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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. You realize we should have 2 balls in the hopper this year come lottery time? If one should drop right (pardon the pun), Mr. Simmons should look good in green and white. We are still owed one after the Bias incident and the near miss with Duncan...
  2. Also a kid who fits nicely into Shaka's system. If Shaka fills a roster with 5 stars who fit, look out. That's all I'm saying...
  3. Big get. Many thought he would go Arizona or A&M if he stayed home.
  4. Yep. Had some injury issues early too. Hate to see this as well. I believe he could have flourished in the future, as it should be getting brighter. But we live in an instant gratification society, and college basketball seems to exemplify the worst of it. Sadly, the virtue of working through adversity and coming out the better for it seems to be lost on a lot of these kids. Just a shame. Hope it turns out well for him nonetheless.
  5. I have to say, I was there primarily to watch the boys' games but caught a couple of girls games. The Tatum team arrived Wednesday night for a shoot around and met and played with the OF girls (from what I was told yesterday). The reason I found this out because I was asking due to the fact that the Tatum team was louder and more supportive of the OF girls team than even the OF fans. They were leading cheers and very loud and supportive throughout a close game OF had with Nederland. The reason the favor was returned when Tatum played should be obvious. Sometimes grown ups are more childish than 15-18 yo girls. I think it's pretty obvious who is "butt hurt" and it's not the girls. By the way, that Tatum team can really play. I'm impressed with how close EC played them. Both teams should be commended.
  6. What a good coach should do...have team consistently progressing...
  7. Speaking of hiring assistant coaches, it's a dang shame Texas has never gone out and hired Bradley Dale Peveto as an assistant. He recently ranked 3rd among college assistants in recruiting. [Hidden Content]
  8. Old Timer, I know what you were trying to say...couldn't resist the response based on the choice of the word "begging." However, it IS apparent that gone are the days we could just go pay whoever was the "flavor of the week" defensive coordinator in the SEC. At least under this regime apparently..
  9. For the record, I opened this thread thinking the topic was going to be midget wrestling...
  10. Probably my favorite player to watch. Definitely my favorite team to watch.
  11. That's why I asked above. I thought they were. And would have to agree. Hopefully the Beaumont schools will close the gap but at this point, looks like Bush is #1 for a reason.
  12. They offered half of what they offered Cumbie. He was offended. They upped to offer to $900k. He is supposedly going to accept now. Not sure begging is the right term. In my world, we call that negotiations. Begging is generally not the most effective tactics in such matters. Unless more money = begging. Then begging is exceedingly effective. Hope that helps...
  13. Is Bush in the same region as our Beaumont schools?
  14. With the lack of a passing threat, Texas has decided to switch from a spread to a wing T. They offered the OC to Dwayne DuBois at Bridge City. Bridge City ISD countered with free lunches and DuBois has announced he has decided to stay with Cardinals. Stay tuned as Texas is now combing the Pop Warner circuits for coaching talent...
  15. It really depends on what level of AAU you are talking about, I guess. There are probably thousands of tournaments now and more than I could imagine. And granted, I only see a sample of them. But in the ones I watch, as a whole, the coaching is better than the average high school coach. For instance, the team out of Bridgeport was coached by someone who was hired away from a high school, and was one of the winningest coaches in the Metroplex area. Obviously, we are talking about generalities here (which is problematic at the outset). I can only speak to what I see and observe which is a relatively small sample size. You critics may be watching something completely different and be 100% correct. I am saying that most teams have a coach as good or better than a Brian English or a Kevin Foster? Absolutely not. But in our circuit alone last year, two of the teams were coached by Jeff McInnis and Tim Legler. A couple of guys who know a thing or two about the game..
  16. Well, someone hit the nail on the head.
  17. No stones. Not that I have any, but I've always expected more out of you than myself...
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