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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. As I've said, some of the best folks in SETX. You're never a stranger and they are as kind as they can be. And REALLY support their kids which I admire and respect tremendously. Whenever I meet someone from Evadale, I can just about guarantee they are going to be top shelf.
  2. No question. I have been "drinking the Silsbee kool aid" and have lost touch with reality. Actually, as you know, in reality I have no real rooting interest to choose one school over the other. I know kids that I really like at both schools and want to do well. And I like and respect both coaches. I am a big fan of Clay Davis' both on and off the court. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Won't be the first or the last time. But I do call 'em like I see 'em.
  3. I truly believe we are getting there. My kids and most of their friends (black and white) are truly color blind. I don't know that racism will ever be truly eradicated, but with the next generation, I think we will be even closer.
  4. Before last season, I predicted Silsbee would not lose more than 3 district games in 5 years. After last season, for my prediction to be correct, they cannot lose more than 2 district games before this year's freshman class graduates. And I would still gladly make that bet. And if anyone takes it, you'd better hope they lose at least one this year...
  5. You know I'm a fan of yours. I also, believe it or not, grew up in a lily white town. Through sports, I had many friends of different races and learned at an early age we are pretty much the same inside and skin color has nothing to do with "the content of one's character." Although I am fairly certain there was Klan activity in my hometown, my parents were educated and did pretty well and didn't know "for sure" of anyone involved. After all, racism is at its core, rooted in ignorance. And as far as the Klan goes, in addition to being idiots, their cowardice has them hiding their faces as well...
  6. Probably much ado about nothing. Another kid that wants to "enjoy" the recruiting process/attention. Can't blame a kid for that. Only happens once. I just wish they would hold off committing early when they aren't positive they want the process to be over. But again they are kids. In the end, they end up where they started as much or more than they don't. And as Pats said, who can blame him with A&M being OL U lately.
  7. Findlay Prep has been trying to get him to come. As far as I know, he is still firm to the Aggies. Kennedy and one of his assistants were at his games yesterday.
  8. Will do. Will be at the Evadale tournament for sure. Good tourney for the boys and girls.
  9. You could list every coach, D1 and below. Patterson and Briles are the top 2 and I would give Patterson a small edge. The coaches at the two biggest universities have a lot to prove to me to pass either. I don't believe Sumlin is in their class although he is a very good recruiter. A little early with Strong but I have my doubts. You could also throw Mack in this discussion and I would still list him third. And he's the only living coach to win a NC for a Texas school or play in a title game.
  10. Absolutely. Love the gym and watching the kids play. They had a really fun team to watch last year and I expect the same this year. And as I said, salt of the earth fans.
  11. PS, I didn't weigh in because I suck at FF. Been playing since we had to keep the stats by hand and fax them out each week. Haven't won the Super Bowl yet!
  12. Rich people problems... What the heck? You got 3 people in your league?? That team is stacked!!!
  13. It's not that difficult to see. The thing is, very few people believe they are a racist or a bigot. The ones who do are the idiots wearing it on their sleeves. But I will pass on calling anyone out. Not my place to do so. And hey, I hope I am wrong!
  14. You crack me up REB. Can't wait to meet you at a Rebel basketball game this year.
  15. i respect your opinion and agree with your point in theory. In practice, this does not happen on either side of the ballot. But no one loves or appreciates an idealist more than me.
  16. I will stay out of that one. As I've told you before, I know enough about you that I don't believe you're a racist. But as I've also said, there comes a point where as Shakespeare said, thou dost protest too much. I also firmly believe there are plenty on this site who would never have given this President a chance in part because of the color of his skin. It is obvious in the vitriol they spew. As far as this issue and others involving, at least on the periphery "reverse discrimination," I think it's a load of crap and a way for white people to divert any issues of discrimination and voice their displeasure over any special treatment of men and women of color. In truth, I have not the foggiest clue what it's like to experience racism or truly to be discriminated against because of the color of my skin. And I doubt you or many other Caucasians on this board have either.
  17. You are quickly becoming one of my favorite posters on this site, despite our philosophical differences. Makes sense though - Evadale is up there with Newton on my book with some of the best folks in SE Tx. Not sure I've ever met anyone from either place that I didn't really like.
  18. Careful Nash. You are starting to throw around trigger words without regard to context like your man Smitty. And I know you aren't senile. Yet
  19. I was just talking to my kid yesterday about this regarding another kid. Class of 2018 Connor Vanover, 7'1" and out of Little Rock. I told him kids from Arkansas get more pressure to stay and play for the Razorbacks than probably any other state. Even more than LSU with the Louisiana kids.
  20. Wow. Since even a British tabloid's story about environmental catastrophe confuses you, I was going to suggest you watch the movie, The Day After Tomorrow. But I'm afraid you will post clips of the severe freezing conditions in a movie about global warming...
  21. I opened this thread to make this same exact thing. Read my mind
  22. Kid just makes plays. However you can get him the ball. I will be surprised if he doesn't end up returning kicks/punts while he's there.
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