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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. All due respect to Warren because he is a good back, but can you imagine what Foreman could have done, if healthy? I'm not sure Tech would have ever tackled him. Good thing we came trying to establish the pass. I am not fully convinced you Aggies did not sneak Spav into the press box. I mean, I know Norvell isn't the best but c'mon...
  2. What kind of man talks trash about another team's football program when it's obviously in better shape than your own??? Oh wait, I think I just described myself on the college forums... :/
  3. They need him badly if he will actually "commit" to being on the team. Did not think they would struggle with the Brook.
  4. Pretty sure I know more about both of the Harrison twins than you. Well, I obviously do - Aaron is not in the D league right now. And both would have likely been lottery picks out of HS. Their experience and time at UK is a different story. They'll both be all right though.
  5. Watched the HBO special on Kareem this morning and they had a nice bit of it on the "Game of the Century." Before my time but I would have loved to have seen that game. Still have fond memories of Phi Slamma Jamma though.
  6. Did you just call Whoopi a midget coach?
  7. I will be interested to how LSU "shows up" on Saturday. To me, will tell us a lot about how the players feel about Miles.
  8. I'm sure you're right and ESPN, Rivals, etc. were all wrong. Either that or there were 50 to 100 better players in the class of '09 than the class of '16. Yeah, that's probably it. As far as the twins, and "we saw how that played out": first, I'm not entirely convinced you aren't actually Stevie Wonder so I'm not certain what you see. Second, Andrew left early and actually got drafted Aaron signed a 2 year guaranteed deal with Charlotte. And although nothing has "played out," not a bad start in my book. But hey, that's just me...
  9. by a mile. It's the one to me that's tempting to go watch.
  10. My name is TxHoops and I completely support and endorse this message. I hope Charlie gets a new OC as well. At Miami...
  11. Well, that and a future NBA contract. Other than that though, you're right. Got nothing else.
  12. Just when I think I've read... Oh, never mind.
  13. But to be serious, they just don't tackle. At all. They have great speed now out wide and Washington is a very good back. Mahomes continues to impress. No idea how they literally can't tackle. Kliff has to find someone to turn that around. they have gotten some pretty good players on the defensive side of the ball the last couple of years.
  14. Kliff looked like Brandi Chastain at the World Cup after that bummerooski TD. Well, he kept his shirt on so maybe Valvano after the miracle in the Pit.
  15. Only took the coaches 2 and half quarters to figure out what everyone else already knew. Smh
  16. Tech may have the worst run defense in the country and we have barely tried to run. It really makes you wonder what the coaches are doing...
  17. Aha! i can appreciate the method. Also glad to know you didn't catch a virus.
  18. But great win for the Ags. These young bucks appear to be ahead of schedule!
  19. As AAW says, it's just really sad. This was one tournament I always looked forward to. And it's almost dead. I'm really confused why the people putting it on didn't figure out a few years ago to go to pool play. I believe it would still be an elite field had they done that. Stubbornness is my only guess.
  20. Uh oh. SATCH vs Ozen in the 1st round.
  21. The problem with Big Sandy is they shoot it so much better than anyone else, unless they just hold the ball, you can't stop the points from going up. And that is worse for the other team because then they get no possessions to work on their offense. And Foster is as quick as anyone in emptying his bench. It's just that even his bench can shoot it.
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