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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Every one thought a few years ago that the conference realignment made one conference stronger and one weaker. They were right, just not in the way they thought they were... Anyone still believe TCU was not an "upgrade"? And anyone betting Mizzou over WVU? I didn't think so...
  2. You just ran out of time... And eventually games...
  3. you didn't have to clarify. Apparently, Mack has interest in USC-b team. I hope for his sake he doesn't go there. I haven't always been thrilled with every thing he's done, but that would not end well. Columbia is a place where former great coaches go to die and tarnish their legacies...
  4. All right man. I know that kool aid is tasty. I really, really wish Silsbee was playing Ozen this year instead of the other 2 Beaumont schools. Since Ozen just reloads, see if you can get them on the schedule next year. I will even lay a couple of points with the Tigers...
  5. All right. After watching him again yesterday, I do get your point. No question he does a lot of things better than Young (but different positions). Nijal literally gets better every time I see him (which is only every month or so). The kid puts in a tremendous amount of time in the gym and it shows. At the level he is going, I don't see Young as more than a role player. He's a superior shooter so that gives him a leg up because those are always needed. Not sure he will be more than that though at the high D1 level.
  6. not a huge central fan. I think I'm more of an impartial observer. And I've seen plenty of Ozen games. This is the weakest team they've had in a while. Central also lost Morris. But they have 2 of their best 3 players back with a good supporting cast. Losing Hunter is going to be tougher than you guys seem to want to admit. He single handedly kept you guys in the game a couple of times last year. But we will see who is right soon. Ball will be up in the air in a couple of weeks and the Panthers' ranking will be falling faster than Enron stock.
  7. Big difference between last year and this year. Ozen lost 3 huge pieces, including their inside presences. Central lost one of it's best 3. Ozen will get killed against any team with size and physicality. Soft as charmin inside. But again, we shall see. I just can't see Ozen making any kind of a deep run in the playoffs. They may keep the Central games closer than they should be but they aren't nearly the same team. I've been wrong before so who knows. I will only tell you I told you so a half dozen times or so, though. I promise.
  8. I think if it's close, it's because it's a big rivalry. Talent level is on a different plane. Central has a real shot to get to State. Ozen isn't one of the top 5 teams in the region IMO. Not sure they would be second in district, much less the State, without a recent move out from Nederland. I know you believe in those kids but I just don't see it. At all.
  9. Great post Mamba. I did not see Fall Brook or North Shore. Fair assessment on the others though. And from what I saw today: Central everyone else
  10. I don't like to rub salt in wounds when one team loses to another team. But Roper asked and this guy actually had me laughing during the TCU debacle. So here goes:
  11. The year long suspension on Florida's QB is ridiculous. I understand they have people to clear supplements through, but if you can buy it at GNC, to suspend for the year is ridiculous. The NCAA will have no one to blame but themselves when they become extinct.
  12. I believe Yates also has 6'7" sophomore Mitchell Seriale who transferred in.
  13. I don't know about no matter how you slice it. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I would respectfully disagree, and not just based on rankings and college coaches...
  14. Kraemer and I am guessing Kevin Dotson. Freshman with some length that should really help them this year.
  15. [Hidden Content] Bill Snyder is an absolute class act.
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