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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I have no issue with any team scoring whenever they can, regardless of the score. If you are blowing someone out and playing your bench players, it is not fair to them to let them have a chance to get buckets. The one issue I have is when teams continue to press with a 40, 50, 60 point lead or more. Just my opinion but I think a coach should at that point call off the press and have your kids play defense in a half court set, which also you have to score in a half court offense instead of off layups from pressing. Eventually, no matter how good your press, you are going to run into someone who plays you out of your press and you are going to have to find a way to win in the half court game anyway. Just my 2 cents.
  2. By the way, I think Texas is ranked #3 in the country in volleyball. So take that Gomers!!
  3. AAW being a "comedian"! And I highly encourage it. That was classic.
  4. You made a good prediction with that one. It took Terrence Ferguson going 0 for 10 from 3s and Preston having an off game to get a 4 point win. I will credit Duval's off game to JJ. And I think Davis was 7 for 10 from 3s. But those teams play 10 times, API should win 9. And why they didn't make Preston get on the block was beyond me. SATCH didn't have much inside. In fact, they had Caldwell and Davis, 2 serviceable inside guys, and 3 who wouldn't play at most good programs. But you did call it. Caldwell absolutely took over the game. Even though he is one of those pass first guards whom the game has passed him by ;)
  5. I was told by one of their Varsity players and his parents yesterday in Houston that they played PNG and won by 1. The way they talked, it sounded like it happened Tuesday.
  6. AAW rarely posts in the college forum. But he and I have talked Aggie basketball since I've known him. He was one of my friends I was referencing. Most Aggies I know are huge football fans and can take or leave basketball. AAW is one of the few I personally know who love hoops.
  7. Ray is not a bad guy. Stepping aside to let some one else have the bench is respectable IMO. As for overrated, Duval, Ferguson, Preston and Vital are all players, I can assure you. And there is a kid named Emmanuel Mudiay you may want to check out. I would say he did a decent job with him.
  8. And he loves South Florida the way Jimmy J loves South Florida. The biggest issue Leach has is recruiting. Like most geniuses (and I truly believe Leach is one), Leach doesn't have the best social skills. I have heard a few stories from recruits about Leach that are all humorous but highlight his difficulty relating to kids. But in my sometimes humble opinion, he is one of the two best coaches of the spread in the country (Chip Kelly being the other). If he were able to bring in the talent and a quality DC to match his wizardry, the U would be the U again.
  9. Dude - have you even seen West Brook? I am guessing no. They beat PNG by 1. Same team that lost to Silsbee Lite by 90. PAM should beat them by 20. Conservatively.
  10. Congrats Ags. I didn't get to see the game due to watching HS basketball all day. But there is plenty to look forward to for that rare Aggie hoops fan. My only question mark has been Kennedy but they are off to a great start. And I can tell you after watching JJ Caldwell go against the top ranked PG (and #1 overall ranked player on 247) today, the future is even brighter than it seems. I don't know in all the basketball I've watched that I've ever seen a better distributor at the HS level. His court vision is literally top tier NBA quality. You really couldn't find a better piece to add to the plethora of scorers in Aggieland. I would be shocked if he isn't running the show Day 1. And with him, I would be slightly less shocked if A&M isn't a top 10 team. He's just that darn good. For those of you who are Aggie fans and love the game, it may never get better than this next 4-5 year stretch.
  11. Silsbee usually plays so many up on JV, with one or two on varsity that their freshman team is depleted. Last year their best 5 or 6 players were not playing 9th grade. As mentioned, HJ has a couple or so playing up as well. Will be interesting to see how Silsbee will compete with them. Not sure how many, if any, will play JV. Obviously they have the 2 on varsity. As Nash mentioned, HJ's group is deep, quality depth. Arguably both schools' best HS class is the freshmen. Lots to look forward to for area hoops fans.
  12. I would agree with Nash's assessment. And although the Carpenter kid (I hear he's 6'5 or 6'6 now) hasn't played with the group before this year, he will fit in well with almost any group. Very coachable and just a great kid. Also has a very nice touch from mid range. And judging by his parents, he probably isn't close to finishing growing.
  13. Wow! That is awesome Bulldogs! We need to get a Kelly - Big Sandy game scheduled. I would pay to see that one for sure.
  14. Wouldn't have minded seeing some of Yates-LaMarque though. Line around the building waiting to get in.
  15. Atascocita 70 Cy Lakes 45 End 3rd I'm outta here so some others can get in.
  16. Standing room only at Second Baptist. Been a line of people trying to get in since the last game. Cy Lakes and Atascocita about to rip off. Their fans can't get in per fire code.
  17. SATCH 82 API 78 F JJ Caldwell 14 pts (6 of 6 from the line), 13 assists and 6 boards Antoine Davis with 29 pts (7 3 pointers)
  18. 11 dunks for API SATCH leads 78-70 with the ball with 40 seconds left.
  19. SATCH 62 API 54 4:30 left SATCH has no bench. Fresh legs becoming a factor.
  20. SATCH 55 API 43 End of 3rd Caldwell 10 pts, 11 assists and 4 rebounds Soulja, API dunk count up to 7
  21. TJ played well. Nijal needs to see the floor better and put in some practice on the line.
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