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Everything posted by TxHoops

  1. To be honest, I don't think I put them in as it sits right now.
  2. I tend to agree with this theory. And the more information that gets released seems to support it. It's one of those "offenses" that is easy to allege and hard to "disprove." And unfortunately, we live in a society that tends to forget it's not up to the accused to disprove anything. Thus, it's easy to mar someone's image based on an unsupported allegation. And this is just another factoid that seems to severely discredit this girl's credibility.
  3. I think he will still go #1. And I have a feeling he's going to have a good NFL career.
  4. Losing by double digits to Iowa state at home (granted a quality team). But read today that barring a sweet 16 finish, barnes is finished. In other words, he gone.
  5. I don't see how they aren't already in. And deservedly so.
  6. We're not sleeping with WVU. We allow them to use a guest bedroom. You know, STDs and all...
  7. Recruiting violations are not only encouraged in the $EC, they are a badge of honor...
  8. REALLY like what Kennedy has done with this team. I was not a believer going into this season but with the job he's done this year on the court and recruiting, count me in. Speaking of in, I would have A&M in the field now. Period.
  9. I bet that's the last UK game he gets this season. If someone beats em, great job. But you can't have some clown screwing up a potentially historic season due to a vendetta or incompetence.
  10. No idea how a college crew can be that bad. What even possesses someone to blow their whistle on that Booker play? Not like you whistle until you see foot on the line.
  11. When you think the lock-steppers don't know what they are talking about with respect to global warming, look for this argument. Then you can know they don't. ;) :rollseyes:
  12. Get ready MJD. You're next up in the parade of washed up RBs woody likes to sign.
  13. Valentine's Day goodies: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  14. Yes, you guys are right. The overwhelming majority of the scientific community skew their data because they are liberals. You figured it out. What is the most ridiculous thing about this discussion is that it has become a bi-partisan issue. It really should transcend party lines. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Unless you are named Limbaugh and serving magic kool aid. But I will leave the rest of this discussion to the legion of meteorologic geniuses occupying this board :rolleyes:
  15. I would have thought you guys got all of Tech you wanted. The Red Raiders owned the Aggies in Big 12 years.
  16. Here is a discussion that breaks the issue down, although rudimentary, in a way most on this board can understand. My apologies that it doesn't come from the great scientific mind of Rush Limbaugh: [Hidden Content]
  17. No, no - they've moved on* *Other than the 90 minutes each day spent googling all things Texas
  18. Reading for comprehension...not your strong suit ;). Although as much reading as you do on the University of Texas, I'd expect you're improving...
  19. Traylor will be announced as new TE coach. If he recruits as well as he did at Gilmer he's already one of the best recruiters. East Texas is ours.
  20. Great post. Agree completely. As my favorite tweeter, Charlie F'n Strong said, "Aggies are like the job applicant who brags about the accomplishments of all his former employers who fired him."
  21. I agree it's not close. Way worse from Aggies. The reason, I have always believed is that A&M doesn't have any other bitter rivals like Texas has with OU. Go to Texags and look at all the threads about Texas and the vitriol displayed there. This against a school they no longer play. You will find far more than the reverse on shaggybevo or hornfans. At least that's my experience. As for this site, you may be right because there seems to be more Longhorn fans than Aggies. Although I will say there does seem to be a fair amount of trolling - except from me of course ;)
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