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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. man, I wish you guys could relate. I mean, when was the last time you guys had to suffer a defeat of say, 59-0? Toolbox...
  2. 66-3 against ucla. Unfortunately I was there. Mackovic wasn't much longer.
  3. It's really not as bad as it seems. If Nick Rose didn't suck, it would only be 47-6...
  4. Can't wait to see the officiating replays after this one. I'm not certain but I'm pretty sure the zebras could have prevented way more TCU scores than just that last one...
  5. He will be reassigned. I can't imagine they won't keep him on for recruiting purposes.
  6. I mean, shouldn't this be considered running up the score? There's only 39 minutes left on the game clock...
  7. Thank God for drops and missed throws. Otherwise that poor TCU punter would not have gotten on TV at all...
  8. The best tackle for Texas' defense today was by the TCU TE. But it looked like he might have been targeting his teammate...
  9. In response to how to erase this game from our memories:
  10. In response to the 120-0 pace:
  11. just tell people you meant upset in terms of how upset a lot of people were gonna be...
  12. Response to question if the team practices. The only bright spot to these games is reading this guy's tweets. Comedic gold.
  13. This replay official in the announcing booth must be the side judge from last week...no wonder he's no longer calling games.
  14. Man, didn't think so but Strong is about to be in a very hot seat.
  15. Boykin missed a throw or it would be 23-0...
  16. projecting isn't just for movies! So let me get this right, bringing up past Arkansas coaches is okay. (John L. Smith used to coach for Arkansas - maybe this is where you are lost.) Bringing up past aggy coaches not okay. In a thread about Arkansas AND A&M. Got it. Only in the delusional little world called Aggieland! And the majority of my posts on this thread are about the Longhorns. But as I've said, when you Aggies come in and lob softballs at the Horns (often in Texas threads), I can't help but hit them...
  17. Sorry, I thought this was a thread with "A&M" at the front of the title (unlike all the Texas threads with the "look at me! Look af me!" aggy posts. And that was in response to an Ag making a crack at a former Arkansas coach. Seems relevant but maybe it's me and not you who is having trouble keeping up. Kind of late and neither of us are spring chickens....
  18. Just think, you could have had one of those guys in a great line of coaches: Swaggy K, Sherminator, or Frantastic. All were good enough for big raises and extensions. And they all would have won a championship...they just ran out of games...
  19. Whatever makes you feel better about zero championships without leather helmets sport! (And a domination over 100 years head to head.). But hey, at least if you're 36, you can claim a one game advantage in that specific sample size I guess. After all, since the Ags alive today don't know what it's like the see the ultimate trophy hoisted, every win over daddy must have felt like one to you guys. But silly me using the last decade which ultimately led the Ags to go running elsewhere in an effort to compete....
  20. It's all about how a team is going. In any sport, at any level. Wins put butts in the stands. Remember lots of empty seats at some games of a school who believes they have the best of fans just a few short years ago. It happens. If the Horns return to the dominance of the last decade, they could sell out 120k easily. After all, they still have the most fans. As for Charlie, I can't say you're wrong. But if it goes south, there are a lot of impatient folks with a lot of money who won't sit idly. But you are right, he seems to be well liked by the right people. And Patterson, right or wrong, was where they focused their ire. I still think he has one more year barring a complete collapse. After that, he will be safe for as long as his teams show steady improvement.
  21. This. The halls of Harvard and Yale and full of them as well. It's a fact of life and always has been...
  22. That is one butt ugly avatar Buddy.
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