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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. I vote they have turkey wattles hanging off their chin straps for the LSU game...
  2. RSJ - dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb Senseless penalty demonstrating a complete lack of discipline. And no coach in his ear as the game breaks at end of quarter. Some problems are self evident. In other news, I do like the holiday unis. Nice job adidas
  3. Unfortunately I'm out of likes....
  4. Reading comprehension is your friend. ;)
  5. Very good point. Hadn't thought of that.
  6. very interesting indeed
  7. fair enough. It hurt mine too since it's like banging your head against the wall. And by the way, let it be known hippy is a very bright guy from Lumberton who is also a conservative. So no stereotypes by me. I don't assume anything until it's proven to me! Now back on topic!
  8. I will resolve to be impressed you know idioms, even if the concept of modified idioms was a bit foreign to you. I will post a funny video below on the subject with a language warning. In the meantime, I have emailed NASA and various members of congress to let them know they needn't worry anymore. I have been informed by Billy Bob from Lumberville that it is all a hoax and that science shouldn't been researched by the academia. (But I will have to get back to them as to who should do the research. Still a little unclear there.)
  9. pot calling the snow black... :D
  10. I would never stereotype. You have the market on that. Don't be so insecure!
  11. cheer up. NASCAR is Sunday.
  12. The hysterical part of that, and I do mean I got a literal laugh, is you apparently think you "won." As for the second paragraph, you would never know. Quite obviously. And I have zero doubt about that
  13. I am all about the blue collar worker. But I prefer scientists for science, and doctors for medical opinions. Call me crazy. But again, I'm sure it is bliss in your world. A little Limbaugh and Fox and you're all good. What you don't know probably won't kill you in your lifetime. So it's all good little buddy
  14. But to be fair, it's only 97%. Sorry I was off 2.9%. But carry on. I'm sure it is bliss... [Hidden Content]
  15. the laughter of someone who has concepts sailing over his head...lol....smh
  16. From 2000 to 20009, A&M played in the Big 12 Championship ZERO times, much less won one. Is this another one of your imaginary championships? I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you pal. #pathetic
  17. You, on the other hand, actually make sense with your argument. You must have missed the class which teaches to make statements void of logic and reason. BUT, you actually make my point for me regarding USC. What did I say? With the right coach, they can be dominant again. You say take out the Pete Carroll years. But that is my point. During his stretch, they probably had the most dominant run of this short century, winning 2 NCs in a row and were a last minute touchdown by Texas away from the never before accomplished 3 peat. In that stretch, they merely won 34 in a row...
  18. Again, sometimes you can't fix, well, some people. Let's see Sport, in the 10 years from 2000-2009, Texas won 110 games (averaging 11 wins a year - yeah, prob need to spell that out for you), finished in the top 5 five times, top 7 2 times, and never lower than 13th. They were 7-3 in bowl games. They won more national championships (1) than your school has in your lifetime and played for another (which you also haven't experienced). Now, I know aggy always uses the old conference championship argument. And I know these are as elusive to you as Natty's are to real schools. But give it a rest when you try to say Texas wasn't dominant during that decade. Unless you are trying to contribute to the stereotype that aggy really is an embecile. In which case, please continue!!
  19. 100%. Unlike some of the bozos we have such as Chip and Ketch...
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