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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. After babying Kaminsky for 3/4s of the game, one small possession isn't too much to ask for...
  2. This is what all championship games should be like. Wow.
  3. Tyus Jones sure doesn't play like a freshman...
  4. Kaminsky literally can't believe it when he doesn't get a foul called! Must be nice.
  5. You guys are right. Grayson is nails tonight.
  6. Dekker with his 11th uncalled travel of the Final Four. His footwork will transfer nicely to the next level.
  7. Those last two highlights before commercial tell the tale. Okafor gets Kaminsky on the arm as he scores, foul called. Okafor powers through Kaminsky and scores while being hacked on the arm, no foul.
  8. I like his physicality on D too. If he is the next 4 year Duke player, I could see him in the Naismith running for 2018.
  9. Badgers owning offensive glass. Like another game I saw this weekend.
  10. And he plays same position as Quinn Cook, the senior who epitomizes Coach K basketball. Tough to sit him.
  11. Grayson didn't start playing well until the end of the regular season. He has come on of late though.
  12. Plumlee has no chance of guarding the Tank.
  13. No, but as you typed that they picked up another football NC during the Woodrow Wilson administration...
  14. WOS has had its share of kids that excelled at all 3 of those sports. Earl Thomas comes to mind and Deionte lately. Is this discounted for being a small school, even though they would likely have beaten Ozen at 2 of the 3 sports?
  15. Not sure about track but certainly josh Boyd in football and basketball.
  16. I really don't want to open a can of worms here but a point needs to be made. Kids of that generation use that word, with the -a ending, all the time. I don't like it in any form and don't like it used around me. But they use it as a general term, many times with no negative connotation. The problem is the history of the word. That being said, I don't see how Andrew's use of it referring to a white player is a racial slur. If he had called him a cracker or a honky, then yes I could see the racist slant. Here, the use of the F word was the more hostile part of the statement. And, to be sure, the whole statement was incredibly stupid, especially sitting on a dais during a post-game presser. As we see all the time, kids do and say stupid things from time to time. In this one, no one got hurt except the kid using poor judgment and not controlling his emotions. I can tell you first hand, however, this is not a bad kid. He is, in fact, the opposite of that.
  17. What the hell? Terrible foul call there.
  18. Not at all. Completely agree with you. I was just pointing out they were lax with calling the steps. No biggie with me either.
  19. Dekker traveled a couple of times with no call as well. One time before he was fouled. But officials were consistent and I agree pretty good.
  20. Just a reminder that Shaka Smart is the basketball coach at the University of Texas. The only other time my alma mater hired my first choice for a replacement was with Augie. That seems to have been a good hire...
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