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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Ha! I think he might still be a little in this area because I don't think a lot of people see him. He's not anymore outside this area for sure. He got moved to the point this summer and put on an absolute show. With his strength and build, combined with his ball handling and vision, he had a lot of people talking. I can tell you a couple of high D1 coaches who are fans. The beauty for Kelly is Tevin has really improved at the 1 and they can use Valsin elsewhere (he's one of those kids that you can plug in at 4 different spots). Saw Tevin play recently a couple of times and couldn't believe how much he's improved at running an offense. I know a wingnut on here who will tell you it's coaching
  2. I have to agree. If he can recruit, Texas will be a perennial Sweet Sixteen type team with some deeper runs. I will say this, the man knows how to coach defense. Barnes left the cupboard far from bare and from what I've seen so far, the defense they are already playing is more intense than I've ever seen on the 40 acres. He could very well be an absolute home run.
  3. Maybe it's the liberal in me but I never have a problem with people making a peaceful stand in something they believe in. I don't know all the particulars with Loftin but there appear to be some serious issues at MU. Sounds to me that he didn't get out in front of it like he probably should have and it cost him his job. But as far as the kids go, they would have lost some games they wouldn't get back. And they were willing to do it based on what they believe in. Good for them. As I heard on one of the shows on this, the Clippers' players could have taken such a stand.
  4. That is a solid list. I said something about an underrated player in another thread but then I wondered if Grubbs can be considered underrated? (And Saladin from HJ.). There was a split MVP in their district last year that included neither one of them. I might have split my vote if I had one but it would have been on those two.
  5. He is 7'3". To say he won't be a "difference maker" is absurd IMO. He would be a difference maker on any court, in any game he participates. And I have seen him with my own eyes. The kid moves very well and is steadily improving. And right now, I would take him over some of the other bigs in the district I have seen several times with my own eyes. Then again, I guess it's how you define "difference maker." When you have Pearson and Atwood on the same team, on the same floor, the difference may not be as "glaring." Those are two kids are that are ridiculous with the skill sets they have at their sizes. Soulja is 100 percent correct - the blocked shots and rebounds are overlooked parts of the game that make a huge difference. Maybe it's just me, but I would define that as "difference making." ;)
  6. Look out for those Bulldogs! Pretty impressive. Especially without the kid I think may be the most underrated player in SETX. For now ;)
  7. For the record, I have no issue voting Kirbyville number 2. I probably would have. And maybe EC number 3, based on record (although that would have been very tough to put EC ahead of Silsbee after the margin of loss against the Wildcats). I would have put KV ahead of Silsbee, even though I believe Silsbee would be a clear favorite head to head. So I get the concept. What I have trouble wrapping my head around is nearly half the voters putting Kirbyville ahead of WOS. That's all. But just an opinion. We all have them, silly or not ;)
  8. They have the same records. WOS plays a classification up. WOS has outscored their district 169-3. 169-3. So unless we are giving extra credit for playing in a smaller classification, to vote anyone else one is silly. And I am not a WOS guy. Just my opinion.
  9. No, to argue the reverse is like arguing Sam Houston is better than Alabama. But that's just my opinion. Maybe I'm the crazy one. Just was shocking that apparently 5 out of 11 voters think Kirbyville could beat the Mustangs.
  10. No one is whining. It's just pretty funny to me that almost half the voters think Kirbyville is better. But how about this one (although it involves the early season woes before the Cats began their improvement like no other team): Kirbyville loses to Bridge City. Bridge City loses to Silsbee by 20. Silsbee loses to WOS by 21. No doubt Kirbyville had a great finish to the season and we all wish them luck in the playoffs.
  11. Kirbyville got 5 first place votes. One less than WOS. One less overall point. Squeaked past OF. The 3rd place finisher in WOS district. Same district that WOS moonwalked through handing out beatdowns like government cheese. Lost to BC. I appreciate the work you guys do. I really do. But c'mon man! If all 5 of those votes weren't from Kirbyville residents, we are going to need to check your man cards....
  12. From what I can gather, and the details appear sparse, there have been overt acts of racism on the campus. I think the discontent is over how it has been handled, or not handled perhaps. Inaction seems to be the complaint?
  13. Voters starting to realize what everyone else has known...
  14. Freudian slip. Iowa is the worst of the unbeatens probably.
  15. What some don't get is that these two won't be seeing talent greater than what they've already played against, with the exception of the Central game and maybe another tournament game or two. McCain would be in the rotation for ANY team in this area right now.
  16. I have a lot of folks who disagree with me so maybe I'm wrong. But I still think OU gets in if they win out. The FPI loves them - 3 and the highest ranked 1 loss team, although that should change after Bama's win today. They have to win at Baylor which is doable, then beat TCU at home (probable) and finish at okie lite (doable).
  17. Vandy is a good point. They hung around with Ole Miss and Florida, but got smashed by Houston.
  18. Adams is very solid and was easily the best player in his class at BISD. Devon may be the best PG at Silsbee right now (and in the district) and has a chance to be the best player in the history of the school. He has to keep working but he is that kind of talent. Keep in mind he has been playing against players 2 to 3 years older than him (and producing) his whole life. And of course, they do have the guy who is probably their overall best player (Grubbs) with them right now. I am not saying the players they are missing will not help. They will. But there is a reason their results today were very impressive. They are fielding a team without the football players that is very, very good. Whsalum raises the point that is a good one and that has been discussed before. Finding the right balance with depth of this kind (which is almost unheard of at this level) is going to be key. The good news for Tiger fans is you have a coach in Sigler who is used to managing a deep bench. It just got a lot deeper this year though.
  19. Yep. If I were predicting, I would say we lose next week at WVa, beat Tech, and lose at Baylor to finish 5-7. Needed to win at Iowa State to be bowl eligible. Could easily lose to Tech too. I don't see Charlie getting another year missing a bowl game. Could be wrong but I don't think so. Especially if Baylor delivers another one of those embarrassing losses.
  20. I am not one to rub salt in wounds. I was at the game in Austin tonight because I figured this was the last game I could pretty much be assured to see a win. No "juice" in the stadium tonight. And Texas is not a very good football team. It occurred to me tonight that for the first time in a long time, neither Texas nor A&M are likely in the top 3 teams in this state. Texas obviously, but I would probably say the Ags would be underdogs against Baylor, TCU and U of H. Never thought I would see that happen in my lifetime....
  21. I assume Deionte Thompson is redshirting?
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