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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. Went to Navarro. Was an assistant at UTA, A&M Kingsville and A&M.
  2. I agree wholeheartedly. I really would like Shaka Smart but would be happy with Buzz as well.
  3. Word now is Texas must win Big 12 tourney AND make deep run in order for Barnes to keep his job. Talk about a Hail Mary. Favorite to replace him is Gregg Marshall from Wichita State. I still prefer Shaka but it's Marshall apparently who Patterson favors.
  4. Dungy is one of the classiest coaches in any sport that I have seen. I am always interested in his thoughts/opinions.
  5. Unfortunately, this is true way too often. I am proud to have been a member of a fraternity that pledged and initiated the first African American member of any non-traditionally black fraternity on campus. And of course, some of the members or other fraternities began referring to us by changing the first letter of our name "Sigma" to an N. There will always be idiots in this world,
  6. PM - after watching this weekend, how good is this A&M team? I know the schedule hasn't been the toughest but to be undefeated in this sport 15 games in is pretty impressive regardless. I haven't seen them yet.
  7. Man I just don't see it with him. But maybe I'm missing something.
  8. Lunardi has Texas now as one of last 4 in and A&M as last 4 out. Texas played a much tougher schedule but I don't think I agree. Real bad loss today though.
  9. He's not saying anything different from what you'd hear listening to sports talk radio. Texas has been, is, and always will be the premier program in this state and one of the elite few in the country. In short, we are the program aggy has always coveted. But all the conference moves in the world ain't gonna get you there. Just the facts, ma'am ;)
  10. Too funny [Hidden Content]
  11. Hmmmm? Remind me who runs this state again? [Hidden Content]
  12. I would encourage you to attend a practice and talk to the parents on the 14u Defenders team. Several have been involved with multiple teams in this area and can tell you why they think the team they are with is the best for their sons. In addition, AJ does a phenomenal job with those kids. Has no kids in the program but donates his time for the love of the game. 3 out of the 4 kids in this area who signed D1 scholarships last year (class of 2014) played for AJ (Laquarious Paige, Colton Weisbrod, and Mike Zeno). All 3 would give you very strong recommendations about him as well.
  13. Hands down best 14u team in the area. Loaded at the guard spot and would benefit from additional size though. Also play the best schedule and that isn't even close.
  14. They still have alabama left at home. Lost badly to the Tide early in conference play but Bama isn't very good. If the Ags win, that puts them at 21-9 and that's good enough to get them in imo.
  15. If they beat K St on Saturday and win the opener in the Big 12 tournament (vs Tech I think), that puts them at 20 wins. Wouldn't be shocked either way at that point.
  16. Could have called a 5 sec call on Felix
  17. Turner is a shot blocking machine.
  18. Wow. We lost thaf ejection battle
  19. Sigh - 25 footer is the shot we come up with on a 25 second, no shot clock possession. Wonder why we can't close.
  20. Sigh - 25 footer is the shot we come up with on a 25 second, no shot clock possession. Wonder why we can't close.
  21. I guess you would call it a "pass." He let it be known (through his agent of course) if he was offered (without interviewing, etc.), he would come. This was Patterson's show and he refused to take that route. I had this confirmed by a pretty prominent Baylor alum who is very involved with the program. Same guy initially told me (right after Mack "retired") there was no way Briles would leave for Texas.
  22. Whaaa? Whose uniforms did the Aggies infiltrate in the 2010 Big 12 Championship game - OU's (the '10 Champion) or Nebraska's? Or is this like one of those 2 "National Championships" the Ags suddenly found the summer they joined the SEC from the 1910s?
  23. One word: Waco It is a not so well kept secret Briles would have left if offered the job without interviewing. i have had this confirmed by some prominent Baylor alums. That being said, Scott Drew wouldn't be near the top of my list. He has had a lot of off the court issues in his program that would keep him from getting the Texas job anyway.
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