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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Of course they will. They are the number two team in the state after all ;)
  2. If we are talking Silsbee at full strength... I think the Silsbee/HJ games will be really close this year if that's any indicator. Silsbee is better defensively and would really test BS from that aspect. I would probably handicap it around Silsbee -5 or 6. But I would also say Silsbee would be favored over any school in the area with the exception of Central.
  3. Let's not forget Mr. Adams either. 15 pts in a varsity debut as a freshman against a quality opponent - not too shabby. Great thing about both of those kids is they do so much more than score the ball. You can bet McCain had a fair share of assists and Adams passes, rebounds and defends really well.
  4. Apparently so. I can assure you, even without the football guys (who will definitely improve the team), the Silsbee team you played tonight would be a playoff team and a formidable one at that. That is a good first showing for Diboll for sure!
  5. He skulks around. He didn't even come by and say hello at the Nederland game! ;)
  6. Kudos to both teams. Two very good squads with great coaches. Good way for both of them to jump into the season with both feet. I know it is VERY early but we will see how much of a quality win this is very soon. HJ has an excellent team and will make a LOT of noise this year. Watch how well they do in the Gamble. If anyone had any doubts about if Big Sandy could play with most every team in the area, this should answer your question.
  7. Thanks. Yeah, I would think both teams playing near their best, Kelly would be at least 20 pts better. Not having Richard makes a huge difference for Kelly as well. Do you know why he didn't play?
  8. going to be at least a couple of these this half that the Cats will have to respond to in order to win.
  9. Is Diboll supposed to be good this year? Don't know anything about them.
  10. I am betting the second half is going to be a good one. Sounds like BS has done a good job holding off runs by the Hawks but you just know one is coming.
  11. Guess we are going to have to wait until after the game for a score here. After the tech against Big Ned, winwin can't risk one for cell phone use...
  12. Exactly what I was thinking. You've been vocal for a while now about why the tournament was dwindling. Coaches aren't going to suddenly decide they want less games for their buck. It now appears this tournament is going to die on the vine sooner rather than later. The sad part is I don't know how much of a difference a change would make at this point. We are all creatures of habit and with all the competition out there with tournaments, a lot of teams who used to participate probably have found new spots with which they are happy...
  13. I am surprised you didn't say we should keep him 10-12 years to give him time You hit the nail on the head. Michigan was a dumpster fire when Harbaugh took over. There may not be a bigger disciplinarian in sports than Jim. Yet he managed to take that team to 8-2 and a fumbled punt from being in the playoff race. And I haven't looked it up but I would be willing to bet our average recruiting class on campus is higher than UM's. So I'm with GCMPats. I have seen little evidence of improvement or the players being coached up. When you are making $5M a year with the biggest assistants budget in the country, that is unacceptable anywhere. And certainly at Texas.
  14. Marvin is a stud DT but also can hoop. Nice feet, good hands and wide body.
  15. Must have been that same firm that helped put Ozen #2 in the state when they are about 4th or 5th in the GT!
  16. That's great news. This thing is appearing to have legs. May not take a firing. Strong apparently has a lot of interest in "saving face." Save it Charlie. Save it! I really hope it doesn't spell the end of Chuck f'n Strong on Twitter though...
  17. I will message you if I am able to make it. Definitely going to catch a Wildcats game with you this year and make as many as I can. AAW told me last year that they are "must see" basketball and he was 100% correct. I want to see this group as often as possible before some graduate.
  18. So if someone had chosen to go to U of H instead of Lamar or Texas State, they would be the best in the area? Or if someone held more D1 offers? Just trying to follow the logic.
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