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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. If you are a sauce guy, JBs is a must try for you. I had a buddy of mine from Houston that would stop in and ship a case of it to his dad in New Jersey every time he passed through.
  2. Shoots it well from 3 and has serious hops. Needs some weight training and improved ball skills but he definitely has talent. And really is a great kid.
  3. Jaylon is a guard. Plays the 2 or 3 for us. 6'4" and jumps through the roof.
  4. I think you are right tvc (re: 3 Xs more likely when victim is white). I believe that was a study from Yale University 5-10 years ago. Thanks for the clarification.
  5. We joke but I were him and this happened, I would seriously consider a year or two in Canada. Dead serious.
  6. Greg Shead from Atascocita and Aaron Cephus from Dekaney/Westbury Christian moved to the Defenders this year from TJ Ford. A new addition to the 15u team, Jaylon Williams of Cleveland continues to receive rave reviews. After a game against KC Run GMC in New Orleans where Future 150 was tweeting live about Jaylon's performance (he had several amazing finishes above the rim against Manute Bol's 7 foot son Bol Bol), he had a game against Mo Williams this past weekend where he finished with 23 pts, 10 boards, and 5 assists. He now has several high D1 coaches (Power 5 Conference schools) making his games on the circuit. Look for him to continue to rise in the rankings as his game improves. He is already shooting up the lists.
  7. I wonder if that's because more whites are charged with murder than blacks by a long shot. Yet the death populations are remarkably close. Those facts were based upon studies at Yale and the University of Maryland as I recall...
  8. I do not post much on this board anymore for various reasons. However, these issues of race within the criminal justice system are not new and they are not fixed. Some of you know that capital punishment is an issue where I am very passionate. One of the reasons is because it is an area where the stats don't lie. And in the most serious way we dispense "Justice" in this country, racism is extremely evident. For instance, an African American man is about 3 times more likely to receive a death sentence in this country than a white man. in addition, statistics show that prosecutors are much more likely to seek the death penalty when the victim was white than when the victim was black. You can make any excuse you want for these but numbers don't lie. BUT let me say this (as a white man who sees the "system" at work daily). There is much that can be done that is much more productive than rioting. And these numbers don't lie either. If you don't like the current system, REGISTER TO VOTE. And, this shouldn't need to be said except that apparently it does, VOTE!!! Other than in the two Obama election years, African American voters comprise a lesser percentage of actual voter demographics than their percentage of the population. White voters always exceed their percentage of the country's demographics. You must realize that all elections matter and educate yourself on who deserves your vote and why. It's not just important when someone of your race is running for the country's highest office. Finally, and to me just as important, when you register to vote, you will then eventually get a jury summons. SHOW UP TO JURY DUTY and show up READY TO SERVE. I can attest that at least in this region, the demographics of African Americans in our jury pools is FAR LESS than their percentage of the demographics in our populace. Rather than complain about the system, DO YOUR PART TO FIX IT! Serving on a jury is one of the most fundamental and direct impacts you can have on our justice system. But this requires (1) showing up for jury duty and (2) being ready to serve on a jury and not just trying to find a way to get out of it. Sorry for the rant but if you want to complain about the system, there ARE productive ways you can go about making a true change. And those are a couple of great places to start. Carry on...
  9. Kind of long but a lot of it is spot on. MLB is going to feel the pain sooner rather than later IMO. [Hidden Content]
  10. Too true. It always amazes me how a week after HS ball ends, how many are not in shape to play basketball at this level. I guess playing "real basketball" (as discussed above) doesn't require the same level of conditioning ;)
  11. The point that many people miss with AAU is the opportunities some of these kids are given. It is still up to them what they make of them. To use an example, Kam McGusty plays with our 17u circuit team (same team as TJ). These kids are coached well and have one of the better floor generals in the country in JJ Caldwelll. Kam plays for Seven Lakes in Katy. He was MVP of his district. Pretty impressive at the 6A level. But after an Under Armour tournament this month in New Orleans, he picked up offers the following week from UT, OU, Kansas State, Auburn, and USC. After one tournament, not after an MVP high school season. Why? Because that is when those coaches saw him with their own eyes. After an undefeated weekend in Louisville, there will be many more offers coming. He and Josh Jackson from Detroit have battled back and forth to lead the circuit in scoring. And this is true for several of the kids on that team (including TJ). JJ leads the circuit in assists by a mile. I guess if it's necessary to dance with the "devil" to get those results, at least these kids will have the opportunity to get a free education out of it...
  12. In a all fairness, you can pretty much insert any name in that blank.
  13. TJ Atwood's stock rising after a couple of double doubles Saturday against Team Thad and Louisiana Elite. He has some already but should pick up at least a few more this week.
  14. What was the name of the Twilight Zone episode being filmed at the time?
  15. I do think you guys have, and have had, one of the best "area" teams, in the 16u division anyway. Losing Mike J will hurt since he was probably your best player but I will say SBG teams are always extraordinarily "deep."
  16. Not remotely close. But the ol' "but we were missing X" is a solid excuse and one that I have heard used frequently by a certain team.
  17. And Defenders delivered an absolute beatdown on Team Sneed in Houston a couple of weeks later (20+)... Why I was asking geographic parameters...
  18. Drive to Orange and eat at JBs. Hands down the best BBQ in the triangle. As far as brisket is concerned, there is no close second. You would have to drive to Pearland and eat at Killen's to beat it.
  19. One of the best pure PGs in the game. Just doesn't fit what Dallas does.
  20. Her Adam's apple is the size of a baseball.
  21. Amen. Not only that, to be able to compete with a team like Bridgeport, who plays year round together, you have to. If Silsbee does go to State and/or wins a championship in the coming years, the work they put in during the summers will be no small part of that. And the volunteer coaches like Brady deserved to be thanked for their work with the kids.
  22. It was actually the Houston 14u team that beat Stage. But they were in the same bracket with AJ's 14u group after pool play and AJ's team won first (both were playing up in 15u).
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