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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Everyone knows the two teams. One has just been more vocal and out in the open about it. The other one is more of a lurker behind the scenes. I much prefer the former.
  2. Ozen coach emptied the bench, some starters did not play at all in 4th and literally tried to play keep away the entire quarter. Of the three wins in reality, this one was the least competitive.
  3. I predict Ozen will surprise a lot of folks and make it to state last year ;)
  4. I would have agreed pre-tournament. Based on the first two rounds, however, I would have seeded it Ozen - 1, PAM - 2, Kelly - 3, and WB - 4. We will see how the next game goes but based on their first two games, probably Marion - 5. You could alternate Memorial and Kelly. Obviously HJ would be 4, 5 or 6 so still shouldn't play the 1 seed but at that point, it gets a little too nit picky. I'm sure Saveat would rather play HJ than Fall Brook's JV.
  5. Hmmm, based on the scores thus far, looks like the PA folks did a pretty good job seeding this tournament...
  6. Ridley injury is a killer. Successful foot surgery with no timetable yet on return.
  7. Kelly wins that game more often than not. But credit to the Titans for getting it done and getting the win. They always seem to play well and advance in the Gamble.
  8. Close game the whole way. For the record, the officials should have given Kelly a timeout at the end with less than one second left (my best guess is 0.7). So probably inconsequential to the outcome.
  9. THANK YOU! Exactly. The complaining is a "fan thing." Or at least should be. I haven't talked to Clay Davis but I would think he was glad to get to play an Ozen team to get his kids on the court with the type of speed they will face when they play Silsbee. Most coaches I know don't really care about holiday tournament trophies. The goal is to get your team prepared for district and hopefully the playoffs. You do that by getting the best matchups you can find. As far as the Gamble this year, from the "fan aspect," I get some complaints about the HJ-Ozen game in the first round. But to be fair, overall, they did a much better job evening out the bracket. If PAM had wanted to make its path the easiest, they would have put the Kelly-Marion game in the bottom half of the bracket and the WB-Fall Brook B game in the top half. Proof in fact that no matter what you do, always going to be some complaining...
  10. UIL at its most ridiculous. Even with an inordinate amount whining from a couple of schools (much of it behind the scenes with a hidden hanky), the DC approved him. Then said schools through various representatives and/or proxies, take their crying to Austin. Textbook example of how UIL makes various rules (and exceptions) and then selectively decides how to enforce them based on what they want the result to be. I could take the Sodom kid's case in front of almost any 12 non-biased people and prove "hardship" under the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt." Just goes to show you it's who you know and who has whose ear. /rant over
  11. I know this is all tongue in cheek (mostly), but if anyone were to complain about the Panthers' bracket in this one, it would be like Silsbee complaining about being in the tough bracket while playing in a Sabine Pass tournament (no disrespect to the much improved Sharks' team intended). There are some very good teams playing in the Gamble but certainly no top 10-type 5A teams (which Ozen looks every bit the part of right now).
  12. I would agree. Memorial continues to improve though. Really like what I have seen so far. Young team but play with a LOT of energy. Kelly-Memorial game tomorrow should be a very good one. Ozen cake walks this one though. Back to what Mamba said earlier (and advance apologies if I'm incorrect), Ozen probably could have gotten better work in elsewhere this week. I admire the loyalty of supporting tournaments you've always played in but I couldn't help but think Central is getting battle tested over in Aldine which is very valuable. Hopefully a West Brook/Memorial/Kelly will step up and give them a game tomorrow. But based on today, Ozen is head and shoulders above the other 7 playing in this one.
  13. with that kind of size at the 4A level and well coached by all accounts, I wouldnot be at all surprised either.
  14. I haven't seen a lot of Ozen this year, but I may be in your Comeaux camp Soulja. Has looked like the best player on the floor in this game.
  15. I think it is going to be very interesting what the market value is going to be the next round.
  16. gotcha. I figured it was size. Sounds like Joe Joe needs to stay out of foul trouble. I will say that Big Sandy as a team boxes out about as good as I've seen. In that type of matchup, how the game is officiated often is key as well.
  17. Will take a better game from LaMarque than the 12 pt win over Jasper. I have seen Jasper a few times this year and would probably lay 30 pts with Big Sandy against them. But haven't seen LaMarque yet so maybe it's a matchup thing.
  18. Very interesting. 3 things in particular: 1) ESPN still believes they made a good investment. 2) Aggy AD admits the jealousy. 3) No other university in the country could have pulled off such a deal. Yep. Very interesting indeed.
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