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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I am seriously thinking of going Friday. HJ and Big Sandy will be a great one. Wish they were playing in Sour Lake. May have to opt for LCM-Kelly instead.
  2. They play them in the Hoopsgiving Classic next Wednesday. Should be a good one. Jared can flat out play. Victory lost a close one to SATCH on Monday.
  3. Not going...but an offer. Point is, there is no reason to turn this thread into a who is better argument. As others have said, good for Josh! He has earned the privilege of going to school for free and that is what it is about. I hope he takes advantage and has a great experience at NW St. Natchitoches is great little town and a very nice campus. And they do have a solid team there that I am sure will benefit from Boyd's services.
  4. The Wizard of Durham got Harry Giles and Jaysom Tatum though - top 2 in that class. Usually when Krzyzewski has similar talent - bad for everyone else...
  5. I think Bert Bilema owns Lester the way Mack did. I have to agree with Buddy. Have to wonder if those Hogs aren't running Miles out of the Red Stick.
  6. Way too many bridges to cross to get that done in time. Hopefully Herman will be successful at SC.
  7. That is going to be a blood letting...
  8. Is Northwestern St > U of H? Just asking for a friend...
  9. Unfortunately I'm out of likes. English IS without question one of the best coaches in SETX and to take a hit like that before the season starts would effect any team at any level. Not saying Ned won't improve because they will. But to say he won't be missed is just being dishonest with yourself. I don't really think anyone at Nederland believes that. Now, there is one chink in English's armor that was glaring last night. Somehow, he has let Kelly outrecruit him in Port Arthur! Talk about a couple of PGs that would be difference makers at Big Ned! I kid my Nederland friends. I kid...
  10. I've been telling people this. Kudos to winwin, Mamba, and whoever else has worked with the Richard kid. Kid is an animal on the boards. With his thin frame, you don't expect that but he grabs more than not coming off the rim or glass. He had a couple of missteps late in the game and I know he was upset. He was told don't worry about a couple of plays when you kept you team in front the whole game owning the boards. The block from behind when Miguez tried to dunk on a breakaway was a thing of beauty too. Kelly is scary good when they aren't inhibited by size. What I saw last night was they have come a long way in that aspect. And I would also point out I didn't see many times on the defensive end that Valsin didn't have one of the Nederland rebounders boxed out. Trust me when I tell you that has been pounded in his head for a few years now. He's not the tallest at 6'2" but rarely will there be a game he's in where he's not the strongest.
  11. Oh lawd. They are handing out enough Techs to that bench already!
  12. By mugged, we are talking violated. Almost knocked the biggest, strongest kid on the floor off his feet and literally right in front of one of the 3 referees. But he was in a mode of he wasn't going to give Kelly a single call at that point. Winwin is a better man than me because I would have almost assuredly given them good reason to T me up at that point. Love those referees who officiate with emotion and a huge chip on their shoulders. They must have regrouped and calmed down at half because but for the last few minutes of the game, they were MUCH better in the second half, and so was Nederland.
  13. I believe he also had an offer from Arkansas-Fort Smith, maybe others. Congrats and best wishes to Mr. Boyd!
  14. I watch every 30 for 30. I thought this one was very good and very well done (as almost all of them have been). What fascinates me most about them is how they are able to delve into the human elements behind the game. I was looking forward to this one as McCartney always fascinated me. What struck me with this one was how you have a man who has been so vocal about his faith, yet is so clearly flawed (as we all are). But throughout, it was obvious that he deeply cared about his players and was as willing to go to battle for them off the field as they were for him on the field (sounds familiar to a recent headliner?). As a result, in the end, he is respected, admired, and most importantly, loved by his former players. And for a coach, is there really any measure of success greater than that?
  15. How did Skal look overall? Forgot to DVR the dang game.
  16. Solid start for the Wildcats. Seriously want to trip over there Friday for the HJ game.
  17. My thoughts exactly. Nederland is in desperate need of a PG. Put either of Kelly's Port Arthur boys on the other team and they would be a very tough team to beat.
  18. 56-53 Kelly. 7.8 seconds. TO Nederland with the ball.
  19. And we're back to let's see if we can get Nederland a dub mode...
  20. Big Sandy all the way baby! Huntington was a bit too far to drive in that rain.
  21. #5 for Nederland can light it up too. Better when he catches and shoots.
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