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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. This is probably considered sexist but my biggest problem with this incident is that it was a girl. I understand she deserved to be removed from the class and was not cooperating but I just cringe when I see any man manhandling a girl like that. I was raised you never lay a hand on a female - ever. Yes, I know officers have to in their job but not excessively which this certainly appears to be. Honestly, when I first saw the video, I just assumed it was a dude and it looked bad. When I heard it was a she, it looked really bad.
  2. In after Nash's response...
  3. wrong thread
  4. In before Nash's response...
  5. And he was with Red McCombs the weekend of the football banquet and signed a contract that had been sitting on his desk about a month with no changes within hours of Mack announcing he wouldn't be retired at the banquet. But yeah.
  6. Agree with most if not all of what you say here. My definition of "excessive force" would be higher than most because of the laws we have the necessity for having them that way. The deadly force issue is more troubling to me. In the instances where it is unjustifiably used, I personally believe it is often the result of someone having a gun and a badge that probably never should have been issued either to begin with, for whichever of a myriad of reasons there might be.
  7. Oh, no doubt you are correct. If anything, it has trended the other way and unfairly so. I was referring (although it wasn't clear) to any person giving an entire group blanket support. Police officers, in my experience, are no different than any noble profession (and I believe cops and teachers are the most under appreciated and underpaid). There are good and bad ones and the bad ones happen to get the vast majority of the media attention.
  8. And not to belabor the issue, because I was trying to use a specific example of why these incidents look bad, but I believe I was speaking about a specific small part of our country where a lot of high profile incidents have occurred. I believe you will find the white population in NYC lower (around 44%) and the African American population higher (around 25%) than the 2013 FBI number you used for the country at large. But as to the original subject of the thread and Nancy Grace, we are on the same page.
  9. Umm, I think I conceded the problem of making blanket statements. However, the statistics of which you speak do not take into account other factors. For instance, what is the percentage of homicides, since we are using that offense in a vacuum, go unsolved? Close to 40%? Are we to assume those homicides, when we don't know the perp, break down to the same percentages? One could certainly make that argument. Also, these numbers are based on convictions. What is the conviction rate for white defendants vs black defendants? If the conviction rate is higher for one race vs. another, are we to assume police work is shoddier in general when the defendant is waspy? Or does socioeconomics come into play? My point is, as it was originally, you can't use any data objectively when there are indubitably some subjective aspects at play. Nonetheless, there has been plenty of disturbing trends of late. And blanket support for any sector of our society, even those charged with our protection, is not likely to offer any solutions to problems that do exist.
  10. Look buddy, don't start throwing statistics into this argument. And using former statements I've made against me is strictly forbidden. In all fairness, I stopped reading at the top 5. So I missed any of the SEC teams. However, here is the latest conference rankings based on hard data (similar to the RPI in CBB which we both like). Some might be surprised to see who's on top among the power 5: [Hidden Content]
  11. I subscribe to the theory that kids are the products of their environment, as opposed to the reverse. The young are blessed in that the Lord made them resilient. I do think success is greatly heightened by parental support, which is often lacking in some schools that struggle. However, I happen to know for a fact that no young doves were or are lacking in that department
  12. LSU response:
  13. Poor SEC. Fraud for the 3rd year in a row. It's just everyone not in that inbred league of misfits knew it a lot earlier this time! [Hidden Content]
  14. no question. Only a 6.5pt favorite at Iowa St. So in Austin, that would make them a 12 to 14 pt favorite.
  15. Not trying to highjack the thread but Texas is very fortunate to get Tech on Thanksgiving. Tech may still win but I think they almost certainly would have in the first 5 games of the season. As with most young defenses, the learning curve is great and you see a big and steady improvement as the season progresses. Tech would have scored at will on the defense Texas trotted out on the field early in the season. They still might but they will see a much improved one nonetheless.
  16. Mr. Cantu aside, HF ranked 143 in a recent ranking of Texas high schools. Ozen - 1469. Only Sabine Pass ranked higher than HF among SETX public high schools.
  17. Tech would be a heavy favorite against SC. Of course they were against Kansas too and we saw that one was closer than expected.
  18. That is very true. Would be akin to Texas losing to Kansas. SC is dreadful.
  19. That makes sense because I seemed to remember a suspension. Maybe it was the mandatory one after an ejection. And no doubt the big man bias exists. I would substitute "often" for "sometimes." ;)
  20. Didn't they have some discipline issues last season, AAW?
  21. Ah, forgot he was 2017. You're right. He has time to decommit, commit somewhere else, and then recommit when he decides A&M was where he wanted to be all along. I kid but it is a growing trend. For the Ags, hopefully he stands firm and continues his recruiting campaign with other kids. Obviously I'm not an A&M fan but I've always respected those kids who not only stand firm but try to improve their future school while doing so.
  22. For the record, the following report showed a similar claim was proven false. Even so, the data compiled is still disturbing to me. [Hidden Content]
  23. Many of these incidents look bad for a reason. I heard an interesting "fact" on a tv program this week. NYC has gotten more than its share of publicity on shootings by police officers. The person speaking (who had supposedly researched the situation) said that of all the unarmed "victims" who had been shot by a NYPD officer over the past many years (it was either a 2 or 3 decade period), not one had been white. Kind of a tough statistic to explain away.
  24. Back on topic, sort of, is Martell's commitment really Spavital based? He seems to really love the school and is recruiting hard himself. I would think a switch to a proven play caller at OC would be an incentive for him, unless he's just super tight with Spav. If he is, switch Spav to QB coach and bring in another OC. Not like anyone is going to be banging down his door to hire him as a play caller anyway.
  25. A&M is a mess right now but SC is an absolute dumpster fire and Sumlin knows it. How bad does a team have to be that the old ball coach can't even stomach finishing the season with them? The bad part for the Ags is Spav can dial up whatever he wants, play whatever QB they want, and everyone looks good. I doubt it will fool Aggie fans though. They've probably seen enough and the savvy ones know the difference in playing SC and ole miss. Aggies win handily and all 3 QBs could see action if Swaggy chooses.
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