conversing.  I talked to some strong Tx A&M alumni.  I mentioned coach Kevin Sumlin just to seee the reaction.  Sumlin was in limbo then.  You could sense it was a matter of time before he would be gone. I felt that he, Charley Strong and the UT basketball coach got their jobs on the coattails of prez Obama. I don't have a picture posted but those that know me know I am African American. 

    I am not trying to go political with this, just giving background.  The TX A&M alumni were all adamant they wanted Sumlin out and replaced by someone better. Sumlin went on to bomb at Arizona, but that's a whole nother Oprah Winfrey show.  Needless to say neither I nor the alums I talked to foresaw the fiasco in A&M football that happening right now.

    It really is crazy how quickly things can go south.  

  3. 21 minutes ago, snakehead26 said:

    Lamar beaten by #335 McNeese final  66-57

    If we don’t figure out how to defend the 3 ball it’s going to be tough.  I think they shot 12-36 which is actually low for an opponent.  Can’t find the final stats but we were 2-14 at one point.  When you play 3 six foot and unders, you better be able to shoot it at a high clip.  Because the other team is just going to shoot over you. 

  4. 17 hours ago, Tigers94 said:

    BTW has about 3 kids in the 6'7 range. One of them has never seen a 3 pointer he didn't like. I thought they would have folded in the 4th an BU would get the win though. Oh well. On to Carter.

    That’s a true story 😂

    United will be fine.  Probably a good thing to get off all that “nationally ranked” meaningless junk.  I expect them to be a contender again this year, although the jump from 5A to 6A is significant. 

    As for Booker T, it will come down to them and Silsbee again.  Booker T will have done more revamping and Silsbee will still have the best player on the floor.  Will likely come down to how well the above referenced player shoots the ball.  He is capable of scoring 40 and he’s also capable of delivering double digit air balls.  One of the streakiest shooters (especially considering the extremes) I’ve ever seen. 

  5. 3 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    I think that you're right, but i believe that if Trump gets beaten (as he needs to be) in the primary, his hardcore supporters (like the ones here) will not turn out to vote for the Republican nominee in the General Election.  

    You'd best believe that there will be a big push for Democrats to vote Trump in the Republican primaries because they know he's an easy out in the general. 


    "But did you see the size of the crowds at his rallies?"

    Do you really think so?  Not so hypothetically, if Desantis runs, it will get nasty because that’s Trump’s schtick.  Regardless of what anyone thinks of him, he knows one speed and that’s hammer down.  So even if he creates disdain for his opponent(s) in the primary, you don’t think the hardcore Trumpers will show up to vote against Biden?  That seems hard for me to believe but maybe you’re right. 

  6. On 11/16/2022 at 8:29 AM, Hagar said:

    Y’all probably realize this but if he’s the nominee, yes I’ll vote for him.  I could never vote for a candidate/Party that hates America, Christians, guns, global unrest, open borders.  And we don’t need divisiveness in the Republican Party.  If we don’t start playing by the Democrats rules, we’ll be ruled by Democrats.

    You forgot babies 😉

  7. On 11/15/2022 at 9:26 PM, Hagar said:

    This is the hidden content, please


    Was an outstanding President, but I’m not sure he’s the same Trump that was.  He may be giving the Dems 4 more years of control.  I really hate to hear this.  The hatred of him is beyond belief.  Fair, no, but it is what it is.

    Politics is a fickle thing.  Desantis is hotter than a pistol.  The GOP would be wise to ride a real wave.  Just my 2 cents, which is probably worth less than 2 actual cents. 

  8. 2 hours ago, bullets13 said:

    Horns are going to be really good this year as well.

    For sure.  I know it was an exhibition/scrimmage but when they 30 pieced a really good Arkansas team, my reaction was whoa.  Beard’s teams always are elite defensively but this one can really score the ball too.  And they have two really talented freshmen who are only going to get better.  But I really want them to have a big year because they have one of my all time favorite kids in Jabari Rice.  He is just one of those glue guys which was a huge find for the Horns.  

  9. 6 hours ago, Bulldogs92 said:

    LSU's been kind of a mess lately with institutional control issues, but they should be applauded for this. 

    I almost fell out of my chair.  I asked the folks I was with when the young man finished, “did we actually just have a prayer at a major college football game.” (LSU was playing Bama).  And the fact that it was so shocking is a sad commentary on our society.  I tend to agree with my buddy @Hagar and wonder how many of society’s ills can be traced to this absence.  And while I do believe in separation of church and state (everyone should have right to choose their own religion or no religion), we are also  supposed to be “one nation under God.”   And a non-denominational prayer at Death Valley was unbelievably refreshing. 

  10. 1 hour ago, BBfan061 said:

    “You would have thought the Brahmas had just won the Super Bowl after the game, deservedly so I guess, after the past history.“

    After a team eliminated you 3 of your 5 past playoff runs yes it’s a big win lol

    No doubt.  I wish I knew what that was like because my school could NEVER beat Groveton. The one year we tied them (in the state quarterfinals), we lost on total yards (also had tied on penetrations and first downs).  As soon as we caught them without a Horace, their little cousin Rodney Thomas filled their shoes.  I can only imagine finally beating them.  After I was gone, they fell off a bit and then it was Celina who bounced my alma mater in the 3rd or 4th round every year.  

    So heck yeah Belleville should be celebrating.  I don’t care who was playing or coaching, that’s a 900 lb gorilla off your back for sure   


  11. On 11/14/2022 at 5:31 PM, Hagar said:

    No idea why, but what a shame to have three young men cut down in the prime of life.  Really folks, look at the results of taking prayer out of school?  No doubt other factors, but durn, killing folks is not the answer.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Prayers for those families.  And speaking of prayers, I recently went to an LSU football game and they had a “moment of reflection” where a student prayed over the stadium speaker system before the game.  Gotta tell you, there weren’t many sober in that stadium that night but the fact they still pray before games?  I became more of a Tiger fan that night.  

  12. On 11/7/2022 at 3:17 PM, BEARCPA said:

    5-star LB from Denton, Anthony Hill Jr, has decommitted from TAMU.

    Would be the second year in a row A&M held a commitment from the #1 LB in the nation and then lost him (LSU’s Harold Perkins being the other).  Reminds me of that Seinfeld scene re: taking a reservation vs holding a reservation…

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